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362 lines (247 loc) · 25.6 KB

File metadata and controls

362 lines (247 loc) · 25.6 KB


Please add a short line describing the PR you make, if the PR implements a specific feature or functionality, or refactor. Not needed if you add very small and unnoticable changes. Not needed when PR includes only tests for already existing feature.

2021-08-11 - 2021-08-25

  • Progress bar glitch fixed by creating console object in (#130)
  • Log messages about successful checksum verification (#131)
  • Removed reduntant message in dds ls (#132)
  • Pagination of tables if too long (#133)
  • Warning about non existent files when using --source-path-file option in dds put (#134)
  • --tree option for dds ls - display whole file tree (#136)

2021-08-25 - 2021-09-08

  • Custom exceptions and code cleanup (#143)

2021-09-08 - 2021-09-22

  • Install pytest in github action (#151)
  • method moved to base class (#152)
  • Module used in testing (#154)
  • Make error message readable (#155)
  • Changed CLI to match the new authentication in the API (#156)

2021-09-22 - 2021-10-06

  • Added detection of Windows legacy versions (#159)
  • Removed tests involving requests (#166)

2021-10-06 - 2021-10-20

  • Tests removed (#169)
  • Project creation functionality (#167)
  • --is-sensitive option added to project creation (#171)
  • Changes to match the web changes regarding user inheritance and roles: #627 (#172)
  • Errors during upload logged directly instead of waiting for clean up at the end (#173)
  • Changed from resolve to abspath (#175)
  • Option to display users involved in projects: dds ls --users (#174)
  • invite command (#158)

2021-10-20 - 2021-11-03

  • Refactoring of dds rm (#179)
  • Formatting of the project lists moved to the CLI (#184)
  • Removed the update of the project size after upload (#185)

2021-11-03 - 2021-11-17

  • Bug fix regarding usage values (#189)
  • Functionality to associate users with projects (#186)
  • Config option removed (#190)
  • expanduser added since os.path.abspath does not expand the ~ symbol (#191)
  • Save encrypted token after authentication and use for subsequent commands(#193)

2021-11-17 - 2021-12-01

  • Username not required since sessions used (#195)
  • Color in pytest (#197)
  • Filename displayed in bucket replaced by UUID (#196)
  • --no-prompt flag, Session->Auth, new auth subcommands: login, logout, info (#198)
  • Tests for adding users and listing projects/files (#199)
  • --json flag to dds ls to output list of project as json format (#201)

2021-12-01 - 2021-12-15

  • sphinx for automatic generation of documentation (#202)
  • status command (#204)
  • Removed all occurrences of os.umask (#206)
  • Changed logging level back to INFO and output progress bars to stderr (#207)
  • Changed download procedure from boto3 to requests to handle presigned urls (#203)

2021-12-15 - 2021-12-29: Christmas

  • Updated token expiration information (#209)
  • Group command user (#200)
  • project command and subcommands grant&revoke (#210)

2021-12-29 - 2022-01-12

  • Grouped commands into auth, user, project and data. Created common options and arguments. (#213)
  • Command for displaying user info (#214)

2022-01-12 - 2022-01-26

  • Timestamps converted to local timezone when displaying (#217)
  • Project ID always sent in request as param - consistency changes (#220)

2022-01-26 - 2022-02-09

  • File paths replaced by UUID to prevent sensitive information in Safespring storage (#225)
  • Commands to activate and deactivate users (#226)
  • Authentication with HOTP (#222)
  • Handling of ApiResponseError to avoid huge error printout (#228)

2022-02-09 - 2022-02-23

  • Add dds project access fix command for reseting user access when reset password (#236)
  • Save failed files to log and print out help message after (#237)
  • Change --is_sensitive to --non-sensitive (#246)
  • Display logged in user in header (#244)
  • Updated token expiration information (#245)

2022-02-23 - 2022-03-09

  • Introduced a --no-mail flag in the CLI respectively a send_email: True/False json parameter to fix issue 924 (#253)
  • Added documentation and test protocol (#252)
  • Temporary unit option when adding user (#261)
  • Added windows docs (by Matthias Zepper) (#276)
  • Removed pinned package versions and bumped rick-click, should work for Python 3.7 up to 3.10 (#288)
  • Remove local token when requesting deletion of own account (297/303)
  • Add Role when listing project users (#316)
  • Pin rich-click >=1.2.1 to solve exception handling errors (#327)
  • Add a --token-path argument to tell where the token should be saved and which token to be used. (#329)
  • Remove --username option (#331)
  • Add support for the zero-conf environment in dds_web (#337)
  • Increase request timeout to 30 (#344)
  • Make sure "already uploaded" does not give an error output (#341)
  • URL in the logo changing with DDS_CLI_ENV (#349)
  • Show message "Any users with errors were not added to the project" when emails failed to validate during project creation (#356)
  • Ask user confirmation for project abort, archive and delete(#357)
  • Replaced the default help messages of Click for the --version and --help options as requested in issue 338.
  • Explicit error message for --destination when the path exists (#371)
  • Escape variables that are printed in the cli (avoiding e.g. hidden text and bad coloring) (#364)

