Introduce how to deploy SCN edge node system by steps
Insert the information of edge cluster in database of control center (contact system Admin for this step)
Insert node information. Following is an example of inserting three nodes.
insert into edge_cluster (id, clusterid, host, http_port, state, create_time, update_time, last_start_time, rpc_port)
(1, 1, '', 443, '', cast(extract(epoch from now()) as bigint), cast(extract(epoch from now()) as bigint), 0, 9001),
(2, 2, '', 443, '', cast(extract(epoch from now()) as bigint), cast(extract(epoch from now()) as bigint), 0, 9001),
(3, 3, '', 443, '', cast(extract(epoch from now()) as bigint), cast(extract(epoch from now()) as bigint), 0, 9001);
- Log in
docker login
username: your_docker_registry_username
password: ******
Docker push could be processed now
Configure nfs service. Since we need the openwhisk system and it needs to be stored for a long period of time, so let’s configure some nfs directories in advance in case they are needed.
Install nfs (how to install nfs would not be repeated here)
Establish the following directory on nfs server
# prefix /var/k8s_volumes can be adjusted on your own
- Set up nfs to open the following directory
# Please note that the ip segment needs to be set to be an intranet ip segment of your own worker, which needs to be correspondent to the prefix /var/k8s_volumes
- nfs volume is now available for access
- Please refer to the document kubernetes、openwhisk system deployment (
- Please use the configured nfs to support the persistent of openwhisk
- One action needs to be set up after the installation of openwhisk. The action will be used to create users afterwards.
- After the installment of openwhisk, a default guest account is created. We can configure wsk with apikey from the guest account.
wsk -i property set --apihost ${openwhisk_ip}:31001
wsk -i property set --auth '23bc46b1-71f6-4ed5-8c54-816aa4f8c502:123zO3xZCLrMN6v2BKK1dXYFpXlPkccOFqm12CdAsMgRU4VrNZ9lyGVCGuMDGIwP'
${openwhisk ip} can be replaced by any ip address of the worker’s
- Execute the command of creating the action, please use the following attachment
wsk -i action update user_create --kind python:3 --web false
- Currently we are using self-build docker image registry with self-signed certification, which needs to configure trust on the request docker
- Set up the following directory, replace ${host_ip_or_hostname} with self-signed registry ip or domain name.
- The current intranet address for the self-signed docker registry is internal_ip, address for public network is public_ip
- Put ca.crt from self-signed docker registry into this directory. Please use your self_docker_registry_ca.crt from the attachment and remember to rename as ca.crt (contact system administrator to get the get the ca.crt)
##Restart docker
- Restart docker
systemctl restart docker
- Test. To verify if the configuration is successful, we do docker login on every machine
docker login public_ip
username: XXX
password: ******
- For now, we just use one namespace, which is openwhisk, in the edge node system
- Related namespace has been created during the process of openwhisk installation above. No more operation is needed here.
- Execute the following command
kubectl -nopenwhisk create secret docker-registry qingzhou-registry \
--docker-server=public_ip \
--docker-username=xxx \
- configure the couchdb from openwhisk
Please find couchdb from penwhisk and add the time record in the activation database
# kubectl -nopenwhisk port-forward service/owdev-couchdb 5984:5984
- Then access couchdb by
User name and password are as follows:
#General parameters:
# DbUserName: "whisk_admin"
# DbPassword: "some_passw0rd"
# DbName: "test_activations"
# DelimiterTimeKey: "59ec00aba4f6e5259f213fd3f800c022"
Create the following record in the test_activations database
"_id": "59ec00aba4f6e5259f213fd3f800c022",
"delimiter": 0
- Execute following commands (load balance is not used in the installation)
kubectl apply -f openwhisk/fdn-stat/configmap.yml
kubectl apply -f openwhisk/fdn-stat/no_load_balance_with_hostnetwork/headless_service.yml
kubectl apply -f openwhisk/fdn-stat/no_load_balance_with_hostnetwork/statefulset.yml
- fdn-edge-gateway needs a configuration file Refer to configmaps/configmap_**.yml
#Please edit the configuration file and command according to the cluster address
kubectl apply -f openwhisk/fdn-edge-gateway/configmaps/configmap_hk.yml
kubectl apply -f openwhisk/fdn-edge-gateway/no_load_balance_with_hostnetwork/headless_service.yml
kubectl apply -f openwhisk/fdn-edge-gateway/no_load_balance_with_hostnetwork/statefulset.yml
- Meanwhile, we need to forward port 443 to fdn-edge-gatway through ingress
#Please create related tls secret according to openwhisk/fdn-edge-gateway/ingress/
kubectl apply -f openwhisk/fdn-edge-gateway/ingress/ingress.yml
- Please DO modify the ip address of subsets.addresses in the file into the address of load balancer in the control center.
kubectl apply -f openwhisk/band-couchdb/openwhisk_band_couchdb_service.yml
- Please note that the port is 5984 without being forwarded since there is no load balance deployed.
In order to configure prometheus and add to get and call for parameter configuration, please contact administrator to acquire more information (Configurations have been created in advance)
Configure the network(For now, there is no load balancing in the cluster, we can skip this step)
Same as the system of control center, the edge system needs to have front-edn load balancing
Servers need to pass the forwarded load balancing are the following:
- Port of https and grpc of fdn-edge-gateway(kubectl -nopenwhisk get service fdn-edge-gateway-external)
- Needs to forward port 9001 to related nod port
- No action needed to deal with port 9000. It will be taken by ingress
- The forward port of fdn-stat (kubectl -nopenwhisk get service fdn-stat-external)
- ▪Needs to forward port 7923 to related node port