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Admin Commands

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Forums SWG NGE Source Server Development FAQ & Guides Admin Commands Discussion in 'FAQ & Guides' started by Kosh, May 9, 2016.

Subscribe to Thread Kosh Kosh Z'ha'dum Joined:May 8, 2016 Messages:218 Likes Received:34 #1Kosh, May 9, 2016 Last edited: Aug 1, 2017 user.cfg: Code:Select All [ClientGame] 0fd345d9 = true [ClientUserInterface] debugExamine=1 debugClipboardExamine=0 allowTargetAnything=1 drawNetworkIds=1 /setgodmode 55 drop a char builder: /object spawn object/tangible/terminal/terminal_character_builder.iff

/script attach test.qatool YOURPLAYERID#HERE /qatool /qatool lootsearch /qatool glow

/setSpeed -target 10 /invuln

/give_object/tangible/wearables/backpack/shared_backpack_s07.iff /object spawn krayt_dragon_ancient 50 0 0 /object spawn outbreak_afflicted_maintenance_boss /object spawn som_kenobi_alien_parasite;

/command <>

/command [optional argument you may not need to specify] []

/command -parameter means you need to actually type -whatever -parameter

/command [TARGET] simply means it must be your current target. [TARGET]

/command <argument | argument2> means there is more than one option. Pick 1. | ARGUMENT |

Enabling God Mode (Admin) Note: Your localOptions.cfg file must have "adminGodToAll=1" in the [GameServer] section. Alternatively, if you would only like certain users to have access to the God Mode abilities, you can toggle that bool to 0 in localOptions and instead you will need to edit both the "qa_admin" and "us_admin" .tab files with the account username you'd like to have. Set their GodLevel to 55 for all commands and abilities, and their skill to "admin". Then compile it with the miff.exe tool. It is recommended that once you have compiled this file once, you only make future revisions with TRE Explorer as compiling the .tab document can get complex.

Once you have either globally enabled login or have enabled it for your account, login to the game and type:


Turns on God Mode

/setGodMode 50

If you have adminGodToAll Enabled, do this instead.

/setGodMode off

Disables the features of God Mode

Making Admin Commands Work In Your Client You need to edit your user.cfg file and add the following: (Note: You only need what's under [ClientGame], the UserInterface modifications just make everything so much easier.

[ClientGame] 0fd345d9 = true [ClientUserInterface] debugExamine=1 debugClipboardExamine=1 allowTargetAnything=1 drawNetworkIds=1

0fd345d9 enables the admin commands in your client. Without it your client will not send the commands to the server and will return the "no such command" error.

debugExamine allows you to /examine an object and get the ObjectID, and various other information like it's template.

debugClipboardExamine makes the debug info you get from /examine get placed on your clipboard so you can paste it with Ctrl+v

allowTargetAnything enables the ability to target objects like entire structures or objects you normally cannot to fix issues.

drawNetworkIds puts the ObjectID and NetworkID above every objects name.

Basic God Mode Commands - Teleportation /planetWarp

Teleports you to the specified planet/terrain.


Teleports your target to the specified planet/terrain.


Teleports you to the specified coordinates on the current terrain.


Teleports you to the specified player anywhere in the galaxy.


Teleports your target to the specified coordinates on the current terrain.


Teleports your character to the opening medical bay instance (don't do with invulnerable on)


Teleports your character to the opening millenium falcon instance.


Teleports your character to Station Gamma.


Teleports your character to Tansarii Station.

Basic God Mode Commands - Managing Your Character /invulnerable

Toggles Invulnerability - Makes your character invulnerable (removes health/action) and you appear as a NPC.


Toggles aiIgnore - Artificial Intelligence ignore you (no aggro).


Changes the speed by which your character negotiates terrain. Recommended that you don't go higher than 5.


Returns the object ID (oid) of your character. This will be used frequently.

/object hide

Hides your character from non God Mode characters. Set bool to 0 for visible and 1 for hidden. Make a macro for 0 and 1. It's easier.

Basic God Mode Commands - Managing Other Characters /getAccountInfo

Returns various account information about the specified character including their IP Address. They must be online.


Returns the username of the specified player character. Does not work if player is offline.


Returns the object ID (oid) of the specified player character. Does not work if player is offline.

/server getCharacterInfo

Returns Station ID, and Object ID of a character, even when they are offline. Along with other info.


Freezes the player preventing them from moving. It's like being rooted.


