The idea behind Slinky is to create a bookmarking system that utilizes hotkeys and hashtags. This means you can save and manage links without rifling through folders. Slinky is an experiment to help me understand React.js, Webpack, Googles Firebase and how to develop chrome extensions with them. Currently undergoing testing.
To save a bookmark
- Install the chrome extension
- Press ctr + b or cmd + b to bring up the slinky extension
- Enter each tag you would like to add to the page (you can also edit the title of the site here too)
- Press enter when complete
To view bookmarks
- Press ctr + v or cmd + v to bring up all your saved addresses
- Use the search bar to filter through your bookmarks
- Press tab until your bookmark is selected and press enter to open it.
- React.js tab view with a custom webpack (no create-react-app)
- Firebase with anonymous auth
- Vanilla JavaScript
- Vanilla CSS
- Google Chrome extension tools
- Figma for prototyping
- Adobe Illustrator for graphics
- Switch to functional components
- Switch anonymous auth for google sign in
- Build React Native app to access saved bookmarks across devices