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Hapax edited this page Jul 7, 2016 · 3 revisions



This is a drawable class that works in a similar way to a standard Sprite (it has many of the same methods plus it's derived from both sf::Transformable and sf::Drawable). This class, however, has the ability to rotate around all three axis (the standard Sprite only rotates around the z axis).

Since it can rotate and show its back face, the class allows you to supply a secondary texture which it displays instead when the back is visible.

Sprite3d injects itself into the same namespace as SFML to allow for an easy and seamless transition from sf::Sprite to sf::Sprite3d.
Sprite3d is intended to be able to be used in place of a standard SFML sprite with no changes to the code.

For more information, please visit the Sprite 3D wiki on Selba Ward. There are examples and the latest version at Selba Ward as Sprite 3D is now only updated and maintained there.

The thread on the SFML forum dedicated to all of the drawables found in Selba Ward, can be found here.
The old and original thread for Sprite3d can be found here.


// Sprite3d
// Copyright (c) 2015 M. J. Silk
// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
// arising from the use of this software.
// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
// freely, subject to the following restrictions:
// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
//    claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
//    in a product, an acknowledgement in the product documentation would be
//    appreciated but is not required.
// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
//    misrepresented as being the original software.
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
// M. J. Silk


#include <vector>
#include <SFML/Graphics/Drawable.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics/Transformable.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics/RenderTarget.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics/RenderStates.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics/Vertex.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics/PrimitiveType.hpp>
#include <SFML/System/Vector2.hpp>
#include <SFML/System/Vector3.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics/Color.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics/Texture.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics/Rect.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics/Sprite.hpp> // to construct from sf::Sprite

namespace sf

// Sprite3d version 1.0.0
class Sprite3d : public sf::Drawable, public sf::Transformable
	// constructors
	Sprite3d(const sf::Texture& texture); // create from texture
	Sprite3d(const sf::Texture& texture, const sf::IntRect& textureRect); // create from texture and texture rectangle
	Sprite3d(const sf::Texture& texture, const sf::Texture& backTexture); // create from (front) texture and back texture
	Sprite3d(const sf::Texture& texture, const sf::IntRect& textureRect, const sf::Texture& backTexture, sf::Vector2i backTextureOffset = sf::Vector2i()); // create from (front) texture, texture rectangle, back texture, and back texture offset
	Sprite3d(const sf::Sprite& sprite); // create from standard sprite (copies texture, texture rectangle and all transformations)

	// get a standard sprite formed similarly to sprite3d
	const sf::Sprite getSprite() const;

	// standard sprite
	const sf::Texture* getTexture() const;
	sf::IntRect getTextureRect() const;
	sf::Color getColor() const;
	sf::FloatRect getLocalBounds() const;
	sf::FloatRect getGlobalBounds() const;

	void setTexture(const sf::Texture& texture, bool resetRect = false, bool resetBackOffset = false);
	void setTextureRect(const sf::IntRect& rectangle);
	void setColor(const sf::Color& color);

	// back face
	const sf::Texture* getBackTexture() const;
	bool getBackFlipEnabled() const;
	sf::Vector2i getTextureOffset() const;
	sf::Vector2i getBackTextureOffset() const;

	void setBackTexture(const sf::Texture& texture, bool resetOffset = false);
	void setBackFlipEnabled(bool flipBack = true);
	void setTextureOffset(sf::Vector2i textureOffset = sf::Vector2i());
	void setBackTextureOffset(sf::Vector2i backTextureOffset = sf::Vector2i());

	// 3D rotation
	float getPitch() const;
	float getYaw() const;
	float getRoll() const;
	sf::Vector3f getRotation3d() const;
	float getMostExtremeAngle() const; // most extreme angle of pitch and yaw. ranges from 0 to 90

	void setPitch(float pitch); // rotation around the x axis
	void setYaw(float yaw);     // rotation around the y axis
	void setRoll(float roll);   // rotation around the z axis (this is the usual 2D rotation)
	void setRotation(float rotation); // supplied as the 3d rotation method overrides the sf::Transformable rotation method
	void setRotation(sf::Vector3f rotation); // set pitch, yaw, and roll at once.
	void setRotation3d(sf::Vector3f rotation); // set pitch, yaw, and roll at once.