Reverses the effects of /freezePlayer

/squelch [TARGET]

Prevents your target from talking, using mail, spatial, or tells. Must be your TARGET (don't type TARGET)

/unsquelch [TARGET]

Reverses the effects of /squelch


Disconnects the specified player.


Kicks the specified player from the server and returns them to the character screen.

/findPlayer <player name or partial name with *>

Searches the galaxy for any players with matching names.


Displays an SUI window in which you can search and manage cities across the galaxy.


Spams your chat box with information on all active guilds of the galaxy.

/credits [-target] <cash | bank> <+|- value>

Gives you (or optionally your target) the specified (or subtracts the specified) amount of credits from/to the bank or cash.

Attach QATool:

/script attach test.qatool

To see what QAtool can do:


Planet Persist Set your localOptions.cfg to only have 1 persister thread and loadWholePlanets=1. Teleport to the planet you want to persist, attach the QATool, and as god, run

/qatool persistplanet

Once you have persisted all planets, shutdown the server and optionally remove the data/sku.0/sys.server/compiled/game/datatables/buildout/<planetname/*_ws.iff but only the ws files. You can then restart the server, optionally turning loadWholePlanet off to make it load faster and use less memory.

Server Shutdown /server shutdown 1 1 1 1

Spawn NPCs In Eisley Cantina /script attach theme_park.tatooine.mos_eisley.masterspawner 1082874

Testing /setgodmode 50 /getPlayerId /script attach test.qatool

Restuss Find all the objects in the Imperial and Rebel base with ph1 attached to them, and run completeResteussStageOne on each (4830 80 5829 and 5900 81 5638 for the bases) Go to the center of Resteuss and find the ph1 marker, and execute startResteussStageTwo After Resteuss is fully spawned, create an object 400m away from /waypoint 5192.928223 77.937180 6074.740234 and use any random item to attach a script.

/script attach theme_park.restuss_event.pvp_region

Make sure to also use the GM command /hide "objectID" 1to make the object non visible to player eg /object hide 8762345533 1 Spawning From Master Items table dsrc/sku.0/sys.server/complied/game/datatables/item/master_item/ /createStaticItem /createStaticItem armor_stormtrooper_bicep_camo_l_04_01 /object spawn object/tangible/terminal/terminal_character_builder.iff /object spawn heroic_echo_stormcommando

Beast Master Isomerase- /object spawn object/tangible/loot/beast/enzyme_1.iff Lyase- /object spawn object/tangible/loot/beast/enzyme_2.iff Hydrolase- /object spawn object/tangible/loot/beast/enzyme_3.iff Pet Likes/dislikes showHappiness

Misc Set objvar = /objvar set

User.cfg [ClientUserInterface] debugExamine=1 debugClipboardExamine=1 allowTargetAnything=1 drawNetworkIds=1

Additional Master Spreadsheet of commands:

View: REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY Erusman Erusman Well-Known Member Joined:May 9, 2016 Messages:673 Likes Received:298 #2Erusman, May 15, 2016 Last edited: May 15, 2016 The one command I use most is.... /createStaticItem You can open his guide and find the item reference table to all the tcg items, collections, robes etc.

of course you will need to turn on god mode to make it work /setgodmode

Example: /createstaticitem item_tcg_loot_reward_series1_sith_speeder (will generate a sith speeder in your inventory) /createstaticitem item_tcg_loot_reward_series3_sith_meditation_room_deed (will generate a deed for a sith meditation room in your inventory) /createstaticitem item_jedi_robe_dark_04_04 (will generate an elder dark oppressor robe in your inventory... when worn it will give you the elder buff) /createstaticitem item_jedi_robe_light_04_04 (will generate an elder light arbiter robe in your inventory... when worn it will give you the elder buff) /createstaticitem item_tow_proc_generic_03_01 (will give you the musty injector) /createstaticitem st_pr_jukebox (will create a story token jukebox to play some tunes. You can place it in the world. And of course pick it up and put it in your inventory. Play some tunes while your riding around on your speeder etc.) REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY Kosh likes this. Kosh Kosh Z'ha'dum Joined:May 8, 2016 Messages:218 Likes Received:34 #3Kosh, Dec 20, 2016 Server Shutdown Macro:

