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Server Name Origins Revealed [Retrieved From The Old Sony SWG Forums]

IrishDarkshadow edited this page Sep 9, 2020 · 1 revision


A New Republic Hajen-class fleet tender assigned to the Fifth Battle Group. It was destroyed on its final training mission near Bessimir when it overshot its hyperspace exit point. It plunged into the planet's atmosphere and disintegrated.


This was name the used by Darth Maul to describe his Sith Speeder. It was named for a vicious ocean predator Maul had encountered on a remote planet.


This Starmite-class freighter was the first ship Han Solo and Chewbacca ever used on their own. It was leased from Lando Calrissian, and was named after Bria Tharen. It was heavily modified, and was constantly breaking down. The ship saw duty during the Battle of Nar Shaddaa, and Solo used it to deliver the Hutts' bribe to Admiral Greelanx shortly after the battle. When Han was discovered by Tedris Bjalin and blamed for the death of Greelanx, Han and Chewie were forced to make a quick escape. They were caught by the Imperial ships and fired upon, but managed to escape in a life pod before the Bria was destroyed in a hail of turbolaser fire


This converted MOD-17 freighter was part of the small fleet which was hastily assembled to transport refugees off the planet Druckenwell, when the Yuuzhan Vong took control of the planet. The speciallized containers of the freighter were refitted to provide shelter and life support to the refugees who crammed into them. The Chilastra was commanded by Captain Yesha Bergeron during the evacuation, and it was rumored that a Jedi Knight was hiding aboard the Chilastra. This rumor quickly reached the ears of Yuuzhan Vong Commander Malik Carr, who dispatched a commando team to capture the ship and its Jedi. A battle ensued between the freighter and a Yuuzhan Vong boarding party, which tried to capture the untrained but Force-sensitive Ka-Tu-Un. The Yuuzhan Vong managed to get aboard the freighter by traveling the shuttle Yorva-9, which outwardly seemed to be a normal shuttle.


This Imperial-II class Star Destroyer commanded by Captain Pellaeon. It was used as Grand Admiral Thrawn's flagship, after Thrawn returned from the Unknown Regions to take control of the Empire some five years after the Battle of Endor. It is a ship which has survived numerous battles, most notably the Battle of Endor and the Battles of Sluis Van and Bilbringi. After Thrawn's death, Pellaeon retained command of the Chimaera, and used it as the command ship of the remaining Imperial fleet. However, as part of Operation Shadow Hand, the Chimaera was dispatched to capture the planet Duro. In the battle, the ship took heavy damage and had to be abandoned. The New Republic took possession of the ship and refitted it, but soon lost it - to Pellaeon himself - at the Battle of Gravlex Med. After the resolution of the Caamas Incident and the discredting of Moff Disra and Grodin Tierce, the Chimaera served as the site of the peace negotiations between Pellaeon and New Republic President Gavrisom. The aging ship became the stuff of legends, continuing to serve as Pellaeon's flagship during the years in which the Empire retreated into the Imperial Remnant. When the Yuuzhan Vong finally decided to attack the Imperials, the Chimaera was once again forced into battle, this time to protect Bastion. The Yuuzhan Vong attack was swift and deadly, and the Battle of Bastion resulted in a rout of the Imperial forces. The Chimaera took heavy damage to her hyperdrive, and Pellaeon was forced into a coma by injuries he sustained at the helm. The crew managed to get the ship back to Yaga Minor, where it was refitted and made battle-worthy once again


This New Republic battle cruiser was part of the primary fleet stationed at Durren. When Seti Ashgad instigated pirate attacks on Ampliquen during his attempt to gain control of the galaxy with Dzym, the Caelus and the Corbantis were dispatched to Ampliquen. Both ships were infected with the Death Seed plague by Ashgad's agents, and once the crews were killed the ships were disposed on on distant planets. The Corbantis was scuttled on Damonite Yors B, but seventeen crewmembers managed to stay alive by huddling near the reactor core. Despite the radiation sickness they were exposed to, the emissions from the damaged power core probably killed off the Death Seed plague and allowed them to survive until Han Solo and Lando Calrissian rescued them


This Imperial action IV bulk freighter made a regular trip to the planet Ando, secretly collecting unusual species of ocean life from the planet and taking them to a hidden research lab. Chief among the species collected by the Eclipse were Andoan mineral-fish, which were illegally harvested for use in extracting uridium on the barren moon of Uridia


The first Eclipse-class Star Destroyer, the Eclipse was used as the flagship for the reborn Emperor Palpatine. It was destroyed when the Force storm Palpatine sent to destroy Luke Skywalker turned on Palaptine himself. The storm consumed Palpatine and eradicated the Eclipse


