This software is mainly used to analyze the parameter information of acupuncture manipulation (AM) derived from the three-dimensional motion tracking system (Simi Motion Ver.8.5). Kinematic parameters of six finger joints can be analyzed by this software during the periodic AM (lifting-thrusting and twirling), and caculate the average velocity, amplitude, operation cycle, frequency, etc. along the X/Y/Z-axis of each joint in the three-dimensional space, so as to complete the quantitative evaluation of the basic AM.
Server: Windows server 2016/2019 or CentOS 7.0 or Ubuntu Server 20.04 with Apache 2.0, PHP 7.4.3 and MySQL 8.0
Client: Windows 11/10/8/7/XP or MacOS or Ubuntu with Chrome or Firefox
Clone this repository and upload all the files and folders to your own server, then visit it with web browser of your clients.
Input the username and password to login AMA.
Click Add New Participant, then select the Participant type and gender, and input the Participant name, age and Practice Time in the pop-up page, click Submit to finish adding a new participant.
Click Add new record corresponding to the newly added participant in the list page, and input the Folder name contain the uploaded data files of Simi Motion and select the Operation date, click submit to continue.
Click Analysis corresponding to the newly added operation record, then select Skill and click Submit. The script will identify and display all the valid crests and troughs for manual review.
NOTE: A certain crest or trough can be reselected manually in the corresponding drop-down list if it is incorrectly identified by script.
Based on these crests and troughs, the average value of amplitudes and velocities along three axes of each tracking point, as well as the operating time of lifting, thrusting, twirling left, and twirling right actions can be calculated and displayed by the script.
Feel free to contact us if you have any question about this software.
Email: (Wen-Chao Tang)