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Antonio Piccolboni edited this page Feb 12, 2015 · 9 revisions

Final update

From now on the "Changelog" and "New in this release" documents are merged into the release page. Please update your links and bookmarks.

rmr 3.3.0

* and the Avro input format

  • small enhancements and bug fixes

See New in this release for details.

rmr 3.2.0

  • mapreduce returns job and application id as attributes
  • multiple bug fixes related to keyval corner cases (check also user>rmr>Keyval-types-and-combinations), factor serialization, profiling, outer joins, hbase format build, and package load order.

See New in this release for details.

rmr 3.1.2

  • Adds windows compatibility

rmr 3.1.1

  • fixed support for date columns and logical NAs
  • switched to Imports to prevent namespace pollution
  • silenced some warnings

See New in this release for details.

rmr 3.1.0

  • New option hdfs.tempfile, gone dfs.tempfile, splits the tmp for the two backends.
  • Hbase format gains start and stop row and regex filtering capability, courtesy @khharut.
  • Fixes an efficiency problem with serialization when data frames used as keys.
  • Fixes a problem with factors used as keys and reduce groups.
  • More bugs squashed.

See New in this release for details.

rmr 3.0.0

  • Faster than 2.3.0 where that version was slow, 10X in some cases, and in general more predictable as far as performance.
  • Removes confusing keyval.length option giving responsability to each format for how much to read and write.
  • Adds dfs.exists to check if a file exists (backend independent).
  • Fixes a problem with the hbase format.
  • Fixes the reduce call counter.
  • Allows to set the HDFS_CMD environment variable to help rmr2 find the hdfs command, avoid annoying deprecation warnings.

See New in this release for details.

rmr 2.3.0

  • Supports the upcoming plyrmr package, now in preview.
  • New backend independent file operations
  • New "pig.hive" format to import/export from/to those systems
  • Speed improvements when using data frames.
  • Better key normalization, prevents occasional grouping errors.
  • Limit broadcasting of large objects for efficiency reasons, under user contol.

See New in this release for details.

rmr 2.2.2

  • Fixes two bugs, one of which can cause occasional, hard to detect data corruption. Recommended upgrade.

See New in this release for details.

rmr 2.2.1

  • Compatible with Hortonworks Data Platform for windows.
  • Speed improvements
  • A number of bug fixes affecting, among others, equijoin and the local backend.

See New in this release for details.

rmr 2.2.0

  • equijoin now accepts I/O format specs like mapreduce.
  • rmr.options now give access to a dfs.tempdir setting to set the HDFS tempdir to a different setting from the R tempdir.
  • rmr.str returns its own argument, which allows less intrusive code changes when adding logging.
  • Made some error messages more informative.
  • Bugs affecting c.keyval, equijoin, keyval, the CSV input and ouput formats, the "reduce calls" counter and the backend.parameters option to mapreduce

See New in this release for details.

rmr 2.1.0

  • Faster, with both behind-the-API work and some additional features focused on accelerating the reduce phase.
    • Reduce functions can be vectorized w.r.t to the keys, in addition to the values, for the case of small reduce groups.
    • In-memory combiners can be faster than the regular variety for some applications.
  • Counters provide an additional way to monitor jobs and memory profiling helps with optimization.
  • HBase input format to process directly HBase tables
  • c.keyval function that helps creating complex key-value pairs.

See New in this release for details.

rmr 2.0.2

  • Lighter dependencies, compatible with R 2.15.2 and numerous bug fixes, many related to equijoin.

See New in this release for details.

rmr 2.0.1

  • Tested on CDH3, CDH4, Apache Hadoop 1.0.4 and MapR 2.0.1.
  • Many bug fixes including rmr.sample and equijoin.

See New in this release for details.

rmr 2.0.0

  • Simplified API with better support for vectorization and structured data. As a trade off, some porting of 1.3.1 based code is necessary.
  • Modified native format now combines speed and compatibility in a transparent way; backward compatible with 1.3.x
  • Completely refactored source code
  • Added non-core functions for sampling, size testing, debugging and more
  • True map-only jobs

See New in this release for details.

rmr 1.3.1

  • Tested on CDH3, CDH4, and Apache Hadoop 1.0.2
  • Completed transition of the code-heavy part of the documentation to Rmd

See New in this release for details.

rmr 1.3

  • An optional vectorized API for efficient R programming when dealing with small records.
  • Fast C implementations for serialization and deserialization from and to typedbytes.
  • Other readers and writers work much better in vectorized mode, namely csv and text
  • Additional steps to support structured data better, that is you can use more data frames and less lists in the API
  • Better whirr scripts, more forgiving behavior for package loading and bug fixes

See New in this release for details.

rmr 1.2

  • Binary formats
  • Simpler, more powerful I/O format API
  • Native binary format with support for all R data types
  • Worked around an R bug that made large reduces very slow.
  • Backend specific parameters to modify things like number of reducers at the hadoop level
  • Automatic library loading in mappers and reducers
  • Better data frame conversions
  • Adopted a uniform.naming.convention
  • New package options API

rmr 1.1

  • Native R serialization/deserialization, which implies that all R objects are supported as key and value, without any conversion boilerplate code. This is the new default. JSON still supported. csv reader/writer also available -- somewhat experimental.
  • Multiple backends (hadoop and local); local backend is useful for debugging at small scale; having two backends enforces modular design, opens up further possibilities (rjava, Amazon's EMR, OpenCL have been suggested), forces to clarify semantics.
  • Multiple tests of backend equivalence.
  • Simpler interface for profiler.
  • Equijoins (rough equivalent of merge for mapreduce)
  • dfs.empty to check if file is empty
  •, to.reduce, to.reduce.all higher order functions to create simple map and reduce functions from regular ones.
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