Data analysis report of Vancouver's crime rate in R. Report available here.
🧹 Gathered and processed 20 years of crime data from the BC Police Records Management System. Implemented data cleaning and wrangling techniques to ensure data integrity.
🔎 Employed asymptotic and bootstrapping approaches to investigate the change in the rate of theft and break and enter in Vancouver over 20 years using over 800,000+ crimes. Furthermore, for each crime of interest, we conducted a permutation hypothesis test and an asymptotics test.
📊 Visualized the probability of our findings through practical confidence intervals and null distributions. Identified a statistically significant decrease in break and enter crime rates from 2004-2008 and 2018-2022 in both the permutation hypothesis test (p = 0.031) and the asymptotics test (p = 0.027).
🤝 Translated statistical analyses into actionable recommendations, allowing stakeholders to make data-driven decisions regarding crime patterns and trends.