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MVP List

Porfirio A Matias edited this page Sep 16, 2017 · 2 revisions
  1. New account creation, login, and guest/demo login

  2. A production README

  3. Hosting on Heroku

  4. Teams Users can create teams. Each project will have a team. Team members will have tasks to complete. Adequate styling Smooth, bug-free navigation Adequate and appropriate seeds to demonstrate the feature

  5. Tasks Users can create tasks where users will have tasks as part of a project, which can either be completed or incomplete. Adequate styling Smooth, bug-free navigation Adequate and appropriate seeds to demonstrate the feature

  6. Projects Users can create projects where users will have tasks which can either be completed or incomplete. Adequate styling Smooth, bug-free navigation Adequate and appropriate seeds to demonstrate the feature

  7. Profile for each User Users will have modal with basic information of the user. The Profile will be private. Adequate styling Smooth, bug-free navigation Adequate and appropriate seeds to demonstrate the feature

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