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Becca Krouse edited this page Jul 23, 2018 · 31 revisions


The codebook package provides an R interface for Rho's web-codebook JavaScript library, which provides a concise summary of every variable in a dataset. This tool includes interactive features such as real-time filters and requires minimal user configuration. The R interface allows the analyst to interactively explore datasets within the typical analysis workflow and working environment. codebook has been built using the htmlwidgets framework.


The interactive codebook inspired Frank Harrell's excellent describe method from the hmisc R package. describe creates concise data summaries with minimal user configuration. Further, Agustin Calatroni (link) and Shane Rosanbalm (link) have created SAS data summary methods at Rho in recent years. Our goal here is to create a web-based data summary that uses the same general principles (concise data display, minimal configuration), but with added interactivity (filters, paneled displays, data listings) that is not possible in static displays.

R package

The codebook package consists of two key tools: codebook and codebook explorer. Codebook delivers an interactive interface for a single data frame. Codebook explorer extends this functionality, allowing the user to navigate through multiple data frames. While codebook and codebook explorer can be loaded as HTML widgets using their respective R functions, the package also includes a dedicated Shiny application (also available as an RStudio add-in) for each. The shiny applications offer easy access to data currently loaded in the R session, the ability to upload data files, and/or the ability to download a static or interactive data summary.




More information about using the codebook package can be found in subsequent pages of the Wiki.

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