Extending Laravel Model and Controller to simplify setup CRUD operations.
- Install "Core" package with composer:
composer require rush-app/core
- Run installation command (this will publish config and language files):
php artisan core:install
- Run migrations:
php artisan migrate
- Create endpoint for entity (you can use Laravel resource routes):
Route::resource('posts', 'PostController');
- Create migration:
2.1. Create posts table:
Schema::create('posts', function (Blueprint $table) {
2.2. Create post_translations table (IMPORTANT: name of translation table should be set in format: _translations) Note that you should use "language_id" key for relation with languages table:
Schema::create('post_translations', function (Blueprint $table) {
- Create model (with translation model): 3.1. Post model:
class Post extends RushApp\Core\Models\BaseModel
use HasFactory;
protected $fillable = [
protected $dates = [
public function user(): BelongsTo
return $this->belongsTo(User::class);
3.2. PostTranslation model (IMPORTANT: use name for translation model in format: model class with suffix "Translation") Note that you should use "language_id" key for relation with languages table.
class PostTranslation extends RushApp\Core\Models\BaseModel
use HasFactory;
protected $fillable = [
public $timestamps = false;
- Create CRUD controller:
class PostController extends RushApp\Core\Controllers\BaseController
// The name of the model must be indicated in each controller
protected string $modelClassController = Post::class;
// FormRequest class for validation store process.
protected ?string $storeRequestClass = StorePostRequest::class;
// FormRequest class for validation update process.
protected ?string $updateRequestClass = UpdatePostRequest::class;
// Relations of model that can be attached to response (available for 'index' and 'show' method).
// NOTE: this names should be the same with method in model (Eloquent relations).
protected array $withRelationNames = [
IMPORTANT: To use role management system you need to define middleware "check-user-action" for route. There are such tables that are responsible for role management system:
- roles - Contains role names which available for users. Roles can be attach to user with user_role table.
- actions - Contains action_name and entity_name. Action name defined as config rushapp_core.action_names and they match for CRUD operation names. Entity name - name of entity tables (example: posts, categories, etc.). Actions can be attached to roles with role_action table. Example: If role "Admin" contains action with action_name "index", "show", "store" and entity_name "posts" this means that user with such role can get all posts and create new post. And any other CRUD operations ("update", "destroy") are forbidden.
- properties - Contains columns for custom permission logic. There is one property predefined and provides by package: "is_owner". This property used to mark that CRUD operation can be performed only by owner By default it will check "user_id" as owner identifier. Example: If is_owner is true and linked to action this means that CRUD operations can be performed only by owner (except "store" operation), but if is_owner is false this means that ownership will be not checked for CRUD operations. This can be used, for "Admin" roles, which can perform CRUD operations for any entity. NOTE: If is_owner is true for "index" operation this means that user will get only entities where he set as owner.
- To perform CRUD operations with specified language, you need to set "Language" key in request header.
- Filtering abilities for "index" or "show" requests:
"paginate" Example:
"order_by_field" Example:
"with" Example:,email|categories:id,title . Where "user" and "categories" are model relation names and all parameters after ":" are relation fields. NOTE: If you want to get specified fields "id" field is required or you can keep it without any specific fields to get all entity fields
"limit" Example:
"selected_fields" Example:,id,name
"where_not_null" Example:,id,name
"where_null" Example:,id,name
"where_between" Example:,2020|create_at:2020-01-01,2021-01-01
"where_in" Example:,2014,2020|user_id:2,2,5,6
"where_not_in" Example:,2014,2020|user_id:2,2,5,6
"offset" Example:
- Registration example. Returns JWT token (['token' => 'test-token']) // TODO
- To perform authorization you can add route with BaseAuthController, example:
php Route::post('login', [\RushApp\Core\Controllers\BaseAuthController:class,'login']);
It returns JWT token (['token' => 'test-token']). To perform authorization request you need to set "email" and "password" fields.
Detailed examples can be found here: https://github.com/Rush-App/laravel-core-example