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1. General Overview

Chemistry.NET is a .NET library which is used for advanced chemical calculations and work based on core known Elements and Particles. The library will give user a set of models and tools to operate on.

1.1. Library structure

The whole library was structured out of layers:

Layer Name Description
1 Particles This is the base layer and it describes anything that relates to particles. As it is the lowest layer it should be independent from any other layer. (140+ particles preconfigured)
2 Elements This layer lays on top of the Particles layer. It describes everything about core, known elements with their properties and functionality. (118 elements preconfigured)
2 Isotopes Contains information about known isotopes and their properties. (6500+ isotopes preconfigured)
3 Compounds This is a higher-level layer which let's user build advanced compounds from known elements and isotopes. (2400+ compounds preconfigured)
3 Ions Describes ionization functionality for each of the elements. (540+ ions preconfigured)
4 Molecules Contains information which can be used to indicate Molecule-related properties for a Chemical Compound.
X Lipids TBA
X Steroids TBA
X Polymers TBA
X Amino Acids TBA
X Sugars TBA
X Proteins TBA

1.2. Core Models

Core models around which the whole library is build:

Model Name Models Collection Description
Element Common Elements Represent a single Element known from Periodic Table (i.e. Oxygen, Hydrogen, etc.)
Element Shells and Subshells ElectronShells Represents electron shells around the center of an Element (i.e. 1s1, 1s2, etc.)
Element Type Element Types Represents a type of an Element (i.e. Basic Metal, Alkaline Metal, Halogen, etc.)
Physical State Physical States Represents a physical state of an Element (i.e. Solid, Liquid, etc.)
Particle Common Particles Represents a particle / antiparticle from which the Elements are build of (i.e. Quarks / AntiQuarks, Neutrino / AntiNeutrino, etc.)
Element Structure Element Structures Represents a structure of an Elements (i.e. number of protons / electrons / neutrons, etc.)
Periodic Table Element Periodic Table Represents a classical Element inside the Periodic Table with it's position in the table
Isotope Isotopes Represents an Isotope of a certain Element (6500+ isotopes)

2. Chemical Compounds

Chemical Compounds are a set of higher-level classes based on Core Models.

2.2. Higher-Level Models

A set of models which can be used to perform more advanced higher-level calculations:

Model Name Description
Chemical Compound Represent a single Chemical Compound (i.e. H2O, CH4, etc.)
Common Compounds Contains a useful collection of common Chemical Compounds (2400+ compounds)

2.3. Chemical Compound Parsers

In general, they are used for parsing to / from string representtion into Chemical Compound

Name Working ways Description
Condensed Read / Write Used for parsing condensed representation of chemical formulas (i.e. H2O, CH4, CH(OH)3, etc.)
(W.I.P.) Lewis Read Used for parsing Lewis representation of chemical formulas (i.e. H-H, H-O-H, etc.)

More will be added in the future...

3. Projects

Project Name Description
Chemistry.NET Core library with all the models and functionality
Chemistry.NET.Tests Tests for core library
Chemistry.NET.Tools.Common Common library for all tools
Tools A collection of tools used to make life easier
Chemistry.NET.Tools.CHeaderGenerator Worth to mension tool which generates C single-header file with data from C# library. You can check it's raw version here.

4. Installation

You can install it via NuGet package:

dotnet add package Chemistry.NET

Or check it directly on NuGet Gallery

5. License

Click Me

6. How to start

6.1. Use all registered Elements

using Chemistry.NET.Common;

// ...

// Perform some work for each registered Element
// Container contains information about all currently supported types:
// i.e. Particles, Elements, Common Compounds, etc.
foreach (var element in Container.Elements)
  // Do some work

6.2. If the element is Hydrogen do some work

using Chemistry.NET.Elements.Models;

// ...

IEnumerable<Element> myElements;
// Initialize myElements

foreach (var element in myElements)
  if (element == CommonElements.Hydrogen)
    // Do some work

6.3. Parse Hydrogen electron shells

using Chemistry.NET.Elements.Models;
using Chemistry.NET.Elements.Parsers.ElectronConfigurations;

ElectronConfiguration electronConfiguration = CommonElements.Hydrogen.ElectronConfiguration;
IEnumerable<ElectronShellData> shellsData = ElectronConfigurationParser.Parse(electronConfiguration);

// Do some logic with parsed shells data

6.4. Parse new Chemical Compound

using Chemistry.NET.Compounds.Models;
using Chemistry.NET.Compounds.Parsers.ChemicalCompounds;

// Way #1 use the parser directly
ChemicalCompound compound1 = new CondensedChemicalCompoundParser().Read("H2O");

// Way #2 use the Chemical Compound initializing method
// In this example we can set the chemical name of the compound (second parameter)
ChemicalCompound compound2 = ChemicalCompound.New("H2O", "Water");