An abstract game engine written on top of opengl api and lwjgl
every opengl and lwjgl object is wrapped with a java class,
allowing many benefits like strong typing and encapsulation
under pe-lwjgl-binding module
// Create the window
final Window window = Window.create("Lwjgl", 700, 500, true);
// Create a vertex array object and a vertex buffer object
final Vao vao = Vao.create();
final DataBuffer vbo = new DataBuffer(VboUsage.STATIC_DRAW);
// Allocating and storing data in out object
vbo.storeFloat(0, new float[]{
-0.5f, -0.5f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
+0.0f, +0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
+0.5f, -0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f});
Attribute.of(0, 2, DataType.FLOAT, false),
Attribute.of(1, 3, DataType.FLOAT, false),
Attribute.of(2, 1, DataType.FLOAT, false));
// Create a simple shaders program
final ShadersProgram shadersProgram = ShadersProgram.create(
shadersProgram.bindAttribute(0, "in_position");
// Bind our objects
// Game loop
final Keyboard keyboard = window.getKeyboard();
while (window.isOpen() && !keyboard.isKeyPressed('E')) {
// Render a triangle
GlRendering.drawArrays(RenderMode.TRIANGLES, 0, 3);
// Update window
// Free all memory
Most of the time it would be safer not to handle vaos and vbos manually
using some helpful classes we can wrap out code with some nicer objects
under pe-core module
// Create the vertices and indices for a 2d mesh
final float s = 0.7f;
final int[] indices = {0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3};
final Vertex2D[] vertices = {
R2D.vertex(Vector2.of(-s, -s), Vector3.of(+0.0f, +0.0f, +0.5f)),
R2D.vertex(Vector2.of(-s, +s), Vector3.of(+0.0f, +1.0f, +0.5f)),
R2D.vertex(Vector2.of(+s, +s), Vector3.of(+1.0f, +1.0f, +0.5f)),
R2D.vertex(Vector2.of(+s, -s), Vector3.of(+1.0f, +0.0f, +0.5f))};
// Create the mesh, model, and renderer
final Mesh2D mesh = Mesh2D.load(vertices, indices);
final Model2D model = new Model2D(mesh);
final Renderer2D renderer = new Renderer2D();
// Render the model
renderer.render(new RenderContext(camera), model);
the rendering pipeline consists of some primary interfaces
represents a vertex of the mesh
interface Vertex3D : Vertex {
val position3f: Vector3fc
val normal3f: Vector3fc
val colour3f: Vector3fc
represents an instance (used for instance rendering)
interface Instance3D : Instance {
val transform: Transform
contains the vbos and vaos that hold the data for the vertices, instances
public interface Mesh {
void draw();
void delete();
holds the mesh with some attributes, like texture or transform
class Model3D(override val mesh: Mesh3D, val transform: SimpleTransform) : Model {
constructor(mesh: Mesh3D) : this(mesh, SimpleTransform())
base class for complex objects in the scene usually holds the model and a renderer, and has at least one render method
final Model3D cubeModel = buildCubeModel();
final Node3D cube = new Node3D(cubeModel);
cube.renderForward(new RenderContext(camera))
Prototype objects are used in order to write a unique rendering pipeline
// org.saar.core.common.r3d.DeferredRenderer3D.kt
// Connect uniforms in the shaders to our code
private val mvpMatrixUniform = Mat4UniformValue("u_mvpMatrix")
// Use vertex and fragment shaders in the shaders program
private val vertex = Shader.createVertex(GlslVersion.V400,
private val fragment = Shader.createFragment(GlslVersion.V400,
// Bind per vertex attributes
override fun vertexAttributes() = arrayOf(
"in_position", "in_colour", "in_transformation")
// Being called before rendering
override fun onRenderCycle(context: RenderContext) {
// Being called before each instance draw
override fun onInstanceDraw(context: RenderContext, model: Model3D) {
val v =
val p =
val m = model.transform.transformationMatrix
this.mvpMatrixUniform.value = p.mul(v, Matrix4.temp).mul(m)
The engine features some pre-made concepts, for example
Renderer2D, Renderer3D, ObjRenderer, NormalMappedRenderer and more are already implemented
The engine makes a great usage in deferred rendering
Render passes like LightRenderPass and ShadowsRenderPass are implemented
as well as unique renderers like ObjDeferredRenderer and NormalMappedDeferredRenderer
and DeferredRenderingPath to wrap it all
Post-processing is extremely simple using this engine
all that it takes is to create your own PostProcessor and create your PostProcessingPipeline
// Create the pipeline
final PostProcessingPipeline pipeline = new PostProcessingPipeline(
new ContrastPostProcessor(1.8f),
new GaussianBlurPostProcessor(11, 2)
// Render to texture using deferred renderer
final ReadOnlyTexture texture = deferredRenderer.render().toTexture();
// Post process the texture and output to the screen
The Gui architecture is already implemented
with some useful ui components like UISlider and UIButton
// org.saar.example.gui.UIButtonExample.kt
val display = UIDisplay(window)
val uiButton = UIButton().apply {
style.x.value = center()
style.y.value = center()
style.width.value = percent(50f)
style.height.value = ratio(.5f)
setOnAction { println("Clicked!") }
Together with the gui, text components are also included
allowing you to load ttf fonts and render text using simple operations
val font = FontLoader.loadFont("C:/Windows/Fonts/arial.ttf", 48f, 512, 512,
val uiText = UIText(font, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog").apply {
style.width.value = fitContent()
style.x.value = center()
style.y.value = center()
Components are the implementation of the ECS (Entity Component System) design pattern
any Component is attachable to every ComponentNode
allowing better composition and reusable code
final ComponentGroup components = new ComponentGroup(
// Move with WASD at 50 units per second
new KeyboardMovementComponent(keyboard, 50f, 50f, 50f),
// Change movement velocity by the mouse scroll
new KeyboardMovementScrollVelocityComponent(mouse),
// Rotate by the mouse movement
new MouseRotationComponent(mouse, -.3f)
final Camera camera = new Camera(projection, components);
Components are very easy to create and handle
this component implements third person view
// org.saar.core.common.components.ThirdPersonViewComponent.kt
class ThirdPersonViewComponent(private val toFollow: Transform, private val distance: Float) : Component {
private lateinit var transformComponent: TransformComponent
override fun start(node: ComponentNode) {
// Get dependent components at initialization
this.transformComponent = node.components.get()
override fun update(node: ComponentNode) {
// Update node position every update
val position = this.transformComponent.transform.rotation.direction
You can try some examples that are under planet-examples module
for example: