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Report Files

Cundo Arellano edited this page Jun 16, 2023 · 39 revisions

The table below contains descriptions of report files (under the report directory) produced by the SANDAG travel model. The report directory is the only directory that should be accessed by analysts or software reporting results from an ABM model run folder. In addition to accessing the report files directly, the report files are also loaded into SANDAG's MSSQL ABM database. Report files are constructed to minimize data manipulation maximizing analysis and supporting robust reporting procedures.

Report Files Directory

Airport - Cross Border Express Trip List - airportCBXTrips.CSV

Field Description
tripID unique identifier of trip
inbound boolean indicator of inbound directionality of trip
tripPurpose trip purpose
incomeCategory household income category of travel party
nightsStayed number of nights stayed by travel party
departTimeAbmHalfHour trip departure time ABM half hour period
departTimeFiveTod trip departure time ABM five time of day period
originMGRA trip origin MGRA
destinationMGRA trip destination MGRA
parkingMGRA trip parking MGRA, if applicable
originTAZ trip origin TAZ
destinationTAZ trip destination TAZ
parkingTAZ trip parking TAZ, if applicable
tripMode trip mode
arrivalMode trip airport arrival mode
boardingTAP trip boarding TAP, if applicable
alightingTAP trip alighting TAP, if applicable
valueOfTimeCategory trip value of time category
transponderAvailable boolean indicator of toll transponder availability on trip
avUsed boolean indicator of autonomous vehicle usage on trip
weightTrip weight of record to use for trip metrics
weightPersonTrip weight of record to use for person trip metrics
timeDrive time (minutes) travelled using auto mode(s) on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
distanceDrive distance (miles) travelled using auto mode(s) on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
costTollDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) tolls on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
costOperatingDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) operation (gas/maintenance/fees) on trip, if applicable
costFareDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) fares (taxi, TNC, etc...) on trip, if applicable
timeWaitDrive time (minutes) waiting associated with auto mode(s) on trip, if applicable
timeTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeTier1TransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Tier 1 transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeFreewayRapidTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Freeway Rapid Transit transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeArterialRapidTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Arterial Rapid Transit transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeExpressBusTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Express Bus transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeLocalBusTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Local Bus transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeLightRailTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Light Rail transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeCommuterRailTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Commuter Rail transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeTransitInitialWait time (minutes) initially waiting (post-arrival at first TAP) associated with transit on trip, if applicable
timeTransitWait time (minutes) waiting (including initial wait time) associated with transit on trip, if applicable
timeTransitWalk time (minutes) walking associated with transit (excluding access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitInVehicle distance (miles) travelled in transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitWalk distance (miles) travelled walking associated with transit (excluding access/egress) on trip, if applicable
costFareTransit cost ($) spent on transit fares on trip, if applicable
transfersTransit number of transfers associated with transit on trip, if applicable
timeDriveTransit time (minutes) travelled via auto mode(s) associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceDriveTransit distance (miles) travelled via auto mode(s) associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
timeTransitWalkAccessEgress time (minutes) travelled via walk mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitWalkAccessEgress distance (miles) travelled via walk mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
timeTransitMMAccessEgress time (minutes) travelled via micro-mobility mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitMMAccessEgress distance (miles) travelled via micro-mobility mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
costFareTransitMMAccessEgress cost ($) spent on micro-mobility mode fares associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
timeTransitMTAccessEgress time (minutes) travelled via micro-transit mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitMTAccessEgress distance (miles) travelled via micro-transit mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
costFareTransitMTAccessEgress cost ($) spent on micro-transit mode fares associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
timeWalk time (minutes) travelled using walk mode (excluding walk time associated with auto and transit modes) on trip, if applicable
distanceWalk distance (miles) travelled using walk mode (excluding walk distance associated with auto and transit modes) on trip, if applicable
timeMM time (minutes) travelled using micro-mobility mode (excluding micro-mobility time associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
distanceMM distance (miles) travelled using micro-mobility mode (excluding micro-mobility distance associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
costFareMM cost ($) spent on micro-mobility mode fares (excluding micro-mobility fares associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
timeMT time (minutes) travelled using micro-transit mode (excluding micro-transit time associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
distanceMT distance (miles) travelled using micro-transit mode (excluding micro-transit distance associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
costFareMT cost ($) spent on micro-transit mode fares (excluding micro-transit fares associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
timeBike time (minutes) travelled using bicycle mode on trip, if applicable
distanceBike distance (miles) travelled using bicycle mode on trip, if applicable
timeTotal time (minutes) travelled on trip
distanceTotal distance (miles) travelled on trip
costTotal cost ($) of trip

Airport - San Diego Airport Trip List - airportSANTrips.CSV

Field Description
tripID unique identifier of trip
inbound boolean indicator of inbound directionality of trip
tripPurpose trip purpose
incomeCategory household income category of travel party
nightsStayed number of nights stayed by travel party
departTimeAbmHalfHour trip departure time ABM half hour period
departTimeFiveTod trip departure time ABM five time of day period
originMGRA trip origin MGRA
destinationMGRA trip destination MGRA
parkingMGRA trip parking MGRA, if applicable
originTAZ trip origin TAZ
destinationTAZ trip destination TAZ
parkingTAZ trip parking TAZ, if applicable
tripMode trip mode
arrivalMode trip airport arrival mode
boardingTAP trip boarding TAP, if applicable
alightingTAP trip alighting TAP, if applicable
valueOfTimeCategory trip value of time category
transponderAvailable boolean indicator of toll transponder availability on trip
avUsed boolean indicator of autonomous vehicle usage on trip
weightTrip weight of record to use for trip metrics
weightPersonTrip weight of record to use for person trip metrics
timeDrive time (minutes) travelled using auto mode(s) on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
distanceDrive distance (miles) travelled using auto mode(s) on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
costTollDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) tolls on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
costOperatingDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) operation (gas/maintenance/fees) on trip, if applicable
costFareDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) fares (taxi, TNC, etc...) on trip, if applicable
timeWaitDrive time (minutes) waiting associated with auto mode(s) on trip, if applicable
timeTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeTier1TransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Tier 1 transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeFreewayRapidTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Freeway Rapid Transit transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeArterialRapidTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Arterial Rapid Transit transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeExpressBusTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Express Bus transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeLocalBusTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Local Bus transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeLightRailTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Light Rail transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeCommuterRailTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Commuter Rail transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeTransitInitialWait time (minutes) initially waiting (post-arrival at first TAP) associated with transit on trip, if applicable
timeTransitWait time (minutes) waiting (including initial wait time) associated with transit on trip, if applicable
timeTransitWalk time (minutes) walking associated with transit (excluding access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitInVehicle distance (miles) travelled in transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitWalk distance (miles) travelled walking associated with transit (excluding access/egress) on trip, if applicable
costFareTransit cost ($) spent on transit fares on trip, if applicable
transfersTransit number of transfers associated with transit on trip, if applicable
timeDriveTransit time (minutes) travelled via auto mode(s) associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceDriveTransit distance (miles) travelled via auto mode(s) associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
timeTransitWalkAccessEgress time (minutes) travelled via walk mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitWalkAccessEgress distance (miles) travelled via walk mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
timeTransitMMAccessEgress time (minutes) travelled via micro-mobility mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitMMAccessEgress distance (miles) travelled via micro-mobility mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
costFareTransitMMAccessEgress cost ($) spent on micro-mobility mode fares associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
timeTransitMTAccessEgress time (minutes) travelled via micro-transit mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitMTAccessEgress distance (miles) travelled via micro-transit mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
costFareTransitMTAccessEgress cost ($) spent on micro-transit mode fares associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
timeWalk time (minutes) travelled using walk mode (excluding walk time associated with auto and transit modes) on trip, if applicable
distanceWalk distance (miles) travelled using walk mode (excluding walk distance associated with auto and transit modes) on trip, if applicable
timeMM time (minutes) travelled using micro-mobility mode (excluding micro-mobility time associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
distanceMM distance (miles) travelled using micro-mobility mode (excluding micro-mobility distance associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
costFareMM cost ($) spent on micro-mobility mode fares (excluding micro-mobility fares associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
timeMT time (minutes) travelled using micro-transit mode (excluding micro-transit time associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
distanceMT distance (miles) travelled using micro-transit mode (excluding micro-transit distance associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
costFareMT cost ($) spent on micro-transit mode fares (excluding micro-transit fares associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
timeBike time (minutes) travelled using bicycle mode on trip, if applicable
distanceBike distance (miles) travelled using bicycle mode on trip, if applicable
timeTotal time (minutes) travelled on trip
distanceTotal distance (miles) travelled on trip
costTotal cost ($) of trip