	// mesh setup
	unsigned int getMeshDensity() const;
	unsigned int getSubdividedMeshDensity() const;
	unsigned int getSubdivision() const;
	bool getDynamicSubdivisionEnabled() const;

	void reserveMeshDensity(unsigned int meshDensity); // allow an expected maximum mesh density to be reserved in advance
	void setMeshDensity(unsigned int meshDensity);
	void setDynamicSubdivisionEnabled(bool enabled = true);
	void setDynamicSubdivisionRange(unsigned int maximum, unsigned int minimum = 0u);
	void setSubdivision(const unsigned int subdivision) const; // required to be const to allow dynamic subdivision
	void setNumberOfPoints(unsigned int numberOfPoints); // provided for convenience (sets number of points before any subdivision)
	void setNumberOfQuads(unsigned int numberOfPoints); // provided for convenience (sets number of apparent quads before any subdivision)
	void minimalMesh();

	// 3D setup
	// depth controls the amount of the apparent depth of the 3D effect.
	// higher values give a more extreme depth effect but more visible texture distortion
	// higher values give a more subtle depth effect but less visible texture distortion
	float getDepth() const;

	void setDepth(float depth);

	const float m_depthToShallownessConversionNumerator;

	float m_pitch;
	float m_yaw;
	float m_depth; // even though m_shallowness is the one that actually gets used internally, this is stored as a form of cache to return through getDepth() to avoid the unnecessary division in a getter
	float m_shallowness;
	unsigned int m_meshDensity;
	bool m_flipBack; // flips the back's texture coordinates so that it shows the right way around

	// texture
	const sf::Texture* m_pTexture;
	const sf::Texture* m_pBackTexture;
	sf::Vector2i m_size;
	sf::Vector2i m_textureOffset;
	sf::Vector2i m_backTextureOffset;
	// for dynamic subdivision based on angle
	bool m_useDynamicSubdivision;
	unsigned int m_minSubdivision;
	unsigned int m_maxSubdivision;
	// need to be mutable to allow dynamic subdivision
	mutable unsigned int m_subdivision;
	mutable unsigned int m_subdividedMeshDensity; // stored as a cache to avoid unnecessary power calculations
	mutable std::vector<sf::Vector3f> m_points;

	// need to be mutable to allow modification through draw call
	mutable std::vector<sf::Vector2f> m_transformedPoints;
	mutable sf::Vector3f m_origin;
	mutable std::vector<sf::Vertex> m_vertices;
	mutable std::vector<float> m_compactTransformMatrix;
	mutable bool m_isBackFacing;

	// corners' global positions (mutable as they are automatically updated when the points are transformed)
	mutable sf::Vector2f m_topLeft;
	mutable sf::Vector2f m_topRight;
	mutable sf::Vector2f m_bottomLeft;
	mutable sf::Vector2f m_bottomRight;

	void createPointGrid() const; // needs to be const to allow dynamic subdivision

	virtual void draw(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const;
	void updateTransformedPoints() const;
	void updateVertices() const;
	void updateGlobalCorners() const;

	unsigned int getPointIndexForVertexIndex(unsigned int vertexIndex, bool invertPointX = false) const;
	unsigned int getNumberOfVerticesNeededForCurrentSubdividedMeshDensity() const;
	float linearInterpolation(float from, float to, float alpha) const;
	float mod(float numerator, float denominator) const;
	float min(float a, float b) const;
	float max(float a, float b) const;
	sf::Vector2i abs(const sf::Vector2i& vector) const;