This modified CR-90 corvette was dispatched by the New Republic, under the command of Kaiya Adrimetrum, to locate Moff Sarne in the Kathol Sector and neutralize him. It had been originally purchased by the Chandrilan government and commissioned as the Freedom's Messenger, but suffered major damage during the Battle of Ord Torrenze and was scrapped. The Empire rebuilt the ship, naming it the Renegade and placing it in the 15th Deep Core Reserve Fleet under the command of Kentor Sarne. When Sarne fled to Kal'Shebbol in the wake of the Battle of Endor, he took the Renegade with him and began refitting the ship for future use with the DarkStryder technology. When Page's Commandos assaulted Kal'Shebbol and drove off Sarne, the Renegade was liberated from the fleet and outfitted to chase after Sarne. Newly renamed the FarStar, it was crewed with a variety of volunteers and available Republic personal, since the rest of the Republic's fleet was spread too thin trying to eliminate pockets of Imperial resistance. It was originally commanded by Keleman Ciro, until he was captured by Sarne and imprisoned on Q'Maere. The ship was described by its engineering crew as a collection of bailing wire and Spatch-Coat, and was always in a state of repair. The starboard side of the ship had been modifed to accept a docking area for use with Imperial TIE Inerceptors, and the New Republic used it to house several X-Wings and Defender starfighters. The hangar and docking bay gave the ship a lopsided appearance. The FarStar was armed with six double turbolaser cannons, each of which was equipped with "predict and pinpoint" targetting systems. The Republic's gunners had trouble adjusting to the experimental Imperial technology, and often turned it off. In addition to her crew of 120 officers and ten gunners, the FarStar was given over a hundred droids to complete her crew complement, including a variety of astromechs, security droids, and labor automata. Unknown to the New Republic at the time of the assault on Kal'Shebbol, the FarStar had also been equipped with Sarne's Deeplink system, which allowed Sarne to track the ship's position whenever it was in realspace. Shortly after leaving Demonsgate, the FarStar was disabled by a series of shockwaves when the Eradicator was destroyed by a lightstorm at the edge of the Kathol Rift. The ship managed to reach Kathol - the "DarkStryder Planet" - and was able to take the fight to the Imperial warships in orbit around the planet. However, as the Imperial forces were augmented by reinforcements, the FarStar took heavy damage, and Captain Adrimetrum was forced to abandon the ship. After the crew was able to evacuate, the FarStar crashed into Kathol and exploded in a fireball. Luckily for the forces of the New Republic, the FarStar destroyed the Imperial garrison on Kathol, eliminating the forces Moff Sarne had kept on the planet.


An Alliance Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier commanded by Captain Manchisco. It was one of several ships donated to the Alliance by the Sullustans to the Virgillian Alignment forces during the Virgillian Civil War, and was one of the larger ships sent to Bakura to help the Imperial government there battle the Ssi-ruuk. It was equipped with 20 X-Wings (including the ships of Rogue Squadron), 3 A-Wings, and 4 B-Wings. The Flurry was also modified to use General Dodonna's prototype Battle Analysis Computer. For all this, the Flurry was destroyed when Nereus ordered Thanas to open fire on the Alliance ships, following a battle with the Ssi-ruuk. The Dominant, under Thanas' command, opened fire on the cruiser and exploded it, killing her crew.


This Imperial Strike-class cruiser was part of Warlord Foga Brill's fleet. It was commanded by Voba Dokrett during the chase for the Teljkon vagabond. Dokrett attacked the vagabond, and the ship responded with force. The Gorath was disabled by the vagabond, with all hands lost in the attack.


A smuggling ship ship owned by the Dim-U priests of Tatooine, the Infinity was piloted by BoShek just before the Imperial blockade of Tatooine. BoShek was flying with bogus transponder codes, and was trying to get the ship back to Tatooine for a new set of codes when he was intercepted by two Star Destroyers. He was forced to land the Infinity in the Dune Sea


This New Republic Nebulon-B frigate was part of the supply convoy travelling to Liinade III, when it was brought out of hyperspace by the Interdictor cruiser Binder near system M2934738. The attacking ships, under the direction of Prince-Admiral Krennel, pounded the lead ship - the Pride of Selonia - the instant it dropped into realspace, preventing any sort of counterattack. The Pride of Selonia was destroyed in the attack. The Intrepid managed to pour a large amount of laser fire into the Binder before the Reckoning fired on her. The might of the Reckoning's assault broke the Intrepid into two pieces, which spiralled away from each other as the ship died in space.


This New Republic Endurance-class fleet carrier was built and assigned to the Fifth Battle Group just prior to the Yevethan Great Purge. It served as the flagship of the fleet, under the command of Etahn A'baht. It led the initial, though unsuccessful, blockade of Doornik-319


One of the ships dispatched to intercept the Teljkon vagabond, the Kauri was the ship that was able to get nearest to the vagabond. Lando Calrissian's yacht, the Lady Luck, was tethered to the vagabond after Lando boldly gained access to the strange ship. When Pakkpekatt ordered the Kauri nearer, the vagabond severed the connection to the Lady Luck and fired on the Kauri before jumping into hyperspace. The Kauri sustained a great amount of damage, and there were many casualties and injuries. The dead and wounded were taken to Nichen on the Kettemoor


This New Republic Agave-class interdiction picket ship was assigned to the Glorious, during its attempt to capture the Teljkon vagabond. The Kauri was assigned to keep the vagabond from jumping to hyperspace by projecting a false mass-shadow into hyperspace near the ship. The Kauri was destroyed when the vagabond fled into hyperspace after Lando Calrissian breached its inner hull.