Commercial Vehicle Model Tour List - commercialVehicleTours.csv

Field Description
tourID unique identifier of tour
actorType industrial sector of tour
tourPurpose tour purpose
departTimeAbmHalfHour trip departure time ABM half hour period
arriveTimeAbmHalfHour trip arrival time ABM half hour period
departTimeFiveTod trip departure time ABM five time of day period
arriveTimeFiveTod trip arrival time ABM five time of day period
originTAZ trip origin TAZ
tourMode tour mode

Commercial Vehicle Model Trip List - commercialVehicleTrips.CSV

Field Description
tripID unique identifier of trip
tourID unique identifier of tour
stopID unique identifier of stop within tour
tripPurposeOrigin trip origin purpose
tripPurposeDestination trip destination purpose
departTimeAbmHalfHour trip departure time ABM half hour period
arriveTimeAbmHalfHour trip arrival time ABM half hour period
departTimeFiveTod trip departure time ABM five time of day period
arriveTimeFiveTod trip arrival time ABM five time of day period
stopDuration time (minutes) spent at destination
originTAZ trip origin TAZ
destinationTAZ trip destination TAZ
parkingTAZ trip parking TAZ, if applicable
tripMode trip mode
valueOfTimeCategory trip value of time category
transponderAvailable boolean indicator of toll transponder availability on trip
avUsed boolean indicator of autonomous vehicle usage on trip
weightTrip weight of record to use for trip metrics
weightPersonTrip weight of record to use for person trip metrics
timeDrive time (minutes) travelled using auto mode(s) on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
distanceDrive distance (miles) travelled using auto mode(s) on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
costTollDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) tolls on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
costOperatingDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) operation (gas/maintenance/fees) on trip, if applicable
timeTotal time (minutes) travelled on trip
distanceTotal distance (miles) travelled on trip
costTotal cost ($) of trip

Cross Border Model Tour List - crossBorderTours.csv

Field Description
tourID unique identifier of tour
tourPurpose tour purpose
sentri boolean indicator of sentri/global entry availability on tour
pointOfEntry border crossing port of entry used on tour
departTimeAbmHalfHour trip departure time ABM half hour period
arriveTimeAbmHalfHour trip arrival time ABM half hour period
departTimeFiveTod trip departure time ABM five time of day period
arriveTimeFiveTod trip arrival time ABM five time of day period
originMGRA trip origin MGRA
destinationMGRA trip destination MGRA
originTAZ trip origin TAZ
destinationTAZ trip destination TAZ
tourMode tour mode

Cross Border Model Trip List - crossBorderTrips.CSV

Field Description
tripID unique identifier of trip
tourID unique identifier of tour
stopID unique identifier of stop within tour
inbound boolean indicator of inbound directionality of trip
tripPurposeOrigin trip origin purpose
tripPurposeDestination trip destination purpose
departTimeAbmHalfHour trip departure time ABM half hour period
departTimeFiveTod trip departure time ABM five time of day period
originMGRA trip origin MGRA
destinationMGRA trip destination MGRA
parkingMGRA trip parking MGRA, if applicable
originTAZ trip origin TAZ
destinationTAZ trip destination TAZ
parkingTAZ trip parking TAZ, if applicable
tripMode trip mode
boardingTAP trip boarding TAP, if applicable
alightingTAP trip alighting TAP, if applicable
valueOfTimeCategory trip value of time category
transponderAvailable boolean indicator of toll transponder availability on trip
avUsed boolean indicator of autonomous vehicle usage on trip
weightTrip weight of record to use for trip metrics
weightPersonTrip weight of record to use for person trip metrics
costParking cost ($) spent on parking on trip, if applicable
timeDrive time (minutes) travelled using auto mode(s) on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
distanceDrive distance (miles) travelled using auto mode(s) on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
costTollDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) tolls on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
costOperatingDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) operation (gas/maintenance/fees) on trip, if applicable
costFareDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) fares (taxi, TNC, etc...) on trip, if applicable
timeWaitDrive time (minutes) waiting associated with auto mode(s) on trip, if applicable
timeTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeTier1TransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Tier 1 transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeFreewayRapidTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Freeway Rapid Transit transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeArterialRapidTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Arterial Rapid Transit transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeExpressBusTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Express Bus transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeLocalBusTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Local Bus transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeLightRailTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Light Rail transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeCommuterRailTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Commuter Rail transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeTransitInitialWait time (minutes) initially waiting (post-arrival at first TAP) associated with transit on trip, if applicable
timeTransitWait time (minutes) waiting (including initial wait time) associated with transit on trip, if applicable
timeTransitWalk time (minutes) walking associated with transit (excluding access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitInVehicle distance (miles) travelled in transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitWalk distance (miles) travelled walking associated with transit (excluding access/egress) on trip, if applicable
costFareTransit cost ($) spent on transit fares on trip, if applicable
transfersTransit number of transfers associated with transit on trip, if applicable
timeDriveTransit time (minutes) travelled via auto mode(s) associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceDriveTransit distance (miles) travelled via auto mode(s) associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
timeTransitWalkAccessEgress time (minutes) travelled via walk mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitWalkAccessEgress distance (miles) travelled via walk mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
timeTransitMMAccessEgress time (minutes) travelled via micro-mobility mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitMMAccessEgress distance (miles) travelled via micro-mobility mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
costFareTransitMMAccessEgress cost ($) spent on micro-mobility mode fares associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
timeTransitMTAccessEgress time (minutes) travelled via micro-transit mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitMTAccessEgress distance (miles) travelled via micro-transit mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
costFareTransitMTAccessEgress cost ($) spent on micro-transit mode fares associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
timeWalk time (minutes) travelled using walk mode (excluding walk time associated with auto and transit modes) on trip, if applicable
distanceWalk distance (miles) travelled using walk mode (excluding walk distance associated with auto and transit modes) on trip, if applicable
timeMM time (minutes) travelled using micro-mobility mode (excluding micro-mobility time associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
distanceMM distance (miles) travelled using micro-mobility mode (excluding micro-mobility distance associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
costFareMM cost ($) spent on micro-mobility mode fares (excluding micro-mobility fares associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
timeMT time (minutes) travelled using micro-transit mode (excluding micro-transit time associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
distanceMT distance (miles) travelled using micro-transit mode (excluding micro-transit distance associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
costFareMT cost ($) spent on micro-transit mode fares (excluding micro-transit fares associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
timeBike time (minutes) travelled using bicycle mode on trip, if applicable
distanceBike distance (miles) travelled using bicycle mode on trip, if applicable
timeTotal time (minutes) travelled on trip
distanceTotal distance (miles) travelled on trip
costTotal cost ($) of trip