/broadcastGalaxy The server will be shutting down soon. Please find a safe place to logout. (30 minutes left); /pause 600; /broadcastGalaxy The server will be shutting down soon. Please find a safe place to logout. (20 minutes left); /pause 300; /broadcastGalaxy The server will be shutting down soon. Please find a safe place to logout. (15 minutes left); /pause 300; /broadcastGalaxy The server will be shutting down soon. Please find a safe place to logout. (10 minutes left); /pause 300; /broadcastGalaxy The server will be shutting down soon. Please find a safe place to logout. (5 minutes left); /pause 60; /broadcastGalaxy The server will be shutting down soon. Please find a safe place to logout. (4 minutes left); /pause 60; /broadcastGalaxy The server will be shutting down soon. Please find a safe place to logout. (3 minutes left); /pause 60; /broadcastGalaxy The server will be shutting down soon. Please find a safe place to logout. (2 minutes left); /pause 60; /broadcastGalaxy The server will be shutting down soon. Please find a safe place to logout. (1 minute left); /pause 30; /broadcastGalaxy The server will be shutting down soon. Please find a safe place to logout. (30 seconds left); /pause 30; /broadcastGalaxy The server is shutting down now... May the force be with you!; /server shutdown 1 1 1; REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY bandit likes this. Tewon Tewon Member Joined:Dec 16, 2016 Messages:6 Likes Received:0 #4Tewon, Dec 20, 2016 SWGSource said: ↑ and run completeResteussStageOne on How exactly do i do this? REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY Nezzar Nezzar Well-Known Member Joined:Jan 27, 2017 Messages:52 Likes Received:2 #5Nezzar, Jan 29, 2017 Does anyone know how to use the command ( /pvp showGcwRankTable )? Cause when I enter it, it will change my status to Combatant or Special Forces duties... REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY Erusman Erusman Well-Known Member Joined:May 9, 2016 Messages:673 Likes Received:298 #6Erusman, Jan 30, 2017 Nezzar said: ↑ Does anyone know how to use the command ( /pvp showGcwRankTable )? Cause when I enter it, it will change my status to Combatant or Special Forces duties... I haven't used it personally. Be sure you grab the win32 copy and look in the docs. There are a lot of commands in there that could be similar or do the same thing. REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY Nezzar Nezzar Well-Known Member Joined:Jan 27, 2017 Messages:52 Likes Received:2 #7Nezzar, Jan 30, 2017 @Erusman@Erusman I see.. okay... thanks for pointing me that there is a doc in win32... apologies for not having aware of it... I have been only using your linux build.. REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY Yarazin Yarazin Active Member Joined:Jan 21, 2017 Messages:37 Likes Received:1 #8Yarazin, Feb 27, 2017 Last edited: Feb 28, 2017 Finally figured it out and it seems to be working. REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY Bob Bob Well-Known Member Joined:Feb 12, 2017 Messages:97 Likes Received:4 #9Bob, Apr 19, 2017 For the buff commands,what is the command to get them to apply? The one i want to use is... jedi_statue_self_dps_debuff jedi_statue_npc 1 buffs.genericBuff 1200 health 100000 action 25000 The health and action should let me solo my heroics :) REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY Yarazin Yarazin Active Member Joined:Jan 21, 2017 Messages:37 Likes Received:1 #10Yarazin, Apr 21, 2017 Last edited: Apr 28, 2017 Hi, I could use help on the proper syntax to deplete a resource. I am trying to deplete the current polymer so a new one will spawn.

I am trying variations of this with no luck. Any help would be apreciated. From link above: /resource deplete What I am trying (and other variantions) /resource deplete petrochem_inert_polymer 2723073451 <-that newtwork id is the oid right? REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY devApe devApe New Member Joined:Aug 15, 2017 Messages:3 Likes Received:0 #11devApe, Aug 21, 2017 [ClientGame] 0fd345d9 = true [ClientUserInterface] debugExamine=1 debugClipboardExamine=1 allowTargetAnything=1 drawNetworkIds=1

so drawNetworkIds=1 shows OID's on objects and NPC's.

How do REMOVE these tags in the name? I set this =1, but it's very messy looking, and it shows up even on non-admin accounts. Anyone know what I should do? REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY IrishDarkshadow IrishDarkshadow Well-Known Member Joined:May 18, 2017 Messages:441 Likes Received:131 #12IrishDarkshadow, Aug 21, 2017 Inside the game use this command drawNetworkIds=0 to turn them off and drawNetworkIds=1 to turn them back on.

Set up a macro for each command so that you can easily swap between the two options from the ui toolbar REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY devApe devApe New Member Joined:Aug 15, 2017 Messages:3 Likes Received:0 #13devApe, Aug 22, 2017 Thanks Irish. I tried that, but it didn't work. I'm getting "No such command, mood, chat type".

