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Toadettes Christmas Adventure (Hack) (NES)

ViperZang edited this page Dec 25, 2020 · 1 revision

1) Synopsis

Set Difficulty: 1/10
Approximate time to Master: >1 hour
Minimum Number of Playthroughs Needed: 2
Number of Missable Achievements: Yes Does Difficulty Affect Achievements?: N/A

2) Introduction

Toadette’s Christmas Adventure is a rom hack of Super Mario Bros. for the NES. It is a short game, simply a single world. The story is that essentially toad has been captured by a monster and you need to travel through a snowy wonderland to save Toad.

3) Walkthrough

Step 1

The first step is the play the game. Essentially you should get as many as you can which should be nearly all of them. One achievement however makes it need a second playthrough as you need to leave a second on the clock. Doing this step of just playing the game will unlock the following achievements:

Step 2

This step is essentially for the “missable” ones. One of these you will need to do on a second playthrough as you’ll need to leave a second on the clock for one achievement. I recommend doing the second on the clock for the first level to make getting the last speedy achievement easier. So, before completing the game, you should grind out these last few achievements:

4) Achievements


Beat level 1-1.

Can’t be missed


Beat level 1-2.

Can’t be missed


Beat level 1-3.

Can’t be missed


Beat level 1-4.

Can’t be missed

Speedy 1-1

Beat the whole Level 1-1 with 200 seconds still on the clock.


Not too difficult, just run through the level as fast as you can. The time limit isn’t too bad.

Speedy 1-2

Beat the whole Level 1-2 with 200 seconds still on the clock.


Not too difficult, just run through the level as fast as you can. The time limit isn’t too bad.

Speedy 1-3

Beat the whole Level 1-3 with 100 seconds still on the clock.


Not too difficult, just run through the level as fast as you can. The time limit isn’t too bad.

Speedy 1-4

From the beginning of the level, kill the monster and save Toad with 100 seconds on the clock.


Not too difficult, just run through the level as fast as you can. The time limit isn’t too bad.


Eat a mushroom and turn purple.

There are several powerup blocks in each level, find one and get the mushroom.

Snowball Fight!

Gain the ability to throw Snowballs.

Similar to the last one, the only difference is you need to make sure you keep your mushroom powerup. As long as you are powered up, you’ll get the snowballs coming up.


Get a 1-up mushroom.

Find a 1-up in a block.

Multiple 1-ups

Get at least two 1-up mushrooms in the game without dying.

Similar to the previous one, you just need to do it without dying.

Close Call!

Beat a level with only 001 second on the clock.

Not to difficult, I recommend doing this on the first level for 1, you screw up and two, when you need to do a speed run achievement, the first level is easier than the others.

Change for a Poor Man

Get 12 coins.

There are not many coins in this game… at all, while they can be found through the game, the best way to do this is on the first level, get the coins near the beginning, kill yourself, repeat.

Snowballed Monster

Kill the Monster while having the Snowball.....suit.

This one isn’t too hard, the boss is actually easier with the snowball suit, essentially you need to keep the suit on and not take damage getting to him once you have the suit. Make it to him, snowball him to death.

Snowballed Power

Beat a level while still having the Snowball power up.

Similar to the boss one, just keep the snowball suit on when you beat a level.

20,000 Points

Accumulate 20,000 Points.

Refer to 50,000 Points.

30,000 Points

Accumulate 30,000 Points.

Refer to 50,000 Points.

40,000 Points

Accumulate 40,000 Points.

Refer to 50,000 Points.

50,000 Points

Accumulate 50,000 Points.

Coins, killing enemies, time left will all award you points. You will even keep your points if you die, so long as it is not a game over. Essentially just kill things to get your points up, even if you need to die some times to get a chance at a higher score, do so.








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