External-External Model Trip List - externalExternalTrips.CSV

Field Description
tripID unique identifier of trip
departTimeFiveTod trip departure time ABM five time of day period
originTAZ trip origin TAZ
destinationTAZ trip destination TAZ
tripMode trip mode
valueOfTimeCategory trip value of time category
transponderAvailable boolean indicator of toll transponder availability on trip
avUsed boolean indicator of autonomous vehicle usage on trip
weightTrip weight of record to use for trip metrics
weightPersonTrip weight of record to use for person trip metrics
timeDrive time (minutes) travelled using auto mode(s) on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
distanceDrive distance (miles) travelled using auto mode(s) on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
costTollDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) tolls on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
costOperatingDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) operation (gas/maintenance/fees) on trip, if applicable
timeTotal time (minutes) travelled on trip
distanceTotal distance (miles) travelled on trip
costTotal cost ($) of trip

External-Internal Model Trip List - externalInternalTrips.CSV

Field Description
tripID unique identifier of trip
departTimeFiveTod trip departure time ABM five time of day period
originTAZ trip origin TAZ
destinationTAZ trip destination TAZ
tripMode trip mode
tripPurpose trip purpose
valueOfTimeCategory trip value of time category
transponderAvailable boolean indicator of toll transponder availability on trip
avUsed boolean indicator of autonomous vehicle usage on trip
weightTrip weight of record to use for trip metrics
weightPersonTrip weight of record to use for person trip metrics
timeDrive time (minutes) travelled using auto mode(s) on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
distanceDrive distance (miles) travelled using auto mode(s) on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
costTollDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) tolls on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
costOperatingDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) operation (gas/maintenance/fees) on trip, if applicable
timeTotal time (minutes) travelled on trip
distanceTotal distance (miles) travelled on trip
costTotal cost ($) of trip

Synthetic Households - households.csv

Field Description
hhID unique identifier of household
autos number of autos owned
autosHumanVehicles number of person operated autos owned
autosAutonomousVehicles number of autonomous driving autos owned
transponderAvailable boolean indicator of toll transponder ownership
homeMGRA household location MGRA
homeTAZ household location TAZ
hhIncomeCategory household income category
hhIncome household income ($)
hhWorkers number of workers in household
hhPersons number of persons in household
buildingCategory household building category
unitType household unit type
poverty percentage value where value <= 2 (200% of the Federal Poverty Level) indicates household is classified under poverty

Loaded Highway Network Shape File - hwyLoad.shp

Field Description
hwycovid unique identifier of highway link
link_name link name
len_mile link length (miles)
count_jur count jurisdiction code
count_stat count station number
count_loc count location code
ifc initial functional class
ifc_desc initial functional class description
ihov link operation type
itruck truck restriction code
post_speed posted speed limit
iway one or two way operations
imed median type
from_node A node number
from_nm cross street name at from end of link
to_node B node number
to_nm cross street name at to end of link
total_flow total vehicle flow
abTotFlow AB directional vehicle flow
baTotFlow BA directional vehicle flow
ab_vmt AB directional vehicle miles travelled
ba_vmt BA directional vehicle miles travelled
vmt total vehicle miles travelled
ab_vht AB directional vehicle hours travelled
ba_vht BA directional vehicle hours travlled
vht total vehicle hours travelled
ab_ea_flow AB directional vehicle flow for ABM early am time period
ba_ea_flow BA directional vehicle flow for ABM early am time period
ab_am_flow AB directional vehicle flow for ABM am peak time period
ba_am_flow BA directional vehicle flow for ABM am peak time period
ab_md_flow AB directional vehicle flow for ABM midday time period
ba_md_flow BA directional vehicle flow for ABM midday time period
ab_pm_flow AB directional vehicle flow for ABM pm peak time period
ba_pm_flow BA directional vehicle flow for ABM pm peak time period
ab_ev_flow AB directional vehicle flow for ABM evening time period
ba_ev_flow BA directional vehicle flow for ABM evening time period
abAutoFlow AB directional vehicle flow for autos (sov, sr2, sr3)
baAutoFlow BA directional vehicle flow for autos (sov, sr2, sr3)
abSovFlow AB directional vehicle flow for single occupancy vehicles
baSovFlow BA directional vehicle flow for single occupancy vehicles
abHov2Flow AB directional vehicle flow for high occupancy (2 persons) vehicles
baHov2Flow BA directional vehicle flow for high occupancy (2 persons) vehicles
abHov3Flow AB directional vehicle flow for high occupancy (3+ persons) vehicles
baHov3Flow BA directional vehicle flow for high occupancy (3+ persons) vehicles
abTrucFlow AB directional vehicle flow for trucks
baTrucFlow BA directional vehicle flow for trucks
abBusFlow AB directional vehicle flow for preloaded bus
baBusFlow BA directional vehicle flow for preloaded bus
ab_ea_mph AB directional loaded speed (miles/hour) for ABM early am time period
ba_ea_mph BA directional loaded speed (miles/hour) for ABM early am time period
ab_am_mph AB directional loaded speed (miles/hour) for ABM am peak time period
ba_am_mph BA directional loaded speed (miles/hour) for ABM am peak time period
ab_md_mph AB directional loaded speed (miles/hour) for ABM midday time period
ba_md_mph BA directional loaded speed (miles/hour) for ABM midday time period
ab_pm_mph AB directional loaded speed (miles/hour) for ABM pm peak time period
ba_pm_mph BA directional loaded speed (miles/hour) for ABM pm peak time period
ab_ev_mph AB directional loaded speed (miles/hour) for ABM evening time period
ba_ev_mph BA directional loaded speed (miles/hour) for ABM evening time period
ab_ea_min AB directional loaded travel time (minutes) for ABM early am time period
ba_ea_min BA directional loaded travel time (minutes) for ABM early am time period
ab_am_min AB directional loaded travel time (minutes) for ABM am peak time period
ba_am_min BA directional loaded travel time (minutes) for ABM am peak time period
ab_md_min AB directional loaded travel time (minutes) for ABM midday time period
ba_md_min BA directional loaded travel time (minutes) for ABM midday time period
ab_pm_min AB directional loaded travel time (minutes) for ABM pm peak time period
ba_pm_min BA directional loaded travel time (minutes) for ABM pm peak time period
ab_ev_min AB directional loaded travel time (minutes) for ABM evening time period
ba_ev_min BA directional loaded travel time (minutes) for ABM evening time period
ab_ea_lane AB directional lanes for ABM early am time period
ba_ea_lane BA directional lanes for ABM early am time period
ab_am_lane AB directional lanes for ABM am peak time period
ba_am_lane BA directional lanes for ABM am peak time period
ab_md_lane AB directional lanes for ABM midday time period
ba_md_lane BA directional lanes for ABM midday time period
ab_pm_lane AB directional lanes for ABM pm peak time period
ba_pm_lane BA directional lanes for ABM pm peak time period
ab_ev_lane AB directional lanes for ABM evening time period
ba_ev_lane BA directional lanes for ABM evening time period
ab_ea_voc AB directional volume to capacity for ABM early am time period
ba_ea_voc BA directional volume to capacity for ABM early am time period
ab_am_voc AB directional volume to capacity for ABM am peak time period
ba_am_voc BA directional volume to capacity for ABM am peak time period
ab_md_voc AB directional volume to capacity for ABM midday time period
ba_md_voc BA directional volume to capacity for ABM midday time period
ab_pm_voc AB directional volume to capacity for ABM pm peak time period
ba_pm_voc BA directional volume to capacity for ABM pm peak time period
ab_ev_voc AB directional volume to capacity for ABM evening time period
ba_ev_voc BA directional volume to capacity for ABM evening time period
geometry linestring geometry of highway link

