This is simple todo app, covered test cases with React Testing Library.
- Install NPM packages
npm install @testing-library/jest-dom @testing-library/react @testing-library/user-event @types/jest
Setup render function
const setup = () => { const utils = render(<App />); const input = utils.getByLabelText("Todo Input") as HTMLInputElement; const getTodolist = () => screen .getAllByTestId("todo_list") .map((item) => within(item).getByTestId("todo_content").textContent); return { input, getTodolist, ...utils, }; };
Test input field
it("Checking input field value change", () => { const { input } = setup(); fireEvent.change(input, { target: { value: "23" } }); expect(input.value).toBe("23"); });
Add todo to the list
it("Add Todo item to the list", () => { const { input, getTodolist } = setup(); const userInput = `fdsafwe vdsagvgsa`; userEvent.type(input, `${userInput}{enter}`); expect(getTodolist().findIndex((content) => content === userInput)).toBe(0); });
Test delete button
it("Remove todo item from the list", () => { const { input, getTodolist } = setup(); const userInput = [`fdsafwe vdsagvgsa`, "abc", "yuijeiojo"]; const todoValueWantToDelete = "abc"; for (const item of userInput) { userEvent.type(input, `${item}{enter}`); } const deleteButton = screen.getAllByTestId("todo_list").filter((item) => { if ( within(item).getByTestId("todo_content").textContent === todoValueWantToDelete ) { return within(item).getByTestId("todo_delete_button"); } return false; }); expect(deleteButton.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); deleteButton[0].click(); expect( getTodolist().findIndex((content) => content === todoValueWantToDelete) ).toBe(1); });