This generalized pipeline will take user defined raw paired-end fastq files from illumina and run the following programs.
Run fastqc quality control check of each sample
Index the user defined transcript assembly using salmon
Generate pseudocounts from the .fastq files using the salmon index
This pipeline requires fastqc and salmon. I recommend the use of conda environments to install these packages, following these instructions for installation of miniconda.
To create the enviornment, run the following command:
conda create -n rnaseq -c conda-forge -c bioconda fastqc salmon
To activate this enviornment:
conda activate rnaseq
In order to use this pipeline, the user needs to supply a transcriptome file. Furthermore, illumina paired-end sequencing reads should have the standard _R1_ & _R2_ file naming convention.
To run the pipline, run the following command
-s <path/to/sequence/directory>
-o <path/to/output/directory>
-a <path/to/assembly/file>
-t <number of threads>