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Gabi edited this page Jun 23, 2020 · 35 revisions

Welcome to the bootstrapcomponents wiki!

Bootstrap components are a complete set of UI components based on the bootstrap CSS. While the Servoy default components can be used in all of Servoy's deployment flavors (Smart, Web and NG Client), bootstrap components are NG Client only components. They are optimized to be used in a browser only environment and can be used in responsive layouts.

Many styling related legacy properties (e.g. background, borderType, fontType) have been removed as they can be more easily applied using CSS. On the other hand, many bootstrap components offer capabilities that only work in a browser environment. For NG Client only development, bootstrap component should be preferred over Servoy default components.

The suite of components currently features

Collapsible content panels

You guessed it


Date entry component with a user friendly date picker


Date picker component

Inline Calendar

Simple checkbox component


Choice group for either/or or multiple selections of predefined values

Choice Group

Value list driven drop down

A label that can show dynamic text and possibly an image.

Data Label

Simple label showing a text


Value list driven drop down using the html 'select' tag, useful for mobile apps to keep the native look and feel

Native Select

Value list driven drop down using the html 'datalist' tag, useful for mobile apps to keep the native look and feel

Shows another form inside a panel on a form

Show several forms inside a panel on a form

Tab panel

A multi-line text field

Text area

A text field

Text box

A text field with a valuelist, filtering out values matching user input

Type ahead