Full-Stack software developer, future bachelor in software engineering. Specializing in Back-end, machine learning, artificial intelligence and chatbots. In addition, I believe in changes through education, so my mission as a professional is to democratize education through technology.
🔭 I’m currently working on Ambev Data Orquestration
🌱 I’m currently learning Java/Spring Boot Framework, python/django, Data Structure
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Bank Itaú Data Structure and Orquestration
🤝 I’m looking for help with Bank Daycoval
💬 Ask me about Nodejs/Javascript, ReactJs, Postgres and SQL
📫 How to reach me raphaelcrissoli@gmail.com
📄 Know about my experiences [Full Stack Developer Full Full Stack Developer Javascript, Typescript, React and Node for building front and back applications. - Implementation of automated solutions via Whatsapp and Telegram - Build REST API - Environment maintenance in AWS and Docker - Use of ElasticSearch, Redis, Mautic, Airtable and MongoDB - Javascript, Typescript, React and Node systems to build front and back applications. - Implementation of automated solutions via Whatsapp and Telegram - REST API construction - Environment maintenance in AWS and Docker - Use of ElasticSearch, Redis, Mautic, Airtable and MongoDB systems - Javascript, Typescript, React and Node to build front and back applications. - Implementation of automated solutions via Whatsapp and Telegram - REST API construction - Environment maintenance in AWS and Docker - Use of ElasticSearch, Redis, Mautic, Airtable and MongoDB systems - Javascript, Typescript, React and Node to build front and back applications. - Implementation of automated solutions via Whatsapp and Telegram - REST API construction - Environment maintenance in AWS and Docker - Use of ElasticSearch, Redis, Mautic, Airtable and MongoDB systems - Javascript, Typescript, React and Node to build front and back applications. - Implementation of automated solutions via Whatsapp and Telegram - REST API construction - Environment maintenance in AWS and Docker - Use of ElasticSearch, Redis, Mautic, Airtable and MongoDB systems - Javascript, Typescript, React and Node to build front and back applications. - Implementation of automated solutions via Whatsapp and Telegram - REST API construction - Environment maintenance in AWS and Docker - Use of ElasticSearch, Redis, Mautic, Airtable and MongoDB systems - Javascript, Typescript, React and Node to build front and back applications. - Implementation of automated solutions via Whatsapp and Telegram - REST API construction - Environment maintenance in AWS and Docker - Use of ElasticSearch, Redis, Mautic, Airtable and MongoDB systems - Javascript, Typescript, React and Node to build front and back applications. - Implementation of automated solutions via Whatsapp and Telegram - REST API construction - Environment maintenance in AWS and Docker - Use of ElasticSearch, Redis, Mautic, Airtable and MongoDB systems.
⚡ Fun fact cats, play rpg games and coffe