This New Republic Sacheen-class light escort vessel was part of the fleet sent, under the command of Pakkpekatt, to intercept the Teljkon vagabond at Gmir Askilon. After the mission failed to secure the vagabond, the Kettemoor was used to transport the injured and dying crew of the Kauri to Nichen, after the vagabond fired on the other ship and fled


This Yuuzhan Vong warship was captured by the Jedi Knights near Talfaglio, as part of the defense of their base on Eclipse, some two years after the initial invasion of the galaxy


This New Republic Mon Calamari MC80a cruiser was a veteran of New Republic military operations when it was assigned to intercepte Belindi Kalenda's Ugly starfighter when it arrived at Coruscant, following her discovery of rise of the Human League on Corellia. Captained by Genkal, it assisted in eliminating the last of the Khuiumin Survivors, and later assisted in the evacuation of the Thanta Zilbra system

Radiant VII

This consular ship served the Old Republic for 34 years before transporting Qiu-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi to Naboo, for their negotiations with the Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray. The ship delivered the Jedi on time, but was ordered destroyed by Darth Sidious. The ship, along with her crew of 8, were reduced to smoldering cinders by the Federation's automated defense systems. A beautiful Corellian Engineering Corporation Republic Cruiser, the Radiant VII measured 115 meters in length. Its forward section resembled that of the later Corellian Gunship, while its aft section was dominated by three Dyne 577 radial atomizing sublight engines. Being a purely diplomatic vessel, as noted by its red coloration, the ship had no weaponry, but did have 9 escape pods to handle its maximum of sixteen passengers


This warship was commanded by Daala during the years surrounding the Black Fleet Crisis. Having come out of retirement to help the New Republic win the Battle of Nam Chorios, Daala returned to the Deep Core and tried to establish a new Imperial fleet. The Scylla served as her flagship, and led her brief charge into New Republic territory against Garm Bel Iblis. Unfortunately, Bel Iblis was able to trap Daala's fleet using a pair of CC-7700 frigates. In order to escape, Daala rammed one of the frigates with the Scylla before limping into hyperspace. Due to damage to the ship's navigational systems, the Scylla's jump was blind, and Daala was not seen again


It's a ship owned by a Corellian explorer named Derrend Montis. It was later confiscated by Popara the Hutt. It's from an RPG adventure called "Tempest Fued."


This old Dreadnaught was part of the New Republic fleet which massed near Kashyyyk during the year following the Battle of Coruscant. The Starsider served as a sort of mobile crew quarters, housing the various commanders and leaders who supported the New Republic's raids into Yuuzhan Vong-controlled space


This immense, ocean-going cutter was one of the fastest ships on the planet Maramere, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. Ambassador Loreli Ro turned control of the ship over to Nym and his mercenaries, during their search for Sol Sixxa. The Sunrunner was unarmed, so Nym's crew took weaponry from their starhsip Havoc and mounted them aboard the Sunrunner. The ship was destroyed in the final battle between Nym and Sol Sixxa, when Nym purposely overloaded its power generators and crashed it into the Trade Federation cutter commanded by Ruuk. With the Federation ship out of the way, Nym asked Sol Sixxa to join his mercenary gang in fighting the Trade Federation's occupation of the Karthakk System


This Lambda-class shuttle was believed to have been assigned to the first Death Star's contingent of starships


This Victory-class Star Destroyer was nearly destroyed near Dulathia, about four years after the Battle of Endor. Under the command of Captain Emba, it was carrying the components for an ion cannon, and slipped away from the battle. It managed to reach Garos VI, where it deposited the cannon


This was the name of Darth Bane's personal starship. He fled the destruction of the planet Ruusan aboard the ship, having survived the explosion of Lord Kaan's thought bomb. The Valcyn was a blade-shaped craft, but it was severely damaged by the spirit of Lord Qordis when Darth Bane arrived at Dxun. After reaching the planet's surface, the Valcyn exploded, stranded Darth Bane on the moon


This modified Gallofree Yards medium transport was one of the many civilian ships that agreed to help the New Republic transport refugees from planets which had been attacked by the Yuuzhan Vong. When the ship tried to reach Ralltiir, it was discovered by a Yuuzhan Vong warship and was forced to flee. It made it to Gyndine, but the New Republic officer on duty was reluctant to send help, especially after learning that the refugees were mainly Ryn and Ranats. A group of freelance operatives stepped in to help defend the Wanderhome, helping it reach Ralltiir intact

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