Giphy band search allows you to pull down gif images of your favorite band. Click an image and the animation begins! Enjoy, and have fun searching.
To use the Giphy Band Search application, simply navigate to Giphy Band Search, Go and start by clicking the buttons on the top of the page with some of the resident band buttons that are already in place. You'll receive 10 band gif images, but wait, click the image to animate. Click again and turn off the animation. Repeat with any of those choices. But wait, search for your favorite band or artist. Type the name in the Search For A Band field and click Add a Band. This will create a new button, click that button and it will display 10 more gif images. Simple to use and fun.
There are no prerequisites, just make sure you have an updated browser, like Google Chrome or Firefox.
For now, there is nothing additional to install.
- Giphy Developer API - The world's largest GIF library.
- Bootstrap - Responsive, front-end component library.
- Craig Ossandon - LinkedIn
- Joe Han, Joshua Appel, Erin Rizal, & Jonathan Ho - Rutgers BCS Instructor and TA's
- All of the Rutgers BCS Classmates that help make everyday an amazing experience.