Step 1: Create a service account and get credentials.json and replace the contents credentials.json file in folder Backend/config/credentials.json
refer following video
Step 2: Create Cloud Bucket and with Permissions
refer following video
Step 3: update the following field values in File Backend/config/config.json
bucket -> bucket name you created in previous step mongourl-> url of your mongodb collection->collection name in mongodb
step 4: create virtual environment in Folder Backend using command python -m venv env
step 5: open command prompt and navigate to Backend Folder execute following commands to install dependencies on Command prompt
- env\Script\activate
- pip install -r requirements.txt
step 6: Open Command prompt and navigate to UI Folder execute Following Command to install dependencies
- npm install
Starting Project Step 1: Start Front End
open Command Prompt and navigate to UI folder execute following command
- npm start
Step 2: Start Backend
Open Command Prompt and navigate to Backend Folder excecute following commands
- env\Scripts\activate
- python