This is PassGen - A Solid Password Generator App.
- A Password generator that creates random or customized passwords for users. It helps users create stronger passwords that provide greater security for a given type of access.
Users should be able to:
- Copy the generated password to the computer's clipboard.
- Generate a password based on the selected inclusion options.
- See a strength rating for their generating or generated password.
- See hover and focus states for all interactive elements on the page.
- View the optimal layout for the interface depending on their device's screen size.
- (OPTIONAL):- Add a background animation to make the app more appealing to users.
- Loading Animations and small but some visual changes when the user interacts.
The first step was very clear as it was studying the given design and the problems that I am about to face.
Once that was done, started constructing the HTML Code and then dividing the Styling into smaller parts and started styling with the title, display box, and then the main container.
Styling the whole app took less than 1 day excluding the Slider progress bar and the Checkboxes which took nearly 1.5 - 2 days to style.
After that, I started with Javascript which was pretty tough For example:- The Checkboxes condition where at least one checkbox should be checked was hard, and then reset button scripting, etc.
The Javascript part took nearly 1.5 days of mainly googling problems and watching youtube tutorials to implement.
But all of that was an experience to learn.
- Flexbox
- JavaScript
- Mobile-first workflow
- CSS custom properties
- Semantic HTML5 markup
Where do I start? This challenge was way above my skill level, but the app just looked cool and I couldn't resist trying it out. I thought it would be a great way to practice using JavaScript arrays, and functions but I found the CSS way more challenging!
For Example:- Styling the Checkboxes and Range or Progress bar was one of the toughest things.
I learned that not all browsers are created equally! The app looks good on Chrome, Firefox, and Edge now.
(Sidenote:- Google Chrome is the best browser to develop as it is great in Chrome.)
Definitely, learned more about Handling the input styles in CSS and Much more Arrays, Especially more Functions in JS.
Learned a new way to generate random Passwords by using ASCII Char Codes Stored in an Array.
Styling the slider was a huge headache, especially getting the background behind the thumb a different color than the background ahead of the thumb. This was the code that got it working:
let value;
value = RangeInput.value;
RangeInput.oninput = function () {
value = RangeInput.value;
RangeDisplay.innerText = value;
function SetBackgroundSize(input) {"--background-size", `${GetBackgroundSize(input)}%`);
input.addEventListener("input", () => SetBackgroundSize(input));
function GetBackgroundSize(input) {
const min = +input.min;
const max = +input.max;
const value = +input.value;
const size = ((value - min) / (max - min)) * 100;
return size;
I still not find myself getting comfortable using functions.
All an over this was a really tough and challenging one for me.
- There's obviously still an insane amount to learn, but I'll keep doing more challenges so I can be presented with a multiple of different problems to try solve.
- There are just too many to list here. I spent around 1.5 days trying to style that slider. The code above shows how I finally got it to work.
- And Not only that nearly took me 3 days to complete this one.
- Frontend Mentor - @SameerJS6
- Github - @SameerJS6