An alternative to using the Dock to display a desktop background on Mac OS X.
This was built as a solution for those that do not wish to use the Dock process (as that is in charge of the desktop background image too), want a little more control over what content they can display/how it will be displayed.
It allows for a variety of different display options, from specifying how the image should be sized, position, how it should fill the screen (single or tiled), to different kinds of content other than images such as Quartz Compositions, to timed sequences (displaying some content for a period of time, then displaying the next).
Other than visual options, it also allows for the focus to be set to a particular app. e.g. If you disable the Dock and Finder and wish to use this as the final backdrop, but want the focus to be kept on something else higher up you can.
Use --help or -h to get a list of commands. Will add the commands here later.
Some examples: The order of commands can be thought of as as sequence of operations. Where the last set operation can then have additional options to define its usage.
setbg -i img1.png (Sets the background to img1.png)
setbg -i img1.png -isfixed (Sets the background to img1.png, without performing any resizing)
setbg -i img1.png -isset 16 16 -offbl -tiled (Sets the background to img1.png sized at 16*16, which tiles across the screen starting at the bottom left corner)
setbg -i img1.png -isset 16 16 -offbl (Sets the background to img1.png sized at 16*16, which originates at the bottom left corner)
setbg -i img1.png -t 2 -i img2.png -t 2 -i img3.png -t 2 -r (Sets the background to img1.png for 2 seconds, then to img2.png for 2 seconds, then to img3.png for 2 seconds, then back to img1.png for 2 seconds, etc.)
setbg -c comp1.qtz (Sets the background to the comp1 composition, defaulting to 30 frames per second)
When changing the resolution you may want to set the background again. If adding or removing screens you will want to kill setbg and restart it.
Specify background for specific screens.
Separate some of the functionality so some options can be used as toggles not resetting the current content pipeline.
Workout the Dock's default image positioning and sizing. So it can provide an exact copy of what would normally happen.
Side notes: While I kept it as a single file for simplicity reasons (completely self contained, and dead simple to compile), if more functionality needs to be added it may be turned into a properly organized project.