Since the GDPR came out, there is just too many banner changes for me to keep track.
I suggest you use Fanboy's Cookie List instead, which is more frequently updated.
List of filters for Adblock Plus that block cookie notices on European websites
According to European laws, every website that uses cookies must notify its users. While this is great for transparency and digital literacy, some of us know how to manage their cookies and can be annoyed with all the banners and modal windows when you go on an European website. This Adblock list hide those elements so you don't have to have to click on OK every time you go on one of those websites.
You first need to install Adblock Plus.
Once it is installed, go to Tools > Adblock Plus > Filter preferences…. Then click on Add filter subscription… > Add a different subscription.
You need to put this URL in the Filter list location field:
Prebake is another Adblock filter that removes cookie notices. It works on a lot more websites but has some very aggressive rules and so can have some false positives. On the other hand, this filter only oncludes per-website rules in order to avoid false positives.