2022-03-09 - 2022-03-23

  • New dds user ls command for listing unit users (#384)
  • When using dds project access fix, list the projects which where not possible to update access in (#379)
  • Add Access column to show user if they have access or not (#383)
  • New --mount-dir option for dds data put where the DataDelivery... folders will be created if specified (#393)
  • File permission fixing for the token on Windows (#395)
  • New unit group command unit module (#398)
  • --unit option for Super Admins to list unit users (#397)
  • Removed dds project status abort and added --abort flag to dds project status archive (#404)
  • Delete temporary folder before DownloadError and UploadError (#407).
  • Allow delete of both folder and files (#411)
  • Report number of files deleted for "rm folder" (#408)
  • Change log to correct json (#426)
  • --is-invite option in dds user delete to allow delete of invites (temporary) (#415)
  • Github Action to automatically build the executables (with help from @zishanmirza) and the documentations with Sphinx.(#419,#423)
  • Github Action to automatically deploy the documentation to Github Pages. (#436)
  • Refactor version handling to allow PyInstaller builds. (#439)

2022-03-23 - 2022-04-06

  • Patch: Add a message when the project access would be fixed for a user. (#446)

2022-04-06 - 2022-04-20

2022-04-20 - 2022-05-04

  • Patch: Update help message about --principal-investigator option (#465)
  • Removed all CLI tests because needs redo (#469)
  • (Re)Added parsing of project specific errors for dds project access fix and dds user add -p (#491)

2022-05-04 - 2022-05-18

  • Enable use of app for second factor authentication instead of email. (#259)

2022-06-15 - 2022-06-29

  • Display message of the day at top before output (#498)
  • Change token check message for Windows to more user friendly (#500)
  • New command: List all users as Super Admin and find existing users (#504)
  • Add possibility of allowing group access to authenticated session (#502)

Summer 2022

  • Check for DDS_CLI_ENV = "test-instance" in order to allow testing of features before production (#506)
  • List all active motds instead of latest and new command for deactivating motds (#505)
  • New spinner when getting project private (#510)

2022-08-18 - 2022-09-02

  • Change in command: twofactor - activate and deactivate (#519)

2022-09-02 - 2022-09-16

  • Add storage usage information in the Units listing table for Super Admin (#523)
  • Set project as busy / not busy when starting / finishing a upload (#525)
  • Set project as busy / not busy when starting / finishing a download (#526)
  • Set project as busy / not busy when starting / finishing a deletion (#527)

2022-09-16 - 2022-09-30

  • New command: dds motd send [id] to send MOTds to users (#532)
  • Add project public_id to the temporary DDS directory to allow deliveries initiated at the same time (#533)
  • New command: dds maintenance [setting] to set maintenance mode (#535)
  • New command: dds project status busy [OPTIONS] to check for / list busy projects as Super Admin (#536)

2022-09-30 - 2022-10-14

  • Improved message displayed to user when data already uploaded (#541)
  • New message displayed when KeyboardInterrupt used during upload / download (#542)
  • Do not set projects as busy when uploading/downloading/deleting (#549)
  • Command for listing invites (#547)

2022-10-14 - 2022-10-28

  • Limit projects listing to active projects only; a --show-all flag can be used for listing all projects, active and inactive (#556)
  • Display name of creator when listing projects (#557)
  • New command: dds project info [OPTIONS] to display information about specific project (#561)
  • New option for dds data put: --destination - allow upload to existing or new directory (#559)

2022-10-28 - 2022-11-11

  • Bug: Catch Timeout exception for when requests are too slow (#563)
  • Check that dds data get is used with either --get-all or --source/--source-path-fail and display appropriate message (#564)

2022-11-25 - 2022-12-09

  • Bug: Switch from using os.path to pathlib in order to facilitate cross-OS uploads-/downloads- and listing operations (#573)

2022-12-09 - 2023-01-06: Longer sprint due to Christmas

  • Dependency: Bump jwcrypto due to CVE-2022-3102 (#557)
  • New command: dds project info change [OPTIONS] to change project information (#575)
  • Documentation: Structure changes and examples (#585)
  • Workflow: Python-setup action v1 bumped to v2 (#588)