Loaded Highway Network by ABM Five Time of Day - hwyload_<<TOD>>.csv

Field Description
ID1 unique identifier of highway link
AB_Flow_PCE AB directional flow passenger car equivalents
BA_Flow_PCE BA directional flow passenger car equivalents
AB_Time AB directional loaded travel time (minutes)
BA_Time BA directional loaded travel time (minutes)
AB_VOC AB directional volume to capacity
BA_VOC BA directional volume to capacity
AB_V_Dist_T AB directional length
BA_V_Dist_T BA directional length
AB_VHT AB directional vehicle hours of travel
BA_VHT BA directional vehicle hours of travel
AB_Speed AB directional loaded speed
BA_Speed BA directional loaded speed
AB_VDF AB directional volume delay function
BA_VDF BA directional volume delay function
AB_MSA_Flow AB directional average of iterations flow
BA_MSA_Flow BA directional average of iterations flow
AB_MSA_Time AB directional average of iterations loaded travel time
BA_MSA_Time BA directional average of iterations loaded travel time
AB_Flow_SOV_NTPL AB directional flow for drive alone non-transponder low value of time vehicle class
BA_Flow_SOV_NTPL BA directional flow for drive alone non-transponder low value of time vehicle class
AB_Flow_SOV_TPL AB directional flow for drive alone transponder low value of time vehicle class
BA_Flow_SOV_TPL BA directional flow for drive alone transponder low value of time vehicle class
AB_Flow_SR2L AB directional flow for shared ride 2 low value of time vehicle class
BA_Flow_SR2L BA directional flow for shared ride 2 low value of time vehicle class
AB_Flow_SR3L AB directional flow for shared ride 3+ low value of time vehicle class
BA_Flow_SR3L BA directional flow for shared ride 3+ low value of time vehicle class
AB_Flow_SOV_NTPM AB directional flow for drive alone non-transponder medium value of time vehicle class
BA_Flow_SOV_NTPM BA directional flow for drive alone non-transponder medium value of time vehicle class
AB_Flow_SOV_TPM AB directional flow for drive alone transponder medium value of time vehicle class
BA_Flow_SOV_TPM BA directional flow for drive alone transponder medium value of time vehicle class
AB_Flow_SR2M AB directional flow for shared ride 2 medium value of time vehicle class
BA_Flow_SR2M BA directional flow for shared ride 2 medium value of time vehicle class
AB_Flow_SR3M AB directional flow for shared ride 3+ medium value of time vehicle class
BA_Flow_SR3M BA directional flow for shared ride 3+ medium value of time vehicle class
AB_Flow_SOV_NTPH AB directional flow for drive alone non-transponder high value of time vehicle class
BA_Flow_SOV_NTPH BA directional flow for drive alone non-transponder high value of time vehicle class
AB_Flow_SOV_TPH AB directional flow for drive alone transponder high value of time vehicle class
BA_Flow_SOV_TPH BA directional flow for drive alone transponder high value of time vehicle class
AB_Flow_SR2H AB directional flow for shared ride 2 high value of time vehicle class
BA_Flow_SR2H BA directional flow for shared ride 2 high value of time vehicle class
AB_Flow_SR3H AB directional flow for shared ride 3+ high value of time vehicle class
BA_Flow_SR3H BA directional flow for shared ride 3+ high value of time vehicle class
AB_Flow_lhd AB directional flow for light heavy duty truck vehicle class
BA_Flow_lhd BA directional flow for light heavy duty truck vehicle class
AB_Flow_mhd AB directional flow for medium heavy duty truck vehicle class
BA_Flow_mhd BA directional flow for medium heavy duty truck vehicle class
AB_Flow_hhd AB directional flow for heavy heavy duty truck vehicle class
BA_Flow_hhd BA directional flow for heavy heavy duty truck vehicle class
AB_Flow AB directional flow
BA_Flow BA directional flow

Individual Model Tour List - individualTours.csv

Field Description
tourID unique identifier of tour
personID unique identifier of person
tourCategory tour category
tourPurpose tour purpose
departTimeAbmHalfHour trip departure time ABM half hour period
arriveTimeAbmHalfHour trip arrival time ABM half hour period
departTimeFiveTod trip departure time ABM five time of day period
arriveTimeFiveTod trip arrival time ABM five time of day period
originMGRA trip origin MGRA
destinationMGRA trip destination MGRA
originTAZ trip origin TAZ
destinationTAZ trip destination TAZ
tourMode tour mode

Individual Model Trip List - individualTrips.csv

Field Description
tripID unique identifier of trip
personID unique identifier of person
tourID unique identifier of tour
stopID unique identifier of stop within tour
inbound boolean indicator of inbound directionality of trip
tripPurposeOrigin trip origin purpose
tripPurposeDestination trip destination purpose
departTimeAbmHalfHour trip departure time ABM half hour period
departTimeFiveTod trip departure time ABM five time of day period
originMGRA trip origin MGRA
destinationMGRA trip destination MGRA
parkingMGRA trip parking MGRA, if applicable
originTAZ trip origin TAZ
destinationTAZ trip destination TAZ
parkingTAZ trip parking TAZ, if applicable
tripMode trip mode
boardingTAP trip boarding TAP, if applicable
alightingTAP trip alighting TAP, if applicable
valueOfTimeCategory trip value of time category
transponderAvailable boolean indicator of toll transponder availability on trip
avUsed boolean indicator of autonomous vehicle usage on trip
microMobilityTransitAccess mode (walk/micro-mobility/micro-transit) used for transit access on trip, if applicable
microMobilityTransitEgress mode (walk/micro-mobility/micro-transit) used for transit egress on trip, if applicable
weightTrip weight of record to use for trip metrics
weightPersonTrip weight of record to use for person trip metrics
costParking cost ($) spent on parking on trip, if applicable
timeDrive time (minutes) travelled using auto mode(s) on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
distanceDrive distance (miles) travelled using auto mode(s) on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
costTollDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) tolls on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
costOperatingDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) operation (gas/maintenance/fees) on trip, if applicable
timeAutoTerminalWalk time (minute) walking associated with terminus of auto mode(s) on trip, if applicable
distanceAutoTerminalWalk distance (miles) walking associated with terminus of auto mode(s) on trip, if applicable
costFareDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) fares (taxi, TNC, etc...) on trip, if applicable
timeWaitDrive time (minutes) waiting associated with auto mode(s) on trip, if applicable
timeTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeTier1TransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Tier 1 transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeFreewayRapidTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Freeway Rapid Transit transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeArterialRapidTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Arterial Rapid Transit transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeExpressBusTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Express Bus transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeLocalBusTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Local Bus transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeLightRailTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Light Rail transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeCommuterRailTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Commuter Rail transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeTransitInitialWait time (minutes) initially waiting (post-arrival at first TAP) associated with transit on trip, if applicable
timeTransitWait time (minutes) waiting (including initial wait time) associated with transit on trip, if applicable
timeTransitWalk time (minutes) walking associated with transit (excluding access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitInVehicle distance (miles) travelled in transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitWalk distance (miles) travelled walking associated with transit (excluding access/egress) on trip, if applicable
costFareTransit cost ($) spent on transit fares on trip, if applicable
transfersTransit number of transfers associated with transit on trip, if applicable
timeDriveTransit time (minutes) travelled via auto mode(s) associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceDriveTransit distance (miles) travelled via auto mode(s) associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
timeTransitWalkAccessEgress time (minutes) travelled via walk mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitWalkAccessEgress distance (miles) travelled via walk mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
timeTransitMMAccessEgress time (minutes) travelled via micro-mobility mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitMMAccessEgress distance (miles) travelled via micro-mobility mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
costFareTransitMMAccessEgress cost ($) spent on micro-mobility mode fares associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
timeTransitMTAccessEgress time (minutes) travelled via micro-transit mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitMTAccessEgress distance (miles) travelled via micro-transit mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
costFareTransitMTAccessEgress cost ($) spent on micro-transit mode fares associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
timeWalk time (minutes) travelled using walk mode (excluding walk time associated with auto and transit modes) on trip, if applicable
distanceWalk distance (miles) travelled using walk mode (excluding walk distance associated with auto and transit modes) on trip, if applicable
timeMM time (minutes) travelled using micro-mobility mode (excluding micro-mobility time associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
distanceMM distance (miles) travelled using micro-mobility mode (excluding micro-mobility distance associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
costFareMM cost ($) spent on micro-mobility mode fares (excluding micro-mobility fares associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
timeMT time (minutes) travelled using micro-transit mode (excluding micro-transit time associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
distanceMT distance (miles) travelled using micro-transit mode (excluding micro-transit distance associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
costFareMT cost ($) spent on micro-transit mode fares (excluding micro-transit fares associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
timeBike time (minutes) travelled using bicycle mode on trip, if applicable
distanceBike distance (miles) travelled using bicycle mode on trip, if applicable
timeTotal time (minutes) travelled on trip
distanceTotal distance (miles) travelled on trip
costTotal cost ($) of trip

