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This repository contains my personal dotfiles.


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This configuration is no longer updated. Using this repository for it's Neovim configuration is not recommended.


If you don't care about bs and want straight to the bussiness then click here.

Table of Contents


This configuration is aimed at development in Neovim on MacOS. That being said, the purpose of this repository is to help you get started. You are encouraged to change it to your liking, and I designed it with that in mind.

Note: The _ in the file/directory names represents .


Follow this quick tutorial to get everything you need for the full experience.

Alternatively, go through the plugins one by one and follow their installation guides.

Note1: I strongly recommend that you install everything using Brew as it will make maintaining everything way easier.

Note2: Brew is MacOS specific.


If you followed prerequisites section you should have most of the stuff done already. Now we just take it one step further. For a powerful zsh setup, read this article and then check my .zshrc file.


You can find plugins I use in the .zshrc file in

plugins =( ... )
Name Description
Brew Adds aliases for common brew commands
Git Adds aliases for common git commands
MacOS Utilities for macOS system
Tmux Aliases for common tmux commands
Zsh-autosuggestions This is a must have
Zsh-syntax-highlighting Does as it says


The aliases.zsh file, located in the .config directory, contains my personal configuration. Plugins add a whole lot more, and I definitely recommend checking each plugin out.

Note: Don't forget to add this into your .zshrc.

source ~/.config/aliases.zsh

Tip: I recommend setting up aliases for quick navigation to your work directory.

Custom aliases

Alias Command Desription
General Practical commands
c clear Clear your terminal
x exit Leave current session
n nvim Open neovim
r source ~/.zshrc Reload zsh configuration
u bubu && maintain Runs all necessary update commands
Maintenance Maintain this configuration with ease
u_colorls gem update colorls Updates colorls
u_omz omz update Updates oh My ZSH!
maintain u_colorls && u_omz && nonu Updates all plugins which are not managed by brew
Filesystem Move faster across files
~ cd ~/ Move to home directory
. Open . Opens current directory
.. cd .. Move up a directory
... cd ../.. Move up 2 directories
.... cd ../../.. Move up 3 directories
..... cd ../../../.. Move up 4 directories
ls colorls Beautiful file listing
tree colorls --tree=3 --sd --dark File tree
utree colorls --tree=10 --sd --dark Unlimited file tree
detail colorls -lA --sd --dark Detailed info about files
Shortcuts Fast navigation
desk cd ~/Desktop move to desktop directory
.zshrc nvim ~/.zshrc Opens .zshrc in neovim
aliases nvim ~/.config/aliases.zsh Opens aliases.zsh in neovim
neovim nvim ~/.config/nvim/init.lua Opens init.lua in neovim
.tmux.conf nvim ~/.tmux.conf Opens .tmux.conf in neovim
.p10k nvim ~.p10k.zsh Opens .p10k.zsh in neovim
.config cd ~/.config Go to .config directory
work Move to your work directory
Brew Note: Brew plugin adds a lot more Common brew comands
bu brew upgrade Upgrades outdated packages
bi brew install Install package
bri brew reinstall Reinstall package
bl brew list List of brew packages
bubo brew update && brew outdated Update Brew and list outdated packages
bubc brew upgrade && brew cleanup Upgrade outdated packages and run cleanup
bubu bubo && bubc Runs both commands above
Git Note: Git plugin adds a lot more Common git commands
gc git clone --recursive Clones git repository properly
repo gc Clones this repository
Tmex Read official docs for more info
te <layout> tmex -l After te you add your layout
Npm Read official docs for more info
ni npm install Install package
nonu npm outdated && npm update Maintain packages



  1. Install tmux.
  2. Clone this repository (if you haven't done so already)

or if you don't use my aliases then by running:

  1. Rename the _tmux.conf to .tmux.conf and put it in your root directory (~/).
  2. Open a terminal and run the code bellow to reload the configuration file.
tmux source ~/.tmux.conf


Follow the tmux installation guide to install it properly.


  • If you want your temperature in fahrenheit then in .tmux.conf file change
set -g @dracula-show-fahrenheit

to false.

You may also like tmex. You will need to install npm by running bi npm and when that's done run ni tmex. Tmex will let you esily start multi-pane sessions using tmux. I recommend reading the docs for more info.


For these commands to work, you need to have my zsh configuration and have this tmux plugin and my aliases.zsh file setup properly.

Commands Description
t Opens tmux
ts <name> Create new session with name
ta <name> Come back to session
tl List of sessions
td Leave session
tkc Terminate current session
tko Terminate all other sessions
tka Terminate all sessions

Key binding

<prefix> represents <control>a (must be pressed at the same time).

Shortcut Description
<prefix>I Reload tmux
<control>h/j/k/l Move across panes
<prefix>h/j/k/l Resize panes
<prefix>? Help with commands
<prefix>| Horizontal split
<prefix>- Vertical split
<prefix>m Maximize/Minimize pane

Not working!



πŸ“‚  ~/.config/nvim/
   └────  πŸ“‚  lua/
   β”‚  └────  πŸ“‚  editor/
   β”‚  └────  πŸ“‚  mapping/
   β”‚  └────  πŸ“‚  plugrc/
   β”‚  β”‚  └────  πŸ“‚  lsp/
   β”‚  └────  πŸ“‚  ui/
   β”‚  β”œβ”€β”€β”€β”€  πŸ“„  plugins.lua
   β”‚  └────  πŸ“„  utils.lua
   └────  πŸ“„  init.lua

editor contains the neovim editor configuration.

mapping contains all key bindings.

plugrc contains individual plugin setups.

ui contains settings for neovim appearance.

plugins contains Packer with a list of all plugins.

utils.lua contains handy, reusable functions.


