For a full documentation, see geftools GitHub page.
To install stereopy from source, you need:
- HDF5 1.12.1 or newer with development headers
- OpenCV 4.5.4 or newer with development headers
- A C compiler
You can specify build options for geftools as environment variables when you build it from source:
git clone
cd geftools
HDF5_ROOT=/path/to/hdf5 OpenCV_DIR=/path/to/opencv cmake .
make install
The supported build options are:
- HDF5_ROOT: To specify where to find HDF5.
- OpenCV_DIR: To specify where to find OpenCV.
- CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: Install directory used by make install.
- GEFTOOLS_BUILD_DOC: Option to build documentation.
Command: bgef Generate common bin GEF(.bgef) according to gem file or bin1 GEF
cgef Generate cell bin GEF(.cgef) according to common bin GEF and mask file
view View GEF
-i, --input-file FILE input gene expression matrix file(.gem/.gem.gz) or bin1 bGEF file [request]
-o, --output-file FILE output bin GEF file (.bgef) [request]
-b, --bin-size STR Set bin size by the comma-separated list [request] (default: 1,10,20,50,100,200,500)
-r, --region STR Restrict to a rectangular region. The region is represented by the comma-separated list of
two vertex coordinates (minX,maxX,minY,maxY) (default: "")
-t, --threads INT number of threads (default: 8)
-s, --stat BOOL create stat group (default: true)
-O, --omics STR input omics[request]
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--help Print help
Create bgef example:
./geftools bgef -i xxx.bgef/xxx.bgem -b 1,10,20 -o xx.cgef -t 5 -O Transcriptomics
Generate cell bin GEF (.cgef) according to common bin GEF (.bgef) file and mask file
-i, --input-file FILE input bin GEF file [request]
-m, --mask-file FILE input mask file [request]
-o, --output-file FILE output cell bin GEF file (.cgef) [request]
-b, --block FILE Pre block size (default: 256,256)
-t, --threads INT number of threads
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--help Print help
Create cgef example:
./geftools cgef -i xxx.bgef -m xxx.tif -o xx.cgef -t 5
Show the contents of cell bin GEF
-i, --input-file FILE Input bGEF/cGEF file [request]
-o, --output-gem FILE Output gem file (default: stdout)
-d, --exp_data FILE Input bGEF file to get exp_data.
-b, --bin-size INT Set bin size for bgef file, just support bGEF.
-s, --serial-number STR Input Serial number [request]
-e, --exon INT whether or not output exon (default: 1)
--help Print help
Create bgem example:
./geftools view -i xxx.bgef -o xxx.gem -s SS200000135TL_D1
Create cgem example:
./geftools view -i xxx.cgef -d xxx.bgef -o xxx.gem -s SS200000135TL_D1
See here.