Basic implementation of MIPS32 (word addressable), taking a subset of the larger instruction set (though having the functionality to extend).
This implementation has 32 registers, each of 32 bits (R0 being directly connected to ground)
It also has a special purpose 32 bit register-> Program Counter (PC). It points to the next instruction in memory to be fetched and executed.
LW Rd, #offset(Rs) // Rd = mem[#offset+Rs]
Sw Rd, -#offset(Rs) // mem[Rs-#offset] = Rd
ADD R1, R2, R3 // R1 = R2 + R3
SUB R1, R2, R3 //R1 = R2 - R3
AND R20, R1, R5 //R20 = R1 & R5
OR R11, R3, R2 //R11 = R2 | R3
MUL R1, R2, R3 //R1 = R2*R3
SLT R1, R2, R3 //Set if less than -> if(R2<R3) -> R1 = 1 , else R1 = 0
ADDI R1, R2, #offset // R1 = R2 + #offset
SUBI R1, R2, #offset // R1 = R2 - #offset
SLTI R1, R2, #offset // if(R2 < #offset) -> R1 = 1 , else R1 = 0
BEQZ R1, Label //Branch to Label if R1 = 0
BNEQZ R1, Label //Branch to Label if R1 = 1
J Label (Unconditional jump to label)
(Memory is word (32 bits) addressable
ADD R1, R2, R3 //R1 = R2 + R3
ADDI R1, R2, 200 //R1 = R2 + 200
LW R5, #offset(R1) // R5 = Mem[R1+#offset]
BEQZ R3, Label (16 bit offset is added to PC to get the target address)
J Label (16 bit offset is added to PC to get the target address)
We divide the instruction execution cycle into five steps:
Here the instruction pointed to by the PC is fetched from memory, and also the next value of PC is computed. For a branch instruction, new value of the PC may be the target address.So PC is not updated in this stage; new value is stored in a register NPC.
Gist: IR <- Mem[PC] (IR - Instruction Register)
NPC <- PC + 1
The instruction fetched in IR is decoded.
- 'opcode' is 6 bits ( 31:26)
- 'rs' (first source register - 25:21) and 'rt' (second source register - 20:16)
- 16 bit immediate data (15:0)
- 26 bit immedaite data (25:0)
Decoding is done in parallel with reading the register operands 'rs' and 'rt'. This is possible because these fields are in a fixed location in the instruction format. In a similar way, the immediate data are sign-extended.
Gist: A <- Reg[rs]
B <- Reg[rt]
Imm <- { 16{IR[15]}, IR[15:0] } //"Done in anticipation"
A, B, Imm are temporary registers
Here, the ALU is used to perform some calculation. The operation to be operated is already been decoded, and the ALU operates on the operands previously made ready ( A, B and Imm).
Gist: ALUOut <- A func B // for register-register ALU operations
ALUOut <- A func Imm //for register-immediate type ALU operations
ALUOut <- A + Imm // for load type LW R3, 100(R8)
ALUOut <- NPC + Imm //for branching inst. We add the offset regardless the result
cond <- (A==0) //If this is satisfied, then the PC would shift to the branched location
This step is used by load, store and branch instructions. The load and store instructions access the memory. The branch instruction updates PC depending upon the outcome of the branch condition.
Gist: PC <- NPC //Load instruction
LMD <- Mem[ALUOut] //LMD - Load Memory Data (temporary register)
Mem[ALUOut] <- B //B, which is the target, is a temporary register which contains data to be stored
if(cond) //Branch condition
PC <- ALUOut
PC <- NPC //for all other instructions
In this step, the result is written back into the register file.
--Result may come from ALU.
--Result may come from the memory system (via a LOAD instruction)
The position of the destination register in the instruction word depends on the instruction type (although it is already known after decoding)
R -type -> 'rd' [15:11]
I -type -> 'rt' [20:16]
Gist: Reg[rd] <- ALUOut //Register-Register ALU instruction
Reg[rt] <- ALUOut //Register-Immediate ALU instruction
Reg[rt] <- LMD //Load instruction
Some instructions require two register operands 'rs' and 'rt' as input, while some require only 'rs'. This is only known after the instruction is decoded. While decoding is going on, we can prefetch the registers in parallel (May or may not be required later). In short, assume by default that the instruction is "R-type"