  1. Run this to install neovim.
bi neovim

or if you don't use my aliases then by running:

brew install neovim
  1. Install plugin manager Packer on MacOS or Linux using this:
  1. Clone this repository (if you haven't done so already)

or if you don't use my aliases then by running:

  1. Go to downloads/_config and then move the nvim to your ~/.config directory.
  2. Open your terminal and run:

or if you do not use my aliases then do:

  1. Now you will see lot of errors. Simply click though them and then type :PackerSync. This will update your neovim. Then type :q to leave and reopen neovim. May be neccesary to again type :PackerSync and also wait for other plugins to install what they need so do not close neovim right away.


See this for information on how to install and setup nvim for MacOS and other platforms.


Here is a complete list of all plugins. Special thanks to all of the authors and maintainers. The order is the same as in the plugins.lua file.

With over 60 plugins, the average load time is under 9 milliseconds (measured on a MacBook M2).

Plugins list
Name Description
Packer Plugin/Package manager
Plenary Used by plugins
Impatient Speed up startup time
Theme Plugins affecting visuals
Onedark Awesome theme
Startup Customizable startup screen
Essential Add functionality
Surround Master parentheses, brackets, quotes, XML tags, and more
Comment Better comments
Leap Super fast movement
Vim Tmux Navigator Navigate seamlessly between vim and tmux
Nvim Tree File explorer
Vim Dev Icons Adds icons for plugins
Lualine Adds neovim status line
Telescope Finder
Todo Comments Add todo comments
Sad Find and replace
Neorg Organizer
Bufferline Shameless attempt to emulate the aesthetics of GUI text editors
Languages Language specific plugins
Clangd Extensions Better C/C++ experience
Neodev Better Lua experience
Rust Tools Better Rust experience
Glow Markdown preview
LSP Lsp related
LSP Setup Wrapper for LSP Config and Mason-lspconfig
LSP Config Configs for the neovim LSP client
Mason Vital for LSP
Mason-lspconfig Vital for Mason
Nvim Cmp Completion engine for neovim
Cmp Nvim LSP Source for neovim's built-in language server client
Lua Snip Snippets for Lua
Cmp Lua Snip Lua Snip completion source for Nvim Cmp
LSP Kind Adds VS code like pictograms
LSP Fuzzy Makes neovim LSP use FZF
LSP Signature Show function signature when you type
DAP Debugging
DAP Virtual Text Adds virtual text support to DAP
Trouble Pretty list for diagnostics, definitions, etc.
Null-ls Inject LSP diagnostics, code actions, etc.
Mason Null-ls Bridges Mason and Null-ls
Treesitter Highlighting
LSP Saga Powerfull LSP UI plugin
Fidget LSP progress handler
LSP Colors Adds colors for LSP
LSP Kind Nicer LSP
Lsp status Status of LSP
Esthetics Style guide, indentation, trailing spaces etc.
Guess indent Formats indentation
Autopairs Automatically close parens, brackets, quotes, etc.
Custom Diagnostic Highlight Better LSP Highlight
Dressing Better UI
Git Signs Git decorations

Key binding

<leader> represents space key.

Shortcut Mode Description
Most common
jk Insert Enter normal mode
<leader>e Normal Toggle file explorer
<leader>dtd Normal Display all TODO comments
<leader>rn Normal Project wide find and replace
<leader>gc Normal Toggle grammar check
<leader>su Normal Return to Startup screen
<leader>r Normal Reload nvim configuration
<leader>ps Normal Run :PackerSync command
<leader>lt Normal See load times at the startup
<leader>t Any Opens terminal on next window
<leader>bc Normal Close current buffer
<leader>ba Normal Close all buffers
<leader>bn Normal Move to next buffer
<leader>bp Normal Move to previous buffer
<leader>bl Normal Move to last visited buffer
<leader>b1 Normal Move to first buffer
<leader>b9 Normal Move to last buffer
<leader>sv Normal Split vertically
<leader>sh Normal Split horizontally
<leader>sx Normal Close split window
<leader>ff Normal Find file in current directory
<leader>fs Normal Find string in current directory
<leader>ftd Normal Search though TODO comments
<leader>rb Normal Recent buffers in current session
<leader>of Normal Old files
pd Normal, Insert Peek definition
fd Normal, Insert Find definition and references
gd Normal, Insert Go to definition
[d ]d Normal, Insert Move between diagnostics
[e ]e Normal, Insert Jump between errors
<leader>dd Normal Display diagnostics
hd Normal, Insert Get hover doc with useful information
<leader>bd Normal Show buffer diagnostics
<leader>gr Normal Get references
<leader>ca Normal Code actions
<leader>o Normal Toggle outline

Recommended read

Here are some resources you can use to master this configuration. Note that all the plugins mentioned are already installed and configured.

Name Description
leap Move around even faster using this plugin
surround.vim Master the art of parentheses, brackets, quotes, XML tags, and more
comment.nvim Supper easy way to comment out code etc.


Startup Zsh Tree Editor Telescope Tmux


Too many files open

If you get this error message after running


then go into a terminal and enter this piece of code:

ulimit -n 10240

Note that this is not a permanent solution. It will increase the maximum number of files just for the current session.