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How To Convert The VM To Work With Hyper V

IrishDarkshadow edited this page Aug 28, 2020 · 1 revision

Setting up SWG VM on Hyper-V

As used & tested as working on Windows 10 Pro and Server 2019

Pre-requisites (all free tools)

  • 7zip
  • Starwind v2v converter


  1. Download the VM ova file
  2. Open the ova in 7zip

  1. Extract the vmdk file, ignore the other 2 files
  2. Open starwind v2v converter
  3. Choose local file > next

  1. Locate the vmdk > next

  1. Choose local file > next

  1. Choose VHD/VHDX > next

  1. Choose VHD growable image > next

  1. Choose a location > convert

  1. Takes about 5 minutes on a fast laptop to convert
  2. Click finish
  3. Open hyper-v manager
  4. Action > new > virtual machine > next
  5. Name your VM as you like (e.g. SWG) > next
  6. Generation 1 > next
  7. Assign as much memory as you dare, ideally more than 16GB
  8. Do not tick (or remove the tick from) Use dynamic memory for this virtual machine > next

  1. Choose your external switch > next
  2. Choose "use an existing hard disk" and add your converted disk in the path > next > finish

  1. Right click the new VM connection in Hyper-V manager > settings
  2. Select processor, and give the machine as many cores as you can spare

  1. I also disable checkpoints as I have another backup strategy, but this is up to you
  2. Click ok
  3. Right click your new VM > connect > start

  1. Follow the rest of the guide on the wiki from here
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