A RoboSherlock package managing the connection an annotation for maskrcnn
The src folder of your catkin workspace must contain the following packages:
- RoboSherlock: https://github.com/RoboSherlock/robosherlock
- mask_rcnn_ros_msgs Msgs: https://github.com/RoboSherlock/mask_rcnn_msgs
- Clone this repository to the src folder of your workspace
- Open a terminal in your workspace folder and use
catkin build
(do NOT usecatkin_make
) - Source your workspace
- For the provided dockerfile use:
sudo docker build -t rs_maskrcnn/docker .
- Start a
- to launch docker with host network:
docker run --rm -it --network host rs_maskrcnn/docker
- To launch docker with different network:
sudo docker run -it -p 8888:8888 -p 6006:6006 -v ~/:/mask-rcnn-network rs_maskrcnn/docker
- In docker:
rosrun mask_rcnn_ros mask_rcnn_service.py
- In your sourced workspace folder, type
rosrun robosherlock runAAE _ae:=mongo_maskrcnn_example _vis:=true
- The
tag is optional, if you like to see what the robot sees on your machine - The
tag however is crucial. It specifies the pipeline processing the vision.
- The
- This is only an example how to use the mask_rcnn_ros repository https://github.com/tpatten/mask_rcnn_ros within roboherlock
- the model is not trained on our database yet