Swift protocols for VIPER from Siberia with love!
Try also VIPERTemplates and SiberianSwift !
Swift >4.0, iOS version >= 9.0
SiberianVIPER is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "SiberianVIPER"
To install SiberianVIPER you can also use Carthage. Just add the following to your Cartfile:
github "SergeyPetrachkov/SiberianVIPER"
Preferred way: Swift package manager. Just use your Xcode to add this as a swift package.
You can find an example usecase of SiberianVIPER. See kindly attached Example project. Modules have been generated by VIPERTemplates (see the link above). VIPERTemplates also go with a couple of snippets for fast cell-cellModel pairs creation.
Sergey Petrachkov, petrachkovsergey@gmail.com
- Create a fork.
- Checkout develop.
- Use gitflow to create a feature branch.
- Implement your thing.
- Clean code if needed.
- Submit pull request.