Internal-External Model Tour List - internalExternalTours.csv

Field Description
tourID unique identifier of tour
personID unique identifier of person
departTimeAbmHalfHour trip departure time ABM half hour period
arriveTimeAbmHalfHour trip arrival time ABM half hour period
departTimeFiveTod trip departure time ABM five time of day period
arriveTimeFiveTod trip arrival time ABM five time of day period
originMGRA trip origin MGRA
destinationMGRA trip destination MGRA
originTAZ trip origin TAZ
destinationTAZ trip destination TAZ
tourMode tour mode

Internal-External Model Trip List - internalExternalTrips.csv

Field Description
tripID unique identifier of trip
personID unique identifier of person
tourID unique identifier of tour
stopID unique identifier of stop within tour
inbound boolean indicator of inbound directionality of trip
departTimeAbmHalfHour trip departure time ABM half hour period
departTimeFiveTod trip departure time ABM five time of day period
originMGRA trip origin MGRA
destinationMGRA trip destination MGRA
parkingMGRA trip parking MGRA, if applicable
originTAZ trip origin TAZ
destinationTAZ trip destination TAZ
parkingTAZ trip parking TAZ, if applicable
tripMode trip mode
boardingTAP trip boarding TAP, if applicable
alightingTAP trip alighting TAP, if applicable
valueOfTimeCategory trip value of time category
transponderAvailable boolean indicator of toll transponder availability on trip
avUsed boolean indicator of autonomous vehicle usage on trip
weightTrip weight of record to use for trip metrics
weightPersonTrip weight of record to use for person trip metrics
timeDrive time (minutes) travelled using auto mode(s) on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
distanceDrive distance (miles) travelled using auto mode(s) on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
costTollDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) tolls on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
costOperatingDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) operation (gas/maintenance/fees) on trip, if applicable
costFareDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) fares (taxi, TNC, etc...) on trip, if applicable
timeWaitDrive time (minutes) waiting associated with auto mode(s) on trip, if applicable
timeTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeTier1TransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Tier 1 transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeFreewayRapidTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Freeway Rapid Transit transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeArterialRapidTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Arterial Rapid Transit transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeExpressBusTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Express Bus transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeLocalBusTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Local Bus transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeLightRailTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Light Rail transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeCommuterRailTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Commuter Rail transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeTransitInitialWait time (minutes) initially waiting (post-arrival at first TAP) associated with transit on trip, if applicable
timeTransitWait time (minutes) waiting (including initial wait time) associated with transit on trip, if applicable
timeTransitWalk time (minutes) walking associated with transit (excluding access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitInVehicle distance (miles) travelled in transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitWalk distance (miles) travelled walking associated with transit (excluding access/egress) on trip, if applicable
costFareTransit cost ($) spent on transit fares on trip, if applicable
transfersTransit number of transfers associated with transit on trip, if applicable
timeDriveTransit time (minutes) travelled via auto mode(s) associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceDriveTransit distance (miles) travelled via auto mode(s) associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
timeTransitWalkAccessEgress time (minutes) travelled via walk mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitWalkAccessEgress distance (miles) travelled via walk mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
timeTransitMMAccessEgress time (minutes) travelled via micro-mobility mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitMMAccessEgress distance (miles) travelled via micro-mobility mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
costFareTransitMMAccessEgress cost ($) spent on micro-mobility mode fares associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
timeTransitMTAccessEgress time (minutes) travelled via micro-transit mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitMTAccessEgress distance (miles) travelled via micro-transit mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
costFareTransitMTAccessEgress cost ($) spent on micro-transit mode fares associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
timeWalk time (minutes) travelled using walk mode (excluding walk time associated with auto and transit modes) on trip, if applicable
distanceWalk distance (miles) travelled using walk mode (excluding walk distance associated with auto and transit modes) on trip, if applicable
timeMM time (minutes) travelled using micro-mobility mode (excluding micro-mobility time associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
distanceMM distance (miles) travelled using micro-mobility mode (excluding micro-mobility distance associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
costFareMM cost ($) spent on micro-mobility mode fares (excluding micro-mobility fares associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
timeMT time (minutes) travelled using micro-transit mode (excluding micro-transit time associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
distanceMT distance (miles) travelled using micro-transit mode (excluding micro-transit distance associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
costFareMT cost ($) spent on micro-transit mode fares (excluding micro-transit fares associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
timeBike time (minutes) travelled using bicycle mode on trip, if applicable
distanceBike distance (miles) travelled using bicycle mode on trip, if applicable
timeTotal time (minutes) travelled on trip
distanceTotal distance (miles) travelled on trip
costTotal cost ($) of trip

Joint Model Tour List - jointTours.csv

Field Description
tourID unique identifier of tour
hhID unique identifier of household
tourParticipants space separated list of unique identifiers of persons within household on tour
tourCategory tour category
tourPurpose tour purpose
departTimeAbmHalfHour trip departure time ABM half hour period
arriveTimeAbmHalfHour trip arrival time ABM half hour period
departTimeFiveTod trip departure time ABM five time of day period
arriveTimeFiveTod trip arrival time ABM five time of day period
originMGRA trip origin MGRA
destinationMGRA trip destination MGRA
originTAZ trip origin TAZ
destinationTAZ trip destination TAZ
tourMode tour mode

