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Windows Environment Setup Guide (Unsupported)

AconiteGodOfSWG edited this page Oct 24, 2020 · 1 revision

If you are interested in setting up the win32 build of the SWG Server, there is partial instructions for doing so below. However, please note that this is UNSUPPORTED and the documentation is both incomplete and outdated. SWG Source recommends, develops on, and supports the use of the Linux distribution only. We provide a pre-configured Linux virtual machine that only requires a simple setup here.

Environment Setup Guide

  1. Install Visual Studio 2013 (Ultimate preferred)
  2. Install Perl (keep default options checked, link)
  3. Download WinBash and add it to your PATH (link)
  4. Install Java 6.0u0 32-bit (link) and add JDK\bin and JRE\bin\client to your PATH

Your PATH should now look similar to this:

[...]C:\winbash;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0\bin\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.6.0\bin\client\

To build the server, run the build_windows.bat file, which will also build the game data files which you will need to run the server.

Alternately, open src/build/swg.sln with Visual Studio and select the desired solution configuration (Debug/Optimized/Release) and build the _all_server project (right-click project > build). At the moment, LoginServer only builds under Optimized, I had forgotten to change the solution configuration when adding cURL to affect all build targets.

Additional Setup Steps

After building the data folder using the build_windows.bat file, you must extract the following folders from your SWG game client into the data/sku.0/sys.shared/compiled/game folder, overwriting any files if asked. You may perform this by using a tool like TRE Explorer or Sytner's IFF Editor.

  • appearance
  • object

Server Setup Guide

Once you have finished the above steps, you must configure your server configs. This part should be mostly self-explanatory. The biggest part here is to update the configs, changing clusterName value to reflect the cluster name you gave the DB builder from running build_windows.bat.

Database Setup Guide

You will need an Oracle Database as the SWG source relies on an ODB to store all object information and other persisted data. We recommend installing Oracle Database 11g Express Edition due to the ease of the installation process. (link)

Since the express edition comes with some restrictions, you will want to use a different version for large, long-lasting servers, such as the Standard or Enterprise editions.

Optional Utilities

  • git for windows: It integrates shell scripting into windows very nicely, also has a simple GUI to use when commiting to a repo. (link)
  • Notepad++: a step up from the Notepad utility that comes with WIndows, has syntax highlighting. (link)
  • SQLDeveloper: great utility by Oracle to access your ODB and view data (similar to Navicat). (link)
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