An implementation of Java Pet Store application using Play Framework for Java.
1.) Create a new database in your Postgres instance.
2.) Create the file application-local.conf in /conf. Copy the following into it, substituting the appropriate details for your target database:
# Database Connection Configuration
db.default.url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/play_pet_store"
db.default.username = "ppsuser"
db.default.password = "ppspass"
db.default.logSql = false
db.default.databaseName = "play_pet_store"
# This is a development environment, disable CSRF filtering
play.filters.disabled += "play.filters.csrf.CSRFFilter"
- JDK 11.x
- sbt 1.7.1
- Postgres 9.6
To build the project, cd to the project's base directory and run:
sbt run
This should start the application, which will be accessible at http://localhost:9000
- sbt - Build tool
- Play Framework - Web Application Framework
- Bootstrap - Front-End Framework
- Bootstrap Icons - Icons
- Ebean - ORM
- caffeine - High-performance caching
- Toastify - Client-side notifications
- Pictures from the Pinnacle 21 pet family!
This is a demonstration project meant for a technical talk. If you'd like to contribute, you are welcome to by emailing the author. However, this project is not slated for future development by the author.
- Gregory Taylor
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details