} // namespace sf


// Sprite3d
// Copyright (c) 2015 M. J. Silk
// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
// arising from the use of this software.
// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
// freely, subject to the following restrictions:
// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
//    claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
//    in a product, an acknowledgement in the product documentation would be
//    appreciated but is not required.
// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
//    misrepresented as being the original software.
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
// M. J. Silk

#include "Sprite3d.hpp"

namespace sf

Sprite3d::Sprite3d() :
m_shallowness(m_depthToShallownessConversionNumerator / m_depth),
m_compactTransformMatrix(5, 0.f),

Sprite3d::Sprite3d(const sf::Texture& texture) :

Sprite3d::Sprite3d(const sf::Texture& texture, const sf::IntRect& textureRect):

Sprite3d::Sprite3d(const sf::Texture& texture, const sf::Texture& backTexture) :

Sprite3d::Sprite3d(const sf::Texture& texture, const sf::IntRect& textureRect, const sf::Texture& backTexture, sf::Vector2i backTextureOffset):

Sprite3d::Sprite3d(const sf::Sprite& sprite):

const sf::Sprite Sprite3d::getSprite() const
	sf::IntRect textureRect(m_textureOffset, m_size);
	sf::Sprite sprite(*m_pTexture, textureRect);
	return sprite;

void Sprite3d::setTextureRect(const sf::IntRect& textureRectangle)
	m_textureOffset = sf::Vector2i(textureRectangle.left,;
	m_backTextureOffset = m_textureOffset;
	m_size = sf::Vector2i(textureRectangle.width, textureRectangle.height);

void Sprite3d::setTexture(const sf::Texture& texture, const bool resetRect, const bool resetBackOffset)
	if (m_pTexture == nullptr || resetRect)
		m_textureOffset = sf::Vector2i(0, 0);
		m_size = sf::Vector2i(texture.getSize());
	if (resetBackOffset)
		m_backTextureOffset = sf::Vector2i(0, 0);
	m_pTexture = &texture;

void Sprite3d::setBackTexture(const sf::Texture& texture, const bool resetOffset)
	m_pBackTexture = &texture;
	if (m_pBackTexture == nullptr || resetOffset)
		m_backTextureOffset = sf::Vector2i(0, 0);

void Sprite3d::setBackFlipEnabled(const bool flipBack)
	m_flipBack = flipBack;

const sf::Texture* Sprite3d::getTexture() const
	return m_pTexture;

const sf::Texture* Sprite3d::getBackTexture() const
	return m_pBackTexture;

bool Sprite3d::getBackFlipEnabled() const
	return m_flipBack;

sf::Vector2i Sprite3d::getTextureOffset() const
	return m_textureOffset;

void Sprite3d::setTextureOffset(sf::Vector2i textureOffset)
	m_textureOffset = textureOffset;

sf::Vector2i Sprite3d::getBackTextureOffset() const
	return m_backTextureOffset;

void Sprite3d::setBackTextureOffset(sf::Vector2i backTextureOffset)
	m_backTextureOffset = backTextureOffset;

void Sprite3d::setColor(const sf::Color& color)
	for (auto& vertex : m_vertices)
		vertex.color = color;

sf::Color Sprite3d::getColor() const
	return m_vertices[0].color;

float Sprite3d::getPitch() const
	return m_pitch;

float Sprite3d::getYaw() const
	return m_yaw;

float Sprite3d::getRoll() const
	return this->getRotation();

sf::Vector3f Sprite3d::getRotation3d() const
	return{ m_pitch, m_yaw, this->getRotation() };

void Sprite3d::setPitch(float pitch)
	m_pitch = pitch;
	while (m_pitch > 180.f)
		m_pitch -= 360.f;
	while (m_pitch < -180.f)
		m_pitch += 360.f;

void Sprite3d::setYaw(float yaw)
	m_yaw = yaw;
	while (m_yaw > 180.f)
		m_yaw -= 360.f;
	while (m_yaw < -180.f)
		m_yaw += 360.f;

void Sprite3d::setRoll(float roll)

void Sprite3d::setRotation(float rotation)

void Sprite3d::setRotation(sf::Vector3f rotation)

void Sprite3d::setRotation3d(sf::Vector3f rotation)

float Sprite3d::getMostExtremeAngle() const
	float pitch = std::abs(m_pitch);
	if (pitch > 90.f)
		pitch = 180.f - pitch;
	float yaw = std::abs(m_yaw);
	if (yaw > 90.f)
		yaw = 180.f - yaw;
	return std::max(pitch, yaw);

void Sprite3d::setMeshDensity(const unsigned int meshDensity)
	m_meshDensity = meshDensity;


unsigned int Sprite3d::getMeshDensity() const
	return m_meshDensity;

unsigned int Sprite3d::getSubdividedMeshDensity() const
	return m_subdividedMeshDensity;

void Sprite3d::reserveMeshDensity(const unsigned int meshDensity)
	const unsigned int numberOfPointsPerDimension = meshDensity + 2;
	m_points.reserve(numberOfPointsPerDimension * numberOfPointsPerDimension);

	//const unsigned int currentMeshDensity = m_meshDensity;
	const unsigned int currentSubdividedMeshDensity = m_subdividedMeshDensity;
	m_subdividedMeshDensity = meshDensity;
	m_subdividedMeshDensity = currentSubdividedMeshDensity;

void Sprite3d::setDynamicSubdivisionEnabled(const bool enabled)
	m_useDynamicSubdivision = enabled;

void Sprite3d::setDynamicSubdivisionRange(unsigned int maximum, unsigned int minimum)
	if (maximum < minimum)
		unsigned int temp;
		temp = maximum;
		maximum = minimum;
		minimum = temp;
	m_maxSubdivision = maximum;
	m_minSubdivision = minimum;

bool Sprite3d::getDynamicSubdivisionEnabled() const
	return m_useDynamicSubdivision;

void Sprite3d::setSubdivision(const unsigned int subdivision) const
	m_subdivision = subdivision;

	m_subdividedMeshDensity = m_meshDensity;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_subdivision; ++i)
		m_subdividedMeshDensity = m_subdividedMeshDensity * 2 + 1;


unsigned int Sprite3d::getSubdivision() const
	return m_subdivision;

void Sprite3d::setNumberOfPoints(const unsigned int numberOfPoints)
	unsigned int root = static_cast<unsigned int>(sqrt(numberOfPoints));
	if (root > 2)
		setMeshDensity(root - 2);

void Sprite3d::setNumberOfQuads(const unsigned int numberOfQuads)
	unsigned int root = static_cast<unsigned int>(sqrt(numberOfQuads));
	if (root > 1)
		setMeshDensity(root - 1);

void Sprite3d::minimalMesh()
	m_meshDensity = 0;

sf::FloatRect Sprite3d::getLocalBounds() const
	return sf::FloatRect(sf::Vector2f(0.f, 0.f), sf::Vector2f(abs(m_size)));

sf::FloatRect Sprite3d::getGlobalBounds() const
	float minX = min(m_topLeft.x, min(m_topRight.x, min(m_bottomLeft.x, m_bottomRight.x)));
	float maxX = max(m_topLeft.x, max(m_topRight.x, max(m_bottomLeft.x, m_bottomRight.x)));
	float minY = min(m_topLeft.y, min(m_topRight.y, min(m_bottomLeft.y, m_bottomRight.y)));
	float maxY = max(m_topLeft.y, max(m_topRight.y, max(m_bottomLeft.y, m_bottomRight.y)));
	return sf::FloatRect(sf::Vector2f(minX, minY), sf::Vector2f(maxX - minX, maxY - minY));

void Sprite3d::setDepth(const float depth)
	m_depth = depth;
	m_shallowness = m_depthToShallownessConversionNumerator / ((m_depth > -0.000001f && m_depth < 0.000001f) ? 0.000001f : m_depth); // avoid division by zero here but don't change m_depth from being zero