Joint Model Trip List - jointTrips.csv

Field Description
tripID unique identifier of trip
personID unique identifier of person
tourID unique identifier of tour
stopID unique identifier of stop within tour
inbound boolean indicator of inbound directionality of trip
tripPurposeOrigin trip origin purpose
tripPurposeDestination trip destination purpose
departTimeAbmHalfHour trip departure time ABM half hour period
departTimeFiveTod trip departure time ABM five time of day period
originMGRA trip origin MGRA
destinationMGRA trip destination MGRA
parkingMGRA trip parking MGRA, if applicable
originTAZ trip origin TAZ
destinationTAZ trip destination TAZ
parkingTAZ trip parking TAZ, if applicable
tripMode trip mode
boardingTAP trip boarding TAP, if applicable
alightingTAP trip alighting TAP, if applicable
valueOfTimeCategory trip value of time category
transponderAvailable boolean indicator of toll transponder availability on trip
avUsed boolean indicator of autonomous vehicle usage on trip
weightTrip weight of record to use for trip metrics
weightPersonTrip weight of record to use for person trip metrics
costParking cost ($) spent on parking on trip, if applicable
timeDrive time (minutes) travelled using auto mode(s) on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
distanceDrive distance (miles) travelled using auto mode(s) on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
costTollDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) tolls on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
costOperatingDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) operation (gas/maintenance/fees) on trip, if applicable
timeAutoTerminalWalk time (minute) walking associated with terminus of auto mode(s) on trip, if applicable
distanceAutoTerminalWalk distance (miles) walking associated with terminus of auto mode(s) on trip, if applicable
costFareDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) fares (taxi, TNC, etc...) on trip, if applicable
timeWaitDrive time (minutes) waiting associated with auto mode(s) on trip, if applicable
timeTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeTier1TransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Tier 1 transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeFreewayRapidTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Freeway Rapid Transit transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeArterialRapidTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Arterial Rapid Transit transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeExpressBusTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Express Bus transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeLocalBusTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Local Bus transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeLightRailTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Light Rail transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeCommuterRailTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Commuter Rail transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeTransitInitialWait time (minutes) initially waiting (post-arrival at first TAP) associated with transit on trip, if applicable
timeTransitWait time (minutes) waiting (including initial wait time) associated with transit on trip, if applicable
timeTransitWalk time (minutes) walking associated with transit (excluding access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitInVehicle distance (miles) travelled in transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitWalk distance (miles) travelled walking associated with transit (excluding access/egress) on trip, if applicable
costFareTransit cost ($) spent on transit fares on trip, if applicable
transfersTransit number of transfers associated with transit on trip, if applicable
timeDriveTransit time (minutes) travelled via auto mode(s) associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceDriveTransit distance (miles) travelled via auto mode(s) associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
timeTransitWalkAccessEgress time (minutes) travelled via walk mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitWalkAccessEgress distance (miles) travelled via walk mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
timeTransitMMAccessEgress time (minutes) travelled via micro-mobility mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitMMAccessEgress distance (miles) travelled via micro-mobility mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
costFareTransitMMAccessEgress cost ($) spent on micro-mobility mode fares associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
timeTransitMTAccessEgress time (minutes) travelled via micro-transit mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitMTAccessEgress distance (miles) travelled via micro-transit mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
costFareTransitMTAccessEgress cost ($) spent on micro-transit mode fares associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
timeWalk time (minutes) travelled using walk mode (excluding walk time associated with auto and transit modes) on trip, if applicable
distanceWalk distance (miles) travelled using walk mode (excluding walk distance associated with auto and transit modes) on trip, if applicable
timeMM time (minutes) travelled using micro-mobility mode (excluding micro-mobility time associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
distanceMM distance (miles) travelled using micro-mobility mode (excluding micro-mobility distance associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
costFareMM cost ($) spent on micro-mobility mode fares (excluding micro-mobility fares associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
timeMT time (minutes) travelled using micro-transit mode (excluding micro-transit time associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
distanceMT distance (miles) travelled using micro-transit mode (excluding micro-transit distance associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
costFareMT cost ($) spent on micro-transit mode fares (excluding micro-transit fares associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
timeBike time (minutes) travelled using bicycle mode on trip, if applicable
distanceBike distance (miles) travelled using bicycle mode on trip, if applicable
timeTotal time (minutes) travelled on trip
distanceTotal distance (miles) travelled on trip
costTotal cost ($) of trip

MGRA-Based Land Use Input File - mgraBasedInput.csv

Column Name Description
mgra MGRANumber
taz TAZ Number
hs housing structures
hs_sf single family structures
hs_mf multi family structures
hs_mh mobile homes
hh total number of households
hh_sf number of households - single family
hh_mf number of households - multi family
hh_mh number of mobile homes
gq_civ GQ civilian
gq_mil GQ military
i1 Number of households with income less than $15,000 ($2007)
i2 Number of households with income $15,000-$29,999 ($2007)
i3 Number of households with income $30,000-$44,999 ($2007)
i4 Number of households with income $45,000-$59,999 ($2007)
i5 Number of households with income $60,000-$74,999 ($2007)
i6 Number of households with income $75,000-$99,999 ($2007)
i7 Number of households with income $100,000-$124,999 ($2007)
i8 Number of households with income $125,000-$149,999 ($2007)
i9 Number of households with income $150,000-$199,999 ($2007)
i10 Number of households with income $200,000 or more ($2007)
hhs household size
pop total population
hhp total household population (exclude gq pop)
emp_ag Agriculture
emp_const_non_bldg_prod Construction Non-Building production (including mining)
emp_const_non_bldg_office Construction Non-Building office support (including mining)
emp_utilities_prod Utilities production
emp_utilities_office Utilities office support
emp_const_bldg_prod Construction of Buildings production
emp_const_bldg_office Construction of Buildings office support
emp_mfg_prod Manufacturing production
emp_mfg_office Manufacturing office support
emp_whsle_whs Wholesale and Warehousing
emp_trans Transportation Activity
emp_retail Retail Activity
emp_prof_bus_svcs Professional and Business Services
emp_prof_bus_svcs_bldg_maint Professional and Business Services (Building Maintenance)
emp_pvt_ed_k12 Private Education K-12
emp_pvt_ed_post_k12_oth Private Education Post-Secondary (Post K-12) and Other
emp_health Health Services
emp_personal_svcs_office Personal Services Office Based
emp_amusement Amusement Services
emp_hotel Hotels and Motels
emp_restaurant_bar Restaurants and Bars
emp_personal_svcs_retail Personal Services Retail Based
emp_religious Religious Activity
emp_pvt_hh Private Households
emp_state_local_gov_ent State and Local Government Enterprises Activity
emp_fed_non_mil Federal Non-Military Activity
emp_fed_mil Federal Military Activity
emp_state_local_gov_blue State and Local Government Non-Education Activity production
emp_state_local_gov_white State and Local Government Non-Education Activity office support
emp_public_ed Public Education K-12 and other
emp_own_occ_dwell_mgmt Owner-Occupied Dwellings Management and Maintenance Activity
emp_fed_gov_accts Federal Government Accounts
emp_st_lcl_gov_accts State and Local Government Accounts
emp_cap_accts Capital Accounts
emp_total Total employment
enrollgradekto8 Grade School K-8 enrollment
enrollgrade9to12 Grade School 9-12 enrollment
collegeenroll Major College enrollment
othercollegeenroll Other College enrollment
adultschenrl Adult School enrollment
ech_dist Elementary school district
hch_dist High school district
pseudomsa Pseudo MSA
parkarea Category determining functionality of parking models –
parkarea field codes
1: Trips with destinations in this MGRA may choose to park in a different MGRA, parking charges apply (downtown)
2: Trips with destinations in parkarea 1 may choose to park in this MGRA, parking charges might apply (quarter mile buffer around downtown)
3: Only trips with destinations in this MGRA may park here, parking charges apply (outside downtown paid parking, only show cost no capacity issue)
4: Only trips with destinations in this MGRA may park here, parking charges do not apply (outside downtown, free parking)
hstallsoth Number of stalls allowing hourly parking for trips with destinations in other MGRAs
hstallssam Number of stalls allowing hourly parking for trips with destinations in the same MGRA
hparkcost Average cost of parking for one hour in hourly stalls in this MGRA, dollars
numfreehrs Number of hours of free parking allowed before parking charges begin in hourly stalls
dstallsoth Stalls allowing daily parking for trips with destinations in other MGRAs
dstallssam Stalls allowing daily parking for trips with destinations in the same MGRA
dparkcost Average cost of parking for one day in daily stalls, dollars
mstallsoth Stalls allowing monthly parking for trips with destinations in other MGRAs
mstallssam Stalls allowing monthly parking for trips with destinations in the same MGRA
mparkcost Average cost of parking for one day in monthly stalls, amortized over 22 workdays, dollars
zip09 2009 Zip Code
parkactive Acres of Active Park
openspaceparkpreserve Acres of Open Park or Preserve
beachactive Acres of Active Beach
hotelroomtotal Total number of hotel rooms
milestocoast Distance (miles) to the nearest coast
acres Total acres in the mgra (used in CTM)
effective_acres Effective acres in the mgra (used in CTM)
land_acres Acres of land in the mgra (used in CTM)
MicroAccessTime Micro-mobility access time (mins)
remoteAVParking Remote AV parking available at MGRA:
0 = Not available
1 = Available
refueling_stations Number of refueling stations at MGRA
totint Total intersections
duden Dwelling unit density
empden Employment density
popden Population density
retempden Retail employment density
totintbin Total intersection bin
empdenbin Employment density bin
dudenbin Dwelling unit density bin
PopEmpDenPerMi Population and employment density per mile

