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Sample PHP/NodeJS application


The slim microframework is used to handle the PHP part


NodeJS is installed to install/build assets. If you want the assets to be built on deployment time, you have to add the tools you're using to the dependencies of your app:

npm install bower --save
npm install gulp --save
git add package.json
git commit -m "Set bower and gulp as dependencies"

The different tasks are specified in the composer.json file of the PHP project

  "extra": {
    "paas": {
      "compile": [
        "node_modules/.bin/bower install",
        "node_modules/.bin/gulp bundle"


scalingo create my-app
scalingo --app my-app env-set DOCUMENT_ROOT=/
git push scalingo master

Usually the buildpack is chosen automatically, but as this application is using two distinct technologies, it has to be specified.

That's it your app is live.