Electrocardiography (ECG) classification based on the PTB-XL dataset.
The goal of this repo is to explore the PTB-XL dataset and try to classify ECGs.
The data used in this work is from PhysioNet and it is available here.
You can manually download it or run:
wget -r -N -c -np https://physionet.org/files/ptb-xl/1.0.2/
Poetry is used to manage the requirements. Visit Poetry for installation details.
Tip: if you are using VS Code run
poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true
to generate the.env
in the root
With Poetry installed, one just needs to run poetry install
from the root of the repo.
The first goal is to explore the data. Our data exploration consists on the following steps:
- load the data
- visualize target data
- preprocess the data
- apply filters
- estimate the baseline wander
- estimate the QRS complex
- evaluate the data split suggested by
- data augmentation techniques
The EDA is done in notebooks/eda.ipynb
Once we run the notebook, we have a clear understanding on how is the data and how is it split.
Work in progress.