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Our Basic Colab demo
-Develop a dataset from /r/askdocs. --Figure out best format for data. ie first column post text, 2nd column text from most upvoted commnt, 3rd column text for second most upvoted comment, etc.
-Convert dataset to Tfrecords file using Llion's script
-Set up BERT to encode post text and answer text, and put a similarity scorer on top of BERT --Which similarity scorer? NCE loss? --I believe that one of the members has unlimited TPU instances. Will confirm. But even if we don't, colab offers free TPU, so maybe code it for TPU use either way. --Useful Colab notebook, end-to-end fine tuning + prediction using BERT on TPU https://colab.research.google.com/github/tensorflow/tpu/blob/master/tools/colab/bert_finetuning_with_cloud_tpus.ipynb --May or may not want to fine tune BERT (not fine tune BERT for now?0
: Train FFN model. -
: Train BertFFN model. -
(Alex): Train generation model. -
: Convert data to trained FFN model/BertFFN model embeddings for faiss training. -
(Santosh): Convert faiss top k results to gpt2 training data. -
(Jay): Evaluation of top k results. -
: Given question, return top k answers. -
: Given question, return generated answer.
train_ffn&train_bertffn -> train_data_to_embedding -> train_faiss -> train_faiss_topk_to_gpt2 -> train_gpt2
TFRecords data download: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Q6Em4Y5PMSOMl_E-HwEMeE9v76XzhBQv?usp=sharing
CSV data download with BioBERT embeddings: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kYD57uStDd4kXyb3JOYCTQd92Al6Il4K?usp=sharing
4-21-19 CSV data of /r/AskDocs Questions and Answers. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1t5tWWv5xkkU-YerJZabu-QMBajaqAnDB
4-22-19 Ryan's updated webmed data with BERT embeddings added for questions and answers. Ryan collected all the data from webmd, not just where the old dataset left off from May 2017, so this should replace the old webmd data. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1cmlfAO7pnf1kYdoCLe1zH1d0JeFJuknn
4-24-19 TF Records from csv files. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1wRc1jtl5Q0objpfualNFwpg4H575tmks?usp=sharing
4-27-19 FFNN test embeddings. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ee6I9OHrCiN-wv5BtZX75nyOiWuWTnfs Trained on about 300 epochs. Won't be the final embeddings, but can be used to get an idea of how well the architecture is performing.
4-28-19 Current FFNN checkpoint https://drive.google.com/open?id=1TxR8UBzoBtlewO3lt5efLQgGP_3BRPZm
4-28-19 BERT+FFNN MSE checkpoint https://drive.google.com/open?id=1U3FRlbSDa0oNz5Mx9PvJad4QagvQh4TI
5-1-19 BERT+FFNN Crossentropy checkpoint https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zMC1Nm8wChJoVY4PDMnjzl7LSsQmhy_h?usp=sharing
5-1-19 Ryan's updated HealthTap data
5-2-19 here's the updated healthtap data with the BERT embeds https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JDp99yeYYRD-Xjk_NhJY_womBQZmOX0z it's a 5 gb csv file
5-2-19 FAISS top-K text data for GPT-2 training, processed from 4-27-19 FFNN embeds https://drive.google.com/open?id=13IxjpUohvfscSWUEKZwSY7Lbl6-pqun2
5-2-19 Updated consolodated data, just the pure text, in CSV format https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1PymmjbrgfOIs-HJ7oBmjZKH8j4rYsGZj
5-2-19 Final FFNN checkpoint https://drive.google.com/open?id=10K6TiolxsFNZWfSyelzcJ7jm-TG5B0Nl
5-5-19 Finetune model embedding https://1drv.ms/u/s!An_n1-LB8-2dgfpRUPHMtWcK9qJrIQ
5-5-19 GPT2 training data https://1drv.ms/u/s!An_n1-LB8-2dgfpS66JqPuBXCRqQHQ
5-5-19 Most comprehensive similarity embeddings file (current not able to load in Colab, even in TPU mode) https://1drv.ms/u/s!An_n1-LB8-2dgfpRUPHMtWcK9qJrIQ
5-6-19 Embeddings for the colab GPU demo. ~120k data points. Takes about an hour to load so we probably shouldn't go over that https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gSqiSuUiEroWVrJ9mPLgvOIllR2ZJ5iE