A small Console application to allow users to move robots around a game board. The project has been built using .Net Core 2.2.
- .Net Core 2.2
This project contains the code the the game.
This project contains the unit tests.
Run the console application
To set up a game board enter the maximum X and Y coordinates in the format "maxX maxY"
To add a robot enter its initial cooridnates and the direction it is facing (N, E, S or W) in the format "x y direction"
To move the most recently added robot enter a command string containing only the characters "M", "L" and "R"
After you have finished robots enter a blank space to log the position of the robots after the entered movements
Example input:
5 5
1 2 N
3 3 E
Example output:
1 3 N
5 1 E
It is not possible to place a robot outside of the game grid, its inital values will be truncated to the maximum/minimum extent of the grid if neccessary
A robot cannot move outside the grid, if instructed to it will simply not move
Add StyleCop or some other static code analysis tool
Create a UI for entering the robot details and viewing the game board
Have a penalty system for if the robots attempt to move outside the grid or collide
Allow the robots to move in turn rather than consecutively
Persist the move list to allow moves to be replayed or rewound
Thanks to John Nye (ninjanye) for some inspiration relating to design patterns in their similar project: https://github.com/ninjanye/RobotWars