Synthetic Population - persons.csv

Column Name Description
personId unique identifier of person
hhId unique identifier of household
personNumber unique identifier of person within household
age age
sex sex
militaryStatus military status
employmentStatus employment status
studentStatus student status
abmPersonType ABM person type
education highest level of education
grade current school grade
weeks weeks worked per year
hours hours worked per week
race race
hispanic hispanic ethnicity
abmActivityPattern ABM coordinated daily activity pattern model result
freeParkingChoice ABM free parking choice model result, if applicable
parkingReimbursementPercentage ABM free parking choice model employer parking reimbursement percentage result, if applicable
telecommuteChoice ABM telecommute model result, if applicable
workSegment employment industry, if applicable
schoolSegment school district, if applicable
workLocation ABM work location choice model MGRA result, if applicable
schoolLocation ABM school location choice model MGRA result, if applicable

Aggregated Transit Flow Table - transit_aggflow.csv

Column Name Description
MODE Transit mode (BUS, PREM, ALLPEN)
TOD Time of day (EA, AM, MD, PM, EV)
AB_TransitFlow A-B Direction Transit Flow
BA_TransitFlow B-A Direction Transit Flow
AB_NonTransit A-B Direction Non Transit Flow
BA_NonTransit B-A Direction Non Transit Flow
AB_TotalFlow A-B Direction Total Flow
BA_TotalFlow B-A Direction Total Flow
AB_Access_Walk_Flow A-B Direction Access Walk Flow
BA_Access_Walk_Flow B-A Direction Access Walk Flow
AB_Xfer_Walk_Flow A-B Direction Transfer Walk Flow
BA_Xfer_Walk_Flow B-A Direction Transfer Walk Flow
AB_Egress_Walk_Flow A-B Direction Egress Walk Flow
BA_Egress_Walk_Flow B-A Direction Egress Walk Flow

Transit Flow Table - transit_flow.csv

Column Name Description
MODE Transit mode (BUS, PREM, ALLPEN)
TOD Time of day (EA, AM, MD, PM, EV)
ROUTE Sequential Route Number
FROMMP from milepost
TOMP to milepost
TRANSITFLOW Transit flow
BASEIVTT Base in-vehicle time
VOC Volume to Capacity

On and Off Transit File - transit_onoff.csv

Column Name Description
MODE Transit mode (BUS, PREM, ALLPEN)
TOD Time of day (EA, AM, MD, PM, EV)
ROUTE Sequential Route Number
BOARDINGS Number of boardings
ALIGHTINGS Number of alightings
WALKACCESSON Number of walk access boardings
DIRECTTRANSFERON Number of transfer boardings
WALKTRANSFERON Number of walk transfer boardings
DIRECTTRANSFEROFF Number of transfer alightings
WALKTRANSFEROFF Number of walk transfer alightings
EGRESSOFF Number of walk egress alightings

Transit Link File - transitLink.csv

Column Name Description
trcovID transit link ID, unique with AB direction field
AB 1/0 indicator of AB directionality
geometry transit link linestring geometry

Transit Park and Ride Table - transitPNR.csv

Column Name Description
tapID transit access point (TAP) ID
lotID transit park and ride parking lot ID
lotTAZ TAZ geography park and ride lot resides in
timeFiveTod ABM five time of day time period
capacity parking lot vehicle capacity
distance distance (miles) from parking lot to transit access point
vehicles number of vehicles parked in parking lot

Transit Route File - transitRoute.csv

Column Name Description
Route_ID transit route ID
Route_Name route number (first three digits), direction(1/2), and configuration (last two digits)
Mode line haul mode of route:
4 = coaster
5 = sprinter/trolley
8 = prem express
9 = regular express
10 = local bus
AM_Headway ABM five time of day am peak time period headway
PM_Headway ABM five time of day pm peak time period headway
OP_Headway ABM five time of day midday time period headway
Night_Headway ABM five time of day early am and evening time period headway
Night_Hours hours of transit route operation during ABM five time of day early am and evening time periods
Config route number (first three digits), direction(1/2), and configuration (last two digits)
Fare transit fare cost ($) of route
geometry transit route linestring geometry

Transit Stop File - transitStop.csv

Column Name Description
Stop_ID transit stop ID
Route_ID transit route ID
Link_ID transit link ID
Milepost mile post
Longitude longitude of stop location
Latitude latitude of stop location
NearNode transit node ID
FareZone fare zone
StopName name of transit stop
geometry transit stop point geometry

Transit TAP File - transitTap.csv

Column Name Description
tapID transit access point (TAP) ID
geometry transit access point (TAP) point geometry

Truck Model Trip List - truckTrips.csv

Field Description
tripID unique identifier of trip
departTimeFiveTod trip departure time ABM five time of day period
originTAZ trip origin TAZ
destinationTAZ trip destination TAZ
tripMode trip mode
valueOfTimeCategory trip value of time category
transponderAvailable boolean indicator of toll transponder availability on trip
avUsed boolean indicator of autonomous vehicle usage on trip
weightTrip weight of record to use for trip metrics
weightPersonTrip weight of record to use for person trip metrics
timeDrive time (minutes) travelled using auto mode(s) on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
distanceDrive distance (miles) travelled using auto mode(s) on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
costTollDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) tolls on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
costOperatingDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) operation (gas/maintenance/fees) on trip, if applicable
timeTotal time (minutes) travelled on trip
distanceTotal distance (miles) travelled on trip
costTotal cost ($) of trip

