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New Angular 17 Project

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 16.2.9.
After 10.11.2023 the project is upgraded to Angular 17! see Update Guide

  • ng update @angular/core@17 @angular/cli@17
  • ng update @angular/material & ng update @angular/cdk + any other commands listed when you run ng update
  • if modifying Angular Material theme/typography make sure to update those files like this
  • run ng serve to see if anything else breaks

Angular 16 code is staying on this branch and won't be updated anymore.

When adding main pages

See this commit as example of adding a main page to the platform.

About Angular 17

About Angular 16

  • Angular Blog
  • Medium blog
  • Standalone see angular.json file for schematics
  • Routes Input Binding withComponentInputBinding as part of the provideRouter in main.ts file
  • Translate Service (use npm install @ngx-translate/core --save and npm install @ngx-translate/http-loader --save commands to install, then add the TranslateModule.forRoot(translateModuleConfig) with the config const to importProvidersFrom in main.ts file). In every standalone component.ts you should import TranslateModule with imports: [TranslateModule]

Angular Material

  • Getting Started
  • Components
  • icons use <mat-icon fontIcon="iconName"></mat-icon>
  • To override material styling (because they make weird headings h1-6) create new scss file and make sure to link it in angular.json file under styles CHANGES FROM 16 to 17 see this commit!
  • Added Material Carousel see this folder for details (the code has been borrowed from another repository and tweaked to fit into Angular 16 project)

Public API

Choosen theme = Books Search with Cat Facts on home page:

Netlify build