Hello 👋, I am Rohit. I am a fullstack developer (or trying to be 😅) and I create web applications using MERN stack. Unlike most people seeing "Hello World!" for first time on my screen wasn't a huge deal, however building social netwroking web application meant a lot to me. I am intersted in building applications that let users interact with one another or maybe get real time updates about something. I know it sounds cheesy but I love developing applications. I hate to test them though.
So anyways, if you want to know more about me, ping me on: rohitroy741760@gmail.com.
If you were not able to guess my skills from the intro, here they are🙌
I have learned JavaScript from many resources. You hame it, I have tried it: Udemy, Freecodecamp, JavaScript.info. I like to use JavaScript for everything, even competitive programming (It didn't work out well😂). So anyways talk to me about JavaScript, the good parts, the bad parts, the weird parts, pretty much anything.
Ok honestly, I never really learned JavaScript Browser APIs and used them in large application. I started with React. Don't Judge me, I did study JS first okay. I like React, its separation of concerns instead of technologies and its component architecture. I am constantly trying to improve my React knowledge.
I know how to create a http server in Node JS and do routing using conditionals. I also know file handling in JS using Node APIs. Apart from that I know how EventEmitters and Streams work on a higher level. And yes, did I mention that I know how NodeJS runs a single thread of JavaScript and yet is non-blocking😁.
I know I said how to do routing in NodeJS but I never said that I like it. For building any kind of backend service in Node, express is my goto framework. Its minimalistic, unopinonated and beautifule.
I prefer MongoDB over SQL databases, because of its flexibilty in the type of data that can be stored in a document's field and theeasy to read storage format that can be easily converted to a native type in most languages.