This project was implemented with the following technologies:
- Vanilla
for overall structure and game logic, Easel.js
withHTML5 Canvas
for DOM manipulation and effects rendering,- Webpack to bundle js files.
Don't fall is a platform jumper game. You play as the Jumper. The Jumper must continue to run on platforms. A high score is given based on how far one goes before falling off the screen.
The controls are below:
- S: begins the game
- Enter: restarts the game if the jumper has fallen.
- Up Arrow: jump
- Up Arrow (x2): double jump (when jumping from the platforms)
- F: shoot fireball
- T: toggle sound in game
To Play: Live
You will see the following start screen, which lays out the controls:
Jump from platform to platform:
onImageLoaded(e) {
let spriteSheet = new createjs.SpriteSheet({
images: ['assets/stickman.png'],
frames: {width: 180, height: 340, regX:0, regY:0},
animations: { run: [0, 69, 'run', 2] }
this.jumper = this.stage.addChild( new createjs.Sprite(spriteSheet));
this.jumper.setTransform(0, 0, 0.3, 0.3);
this.jumper.y = 100;
this.jumper.x = 0;
if (this.platforms.length < 4) {
const platform = new Platform(this.stage,;
let x = Math.random()*100 + 350;
for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
let y = Math.random()*200 + 300;
let newPlatform = new Platform(this.stage,, x, y);
this.lastPlatformX = x;
x += Math.random()*100 + 350;
movePlatformToEnd(platform, jumperBounds) {
if (jumperBounds.x > platform.platform.x + 600) {
this.lastPlatformX += Math.random()*100 + 350;
platform.platform.x = this.lastPlatformX;
platform.platform.y = Math.random()*200 + 300;
this.platforms.forEach((platform) => {
let platformBounds = platform.platform.getTransformedBounds();
let jumperBounds = jumper.getTransformedBounds();
this.movePlatformToEnd(platform, jumperBounds);
if (jumperBounds.intersects(platformBounds)) {
if (platformBounds.y > jumperBounds.y && velocity.y > 0) {
jumper.y = platformBounds.y - 100;
this.onGround = true;
platformX = platformBounds.x + platformBounds.width;