Visitor Model Tour List - visitorTours.csv

Field Description
tourID unique identifier of tour
segment tour segment/category
tourPurpose tour purpose
partySize number of persons in tour party
income income category of persons in tour party
departTimeAbmHalfHour trip departure time ABM half hour period
arriveTimeAbmHalfHour trip arrival time ABM half hour period
departTimeFiveTod trip departure time ABM five time of day period
arriveTimeFiveTod trip arrival time ABM five time of day period
originMGRA trip origin MGRA
destinationMGRA trip destination MGRA
originTAZ trip origin TAZ
destinationTAZ trip destination TAZ
tourMode tour mode

Visitor Model Trip List - visitorTrips.csv

Field Description
tripID unique identifier of trip
tourID unique identifier of tour
stopID unique identifier of stop within tour
inbound boolean indicator of inbound directionality of trip
tripPurposeOrigin trip origin purpose
tripPurposeDestination trip destination purpose
departTimeAbmHalfHour trip departure time ABM half hour period
departTimeFiveTod trip departure time ABM five time of day period
originMGRA trip origin MGRA
destinationMGRA trip destination MGRA
parkingMGRA trip parking MGRA, if applicable
originTAZ trip origin TAZ
destinationTAZ trip destination TAZ
parkingTAZ trip parking TAZ, if applicable
tripMode trip mode
boardingTAP trip boarding TAP, if applicable
alightingTAP trip alighting TAP, if applicable
valueOfTimeCategory trip value of time category
transponderAvailable boolean indicator of toll transponder availability on trip
avUsed boolean indicator of autonomous vehicle usage on trip
weightTrip weight of record to use for trip metrics
weightPersonTrip weight of record to use for person trip metrics
costParking cost ($) spent on parking on trip, if applicable
timeDrive time (minutes) travelled using auto mode(s) on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
distanceDrive distance (miles) travelled using auto mode(s) on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
costTollDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) tolls on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
costOperatingDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) operation (gas/maintenance/fees) on trip, if applicable
costFareDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) fares (taxi, TNC, etc...) on trip, if applicable
timeWaitDrive time (minutes) waiting associated with auto mode(s) on trip, if applicable
timeTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeTier1TransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Tier 1 transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeFreewayRapidTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Freeway Rapid Transit transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeArterialRapidTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Arterial Rapid Transit transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeExpressBusTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Express Bus transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeLocalBusTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Local Bus transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeLightRailTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Light Rail transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeCommuterRailTransitInVehicle time (minutes) travelled in Commuter Rail transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
timeTransitInitialWait time (minutes) initially waiting (post-arrival at first TAP) associated with transit on trip, if applicable
timeTransitWait time (minutes) waiting (including initial wait time) associated with transit on trip, if applicable
timeTransitWalk time (minutes) walking associated with transit (excluding access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitInVehicle distance (miles) travelled in transit vehicle on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitWalk distance (miles) travelled walking associated with transit (excluding access/egress) on trip, if applicable
costFareTransit cost ($) spent on transit fares on trip, if applicable
transfersTransit number of transfers associated with transit on trip, if applicable
timeDriveTransit time (minutes) travelled via auto mode(s) associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceDriveTransit distance (miles) travelled via auto mode(s) associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
timeTransitWalkAccessEgress time (minutes) travelled via walk mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitWalkAccessEgress distance (miles) travelled via walk mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
timeTransitMMAccessEgress time (minutes) travelled via micro-mobility mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitMMAccessEgress distance (miles) travelled via micro-mobility mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
costFareTransitMMAccessEgress cost ($) spent on micro-mobility mode fares associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
timeTransitMTAccessEgress time (minutes) travelled via micro-transit mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
distanceTransitMTAccessEgress distance (miles) travelled via micro-transit mode associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
costFareTransitMTAccessEgress cost ($) spent on micro-transit mode fares associated with transit (access/egress) on trip, if applicable
timeWalk time (minutes) travelled using walk mode (excluding walk time associated with auto and transit modes) on trip, if applicable
distanceWalk distance (miles) travelled using walk mode (excluding walk distance associated with auto and transit modes) on trip, if applicable
timeMM time (minutes) travelled using micro-mobility mode (excluding micro-mobility time associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
distanceMM distance (miles) travelled using micro-mobility mode (excluding micro-mobility distance associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
costFareMM cost ($) spent on micro-mobility mode fares (excluding micro-mobility fares associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
timeMT time (minutes) travelled using micro-transit mode (excluding micro-transit time associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
distanceMT distance (miles) travelled using micro-transit mode (excluding micro-transit distance associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
costFareMT cost ($) spent on micro-transit mode fares (excluding micro-transit fares associated with transit modes) on trip, if applicable
timeBike time (minutes) travelled using bicycle mode on trip, if applicable
distanceBike distance (miles) travelled using bicycle mode on trip, if applicable
timeTotal time (minutes) travelled on trip
distanceTotal distance (miles) travelled on trip
costTotal cost ($) of trip

Zombie 0-passenger AV Trip List - zombieAVTrips.csv

Field Description
tripID unique identifier of trip
hhID unique identifier of household that owns the autonomous vehicle
vehID unique identifier of autonomous vehicle within household
vehicleTripID unique identifier of trip within vehicle
originIsHome boolean indicator if trip origin is home location
destinationIsHome boolean indicator if trip destination is home location
originIsRemoteParking boolean indicator if trip origin is remote parking location
destinationIsRemoteParking boolean indicator if trip destination is remote parking location
departTimeAbmHalfHour trip departure time ABM half hour period
departTimeFiveTod trip departure time ABM five time of day period
originMGRA trip origin MGRA
destinationMGRA trip destination MGRA
parkingMGRA trip parking MGRA, if applicable
originTAZ trip origin TAZ
destinationTAZ trip destination TAZ
parkingTAZ trip parking TAZ, if applicable
tripMode trip mode
valueOfTimeCategory trip value of time category
transponderAvailable boolean indicator of toll transponder availability on trip
avUsed boolean indicator of autonomous vehicle usage on trip
weightTrip weight of record to use for trip metrics
weightPersonTrip weight of record to use for person trip metrics
costParking cost ($) spent on parking on trip, if applicable
timeDrive time (minutes) travelled using auto mode(s) on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
distanceDrive distance (miles) travelled using auto mode(s) on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
costTollDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) tolls on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
costOperatingDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) operation (gas/maintenance/fees) on trip, if applicable
timeTotal time (minutes) travelled on trip
distanceTotal distance (miles) travelled on trip
costTotal cost ($) of trip

Zombie 0-passenger TNC Trip List - zombieTNCTrips.csv

Field Description
tripID unique identifier of trip
originPurpose trip origin purpose
destinationPurpose trip destination purpose
departTimeAbmHalfHour trip departure time ABM half hour period
departTimeFiveTod trip departure time ABM five time of day period
originMGRA trip origin MGRA
destinationMGRA trip destination MGRA
parkingMGRA trip parking MGRA, if applicable
originTAZ trip origin TAZ
destinationTAZ trip destination TAZ
parkingTAZ trip parking TAZ, if applicable
tripMode trip mode
valueOfTimeCategory trip value of time category
transponderAvailable boolean indicator of toll transponder availability on trip
avUsed boolean indicator of autonomous vehicle usage on trip
weightTrip weight of record to use for trip metrics
weightPersonTrip weight of record to use for person trip metrics
timeDrive time (minutes) travelled using auto mode(s) on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
distanceDrive distance (miles) travelled using auto mode(s) on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
costTollDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) tolls on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
costOperatingDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) operation (gas/maintenance/fees) on trip, if applicable
timeTotal time (minutes) travelled on trip
distanceTotal distance (miles) travelled on trip
costTotal cost ($) of trip

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