I can type other admin commands in the chat window though, and they work fine. REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY IrishDarkshadow IrishDarkshadow Well-Known Member Joined:May 18, 2017 Messages:441 Likes Received:131 #14IrishDarkshadow, Aug 22, 2017 I wrote the commands incorrectly. This is what I'm actually using. oNVsRzC.jpg nILfbLl.jpg REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY devApe devApe New Member Joined:Aug 15, 2017 Messages:3 Likes Received:0 #15devApe, Aug 23, 2017 That's the stuff!

thank you so much:) REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY MKDAWUSS MKDAWUSS Member Joined:Dec 9, 2017 Messages:5 Likes Received:0 #16MKDAWUSS, Dec 12, 2017 Where do I find/spawn the JTL reward components (such as the Borstel Disruptor) and some of the convoy rewards? REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY IrishDarkshadow IrishDarkshadow Well-Known Member Joined:May 18, 2017 Messages:441 Likes Received:131 #17IrishDarkshadow, Dec 13, 2017 Inferno Engine /object spawn object/tangible/ship/components/engine/eng_mission_reward_neutral_mandal_inferno.iff​

Incom Tri-Cannon /object spawn object/tangible/ship/components/weapon/wpn_mission_reward_rebel_incom_tricannon.iff​

Borstel Disruptor /object spawn object/tangible/ship/components/weapon/wpn_mission_reward_neutral_borstel_disruptor.iff​

Nym's Quantum Ion Drive /object spawn object/tangible/ship/components/engine/eng_quantum_ion_drive.iff​

Nym's Protecto-Net Shield /object spawn object/tangible/ship/components/shield_generator/shd_protecto_net.iff​

Nym's Fibertech Steel Plating /object spawn object/tangible/ship/components/armor/arm_fibertech_steel_plating.iff​

Nym's Corellian Beamrail Gauss Cannon /object spawn object/tangible/ship/components/weapon/wpn_corellian_heavy_gauss.iff​ REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY MKDAWUSS MKDAWUSS Member Joined:Dec 9, 2017 Messages:5 Likes Received:0 #18MKDAWUSS, Dec 15, 2017 ..........and basically nothing happens.

Spawn does nothing, CreateAt and CreateIn get me an "Invalid Object Template" error. REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY IrishDarkshadow IrishDarkshadow Well-Known Member Joined:May 18, 2017 Messages:441 Likes Received:131 #19IrishDarkshadow, Dec 15, 2017 The commands work perfectly fine. I've used all of them multiple times for testing / RE project calcs. Make sure you are in god mode before trying to use admin commands to spawn objects.

Have you set up your SWG client to enable admin commands to be used by it?

Make sure that your user.cfg file contains this entry:

[ClientGame] 0fd345d9 = true​ REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY MKDAWUSS MKDAWUSS Member Joined:Dec 9, 2017 Messages:5 Likes Received:0 #20MKDAWUSS, Dec 16, 2017 Double-checked and that line is checked as true, and I have run it in God Mode (I don't think the error notice even comes up outside of it). I can call things up using the QA Tool menu, and acquire things using the /createstaticitem + item name from the spreadsheet up top, but that's about it. Templates? Nothing... REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY melonygranger melonygranger Active Member Joined:May 9, 2017 Messages:25 Likes Received:4 #21melonygranger, Dec 28, 2017 What would you consider a setup using admin commands for a walking around quest buff set. I have seen some use 30-40 buffs together but that seems excessive. So a ten buff setup is what I am looking for. Thoughts? REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY JohnViper JohnViper Active Member Joined:Apr 22, 2017 Messages:33 Likes Received:4 Occupation:Database Administrator #22JohnViper, Dec 30, 2017 melonygranger said: ↑ What would you consider a setup using admin commands for a walking around quest buff set. I have seen some use 30-40 buffs together but that seems excessive. So a ten buff setup is what I am looking for. Thoughts? Use the buff enhancement from blue frog and then use the following to heal: /setgod 99;/pause .05;/qatool gmr;/pause .05;/setgod off; REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY melonygranger melonygranger Active Member Joined:May 9, 2017 Messages:25 Likes Received:4 #23melonygranger, Dec 30, 2017 The big problem is most of the buffs last like 10-20 seconds, is there a way to adjust them for time? REPORT BOOKMARKLIKE + QUOTE REPLY Write your reply...

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