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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 31, 2023. It is now read-only.

iOS Permissions framework with embedded Soft Ask view + Tracking.


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Warning This repository is no longer maintained and will soon be archived.

After a careful consideration we have made a difficult decision to no longer maintain this project. Our efforts are concentrated in different areas of our scaling business and, unfortunately, it meant that we could not provide the love and care that this project deserves. We are aiming to archive the project by 31/12/2022. Please consider creating a fork if you would like to continue using this project in your codebase.

Carthage compatible




Please.allow.location.always { result, error in
    switch result {
        case .allowed     : print("Authorized")
        case .softDenial  : print("Denied Soft")
        case .hardDenial  : print("Denied Hard")
        case .restricted  : print("Restricted")
        case .unavailable : print("Unavailable")

Camera { result, error in
    switch result {
        case .allowed     : print("Authorized")
        case .softDenial  : print("Denied Soft")
        case .hardDenial  : print("Denied Hard")
        case .restricted  : print("Restricted")
        case .unavailable : print("Unavailable")

Presenting a Soft Ask

Display a Soft Ask before presenitng the default alert for a permission. Soft Ask can be presented either as a Modal or Full Screen. See example below.

let softAskView: SoftAskView = {
    let view = SoftAskView(.fullScreen)
    view.allowButtonTitle = "Allow"
    view.denyButtonTitle = "Don't Allow"
    view.title = "Allow Contacts"
    view.description = "Please allow access to your contacts to invite people."
    return view

Please.allow.contacts(softAskView: softAskView) { result, error in
    switch result {
        case .allowed     : print("Authorized")
        case .softDenial  : print("Denied Soft")
        case .hardDenial  : print("Denied Hard")
        case .restricted  : print("Restricted")
        case .unavailable : print("Unavailable")

alt text

Presenting a Denied Alert

Display a Denied Alert if the permission has previously been denied. Denied alert can redirect user to App Settings. DeniedAlert is a subclass of SoftAskView and can be formatted in the same way. See example below.

let deniedAlert: DeniedAlert = {
DeniedAlert is a subclass if SoftAskView and can be formatted in the same way.

let deniedAlert = {
    let view = DeniedAlert(.modal)
    view.allowButtonTitle = "Settings"
    view.denyButtonTitle = "Cancel"
    view.title = "Contacts Denied"
    view.description = "Contact Permission has been denied. Please open Settings and allow access to your contacts to invite people."
    return view

Please.allow.contacts(softAskView: softAskView, deniedAlert: deniedAlert) { result, error in
    switch result {
        case .allowed     : print("Authorized")
        case .softDenial  : print("Denied Soft")
        case .hardDenial  : print("Denied Hard")
        case .restricted  : print("Restricted")
        case .unavailable : print("Unavailable")

alt text


Every action in the framework can be tracked by conforming to protocol PleaseAllowTracker. See example below.

Create a tracking class

class PermissionTracker: PleaseAllowTracker {
    func track(_ action: PleaseAllow.Action) {
        // Insert tracking code here

let tracker = PermissionTracker()

Provide an instance of the tracker to the permission request

Please.allow.photoLibrary(softAskView: softAskView, deniedAlert: deniedAlert, tracker: tracker) { result, error in
    switch result {
        case .allowed     : print("Authorized")
        case .softDenial  : print("Denied Soft")
        case .hardDenial  : print("Denied Hard")
        case .restricted  : print("Restricted")
        case .unavailable : print("Unavailable")

Supported Permissions

  • Camera
  • Photo Library
  • Contacts
  • Push Notifications
  • Location