float Sprite3d::getDepth() const
	return m_depth;

void Sprite3d::draw(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const
	if (m_pTexture != nullptr)
		states.transform *= getTransform();
		if (m_isBackFacing && m_pBackTexture != nullptr)
			states.texture = m_pBackTexture;
			states.texture = m_pTexture;

		target.draw(&m_vertices[0], m_vertices.size(), sf::PrimitiveType::TrianglesStrip, states);

void Sprite3d::updateTransformedPoints() const
	if (m_useDynamicSubdivision)
		setSubdivision(static_cast<unsigned int>((m_maxSubdivision - m_minSubdivision) * getMostExtremeAngle() / 90.f + m_minSubdivision));

	m_origin = { this->getOrigin().x, this->getOrigin().y, 0.f };
	const float radiansFromDegreesMultiplier = 0.0174532925f; // pi / 180;
	const float pitchInRadians = m_pitch * radiansFromDegreesMultiplier;
	const float yawInRadians = m_yaw * radiansFromDegreesMultiplier;
	const float cosPitch = cos(pitchInRadians);
	const float sinPitch = sin(pitchInRadians);
	const float cosYaw = cos(yawInRadians);
	const float sinYaw = sin(yawInRadians);

	*          Pitch and Yaw combined matrix               *
	*                                                      *
	*  cosYaw,  sinPitch * sinYaw, -cosPitch * sinYaw, 0,  *
	*  0,       cosPitch,           sinPitch,          0,  *
	*  sinYaw, -sinPitch * cosYaw,  cosPitch * cosYaw, 0,  *
	*  0,       0,                  0,                 1   *

	m_compactTransformMatrix = { cosYaw, sinYaw, sinPitch * sinYaw, cosPitch, -sinPitch * cosYaw }; // only the five used elements

	for (unsigned int v = 0; v < m_points.size(); ++v)
		sf::Vector3f point = m_points[v];
		point -= m_origin;
		point =
			m_compactTransformMatrix[0] * point.x + m_compactTransformMatrix[2] * point.y,
			                                        m_compactTransformMatrix[3] * point.y,
			m_compactTransformMatrix[1] * point.x + m_compactTransformMatrix[4] * point.y
		}; // apply rotations
		point *= m_shallowness / (m_shallowness + point.z); // apply depth
		point += m_origin;
		m_transformedPoints[v] = sf::Vector2f(point.x, point.y);


	m_isBackFacing = false;
	if (m_pitch < -90.f || m_pitch > 90.f)
		m_isBackFacing = true;
	if (m_yaw < -90.f || m_yaw > 90.f)
		m_isBackFacing = !m_isBackFacing;

void Sprite3d::updateVertices() const
	sf::Vector2i currentTextureOffset = m_textureOffset;
	if (m_isBackFacing)
		currentTextureOffset = m_backTextureOffset;

	// create a mesh (triangle strip) from the points
	for (unsigned int v = 0; v < m_vertices.size(); ++v)
		const unsigned int pointIndex = getPointIndexForVertexIndex(v);
		const unsigned int texturePointIndex = getPointIndexForVertexIndex(v, m_isBackFacing && m_flipBack);

		// update vertex
		m_vertices[v].position = m_transformedPoints[pointIndex];
		m_vertices[v].texCoords.x = (m_points[texturePointIndex].x * (m_size.x < 0 ? -1 : 1)) + currentTextureOffset.x;
		m_vertices[v].texCoords.y = (m_points[texturePointIndex].y * (m_size.y < 0 ? -1 : 1)) + currentTextureOffset.y;

void Sprite3d::updateGlobalCorners() const
	m_topLeft = getTransform().transformPoint(m_transformedPoints.front());
	m_topRight = getTransform().transformPoint(*(m_transformedPoints.begin() + m_subdividedMeshDensity + 1));
	m_bottomLeft = getTransform().transformPoint(*(m_transformedPoints.end() - m_subdividedMeshDensity - 2)); // end() - (m_subdividedMeshDensity + 1) - 1
	m_bottomRight = getTransform().transformPoint(m_transformedPoints.back());


void Sprite3d::createPointGrid() const
	sf::Vector2f leftTop(0.f, 0.f);
	sf::Vector2f rightBottom(abs(m_size));

	const unsigned int numberOfPointsPerDimension = m_subdividedMeshDensity + 2;