2023-01-09 - 2023-01-20

  • Workflow: Scan with Trivy on PR and schedule (#591)
  • Workflow: Publish to TestPyPi on PR and release (#592)
  • Workflow: Scan with Snyk on PR and schedule (#593)
  • Documentation: Important testing instructions and instructions on how to install from TestPyPi (#597)

2023-01-20 - 2023-02-03

  • Documentation: Instructions on how to verify PyPI package integrity (#598)
  • Version: 2.2.6 (#601)

2023-02-03 - 2023-02-17

  • Workflow: Lint yaml files (#605)
  • Logging: Reduce debug level logging and remove logging from root (#606)
  • Add separate executables for Ubuntu latest (currently 22.04) and Ubuntu 20.04 (#604)
  • Bug: PyInstaller command not valid for Linux and macOS (#612)

2023-02-17 - 2023-03-03

Nothing merged in CLI during this sprint

2023-03-03 - 2023-03-17

  • Bug: Return error code 1 if error during upload (#615)
  • Clarification: Users should check that the error-file has been generated, and keep it in case we need it for debugging purposes (#616)
  • Bug: Catch UnicodeEncodeError during API request to avoid unclear error message upon usage of non-latin1 characters in username and password (#617)
  • Workflow: Restructure and clarify PR template (#618)
  • Workflow: Changelog changed to Sprintlog and CHANGELOG.rst created for version changes (#621)

2023-03-17 - 2023-03-31

  • New command: dds stats to get project and data statistics (#624)
  • Logging: Removed debug level logs (#625)

2023-03-31 - 2023-04-14

Nothing merged in CLI during this sprint

2023-04-14 - 2023-04-28

  • Documentation: How to set environment variables in Windows (#626)
  • Documentation: Password management recommendations (#627)

2023-04-28 - 2023-05-12

  • Workflow: Added Pylint to scan code (#630)

2023-05-12 - 2023-05-26

  • Url to testing instance updated after move to new cluster (#631)
  • Dependency: Bump cryptography due to CVE-2023-0286 and dependabot (#635)

2023-06-26 - 2023-08-04

  • Dependency: Bump cryptography to 41.0.3 due to security vulnerability alerts(s) (#639)

2023-08-07 - 2023-08-18

  • Dependency: Bump PyYAML to 6.0.1 due to docker issues (#642)

2023-08-21 - 2023-09-01

  • Print understandable message when request response doesn't contain json (#638)
  • New option in dds user ls: --save-emails for Super Admins to save emails to file (#641)
  • New version: 2.5.0 (#646)
  • New command dds maintenance status for Super Admins to check current Maintenance mode status (#644)
  • Workflow: Github Pages action fixed by bumping versions (#648)

2023-09-04 - 2023-09-15

  • Updated command: dds stats prints tables with stats collected from API (#643)
  • Dependency: Bump requests to 2.31.0 (#649)

2023-09-18 - 2023-09-29

  • GitHub Actions to generate the documentation fixed (#650)
  • Print project information and ask user for confirmation when deleting or archiving projects (#655)

2023-10-02 - 2023-10-13

Empty sprint

2023-10-16 - 2023-11-03 (Longer sprint due to OKR prep and höstlov)

  • Change "Checksum verification successful. File integrity verified." logging level from INFO to DEBUG in order to not print for all files (#662)
  • New command dds project status extend to allow extension of project deadline (#661)
  • New version: 2.5.2 (#660)
  • Catch ApiRequestError in update_db in order to get more error information (#663)
  • Make a single last request to update the database in the case of failed files during upload (#656

2023-11-06 - 2023-11-17

  • New version: 2.6.0 (#666)

2023-12-4 - 2023-12-15

  • Patch update crypthography package to address cve (#668)
  • New version: 2.6.1 (#669)

2023-12-15 - 2024-01-12

  • Minor update jwcrypto package to address cve (#674)

2024-02-12 - 2024-03-08

  • Criptography update to address cve (#676)
  • Use of a fix version of black and linted files to 24.1.1 (#675)

2024-02-12 - 2024-03-08

  • Update sphinx package to be able to make a new release (#680)
  • New version: 2.6.2 (#670)

2024-02-26 - 2024-03-08

  • New extra release, outside maintenance window, version 2.6.3 (#682)

2024-03-25 - 2024-04-5

  • Update jwcrypto package to address cve (#1523)

2024-04-8 - 2024-04-19

  • New version: 2.6.4 (#687)

2024-05-20 - 2024-05-31

  • Update requests to solve CVE (#690)
  • Update docs for Testing instance migration, including removing use of 'dev' (#691)
  • Fix GitHub Pages action, that broke due to update in the action's image (#695)
  • Fix Action that builds the executable files due to update in MacOs default architecture (#700

2024-06-17 - 2024-06-28

  • Update documentation to have correct executable name (#702)