	// create a grid of points
	m_points.resize(numberOfPointsPerDimension * numberOfPointsPerDimension);
	for (unsigned int y = 0; y < numberOfPointsPerDimension; ++y)
		for (unsigned int x = 0; x < numberOfPointsPerDimension; ++x)
			m_points[y * numberOfPointsPerDimension + x].x = linearInterpolation(leftTop.x, rightBottom.x, static_cast<float>(x) / (numberOfPointsPerDimension - 1));
			m_points[y * numberOfPointsPerDimension + x].y = linearInterpolation(leftTop.y, rightBottom.y, static_cast<float>(y) / (numberOfPointsPerDimension - 1));
			m_points[y * numberOfPointsPerDimension + x].z = 0.f;


unsigned int Sprite3d::getPointIndexForVertexIndex(const unsigned int vertexIndex, const bool invertPointX) const
	const unsigned int numberOfPointsPerDimension = m_subdividedMeshDensity + 2;
	const unsigned int numberOfVerticesPerRow = numberOfPointsPerDimension * 2 - 1;

	bool isOddRow = ((vertexIndex / numberOfVerticesPerRow) % 2) == 1;
	unsigned int pointX = (vertexIndex % numberOfVerticesPerRow) / 2;
	if (isOddRow)
		pointX = numberOfPointsPerDimension - pointX - 1;
	if (invertPointX)
		pointX = numberOfPointsPerDimension - pointX - 1;
	unsigned int pointY = (vertexIndex / numberOfVerticesPerRow) + ((vertexIndex % numberOfVerticesPerRow) % 2);
	return pointY * numberOfPointsPerDimension + pointX;

unsigned int Sprite3d::getNumberOfVerticesNeededForCurrentSubdividedMeshDensity() const
	//const unsigned int numberOfPointsPerDimension = m_meshDensity + 2;
	//const unsigned int numberOfVerticesPerRow = numberOfPointsPerDimension * 2 - 1;
	//return numberOfVerticesPerRow * (numberOfPointsPerDimension - 1) + 1;
	= v * (p - 1) + 1
		v = p * 2 - 1
	= (p * 2 - 1) * (p - 1) + 1
	= (2p - 1)(p - 1) + 1
		p = m + 2
	= (2(m + 2) - 1)(m + 2 - 1) + 1
	= (2m + 4 - 1)(m + 1) + 1
	= (2m + 3)(m + 1) + 1
	= (2m² + 3m + 2m + 3) + 1
	= 2m² + 5m + 4
	= m(2m + 5) + 4
	return (m_subdividedMeshDensity * 2 + 5) * m_subdividedMeshDensity + 4;

float Sprite3d::linearInterpolation(float from, float to, float alpha) const
	return from * (1.f - alpha) + to * alpha;

float Sprite3d::mod(float numerator, float denominator) const
	// avoid division by zero (if more accuracy is required, only offset the divided denominator, still use the actual denominator to multiply back as zero multiplication is fine)
	if (denominator > -0.000001f && denominator < 0.000001f)
		denominator = 0.000001f;
	return numerator - (trunc(numerator / denominator) * denominator);

float Sprite3d::min(float a, float b) const
	return (a < b) ? a : b;

float Sprite3d::max(float a, float b) const
	return (a > b) ? a : b;

sf::Vector2i Sprite3d::abs(const sf::Vector2i& vector) const
	return sf::Vector2i(std::abs(vector.x), std::abs(vector.y));

} // namespace sf

Written by Hapax (Github | SFML forum)

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