Method LCL_GOS=>GET_INSTANCE(Singleton) return self-example with already created instance of class CL_GOS_MANAGER. This standard class used to work with GOS functionality, and also adding button
to your screen.
Method LCL_GOS->COPY_GOS_LINK can use for copy already created data to new object.
For example you need to add this functionality to transaction FR58. In standard t-code this button doesn't available, because we don't have yet document number. In this example document number using like a object key.
This example which we mentioned above.
Added in PBO in end of form 'va_funds_init_1_pbo'
IF go_myobject IS INITIAL AND g_con_info-belnr IS INITIAL.
ls_object-objkey = g_con_info-belnr.
ls_object-objtype = 'FMBU'.
ls_service-SIGN = 'E'.
ls_service-option = 'EQ'.
ls_service-low = 'WF_START'.
APPEND ls_service TO lt_services.
ls_service-low = 'BARCODE'.
APPEND ls_service TO lt_services.
is_object = ls_object
iv_mode = lip_mode
iv_no_commit = abap_true
it_service_selection = lt_services
ev_instance = go_gos_additional
Internal table lt_services use for exclude some services. See all available services in table 'SGOSATTR'.
Set parameter 'iv_no_commit' to X doesn't create raw in DB. It's usfull for our example.
Added after post data in begining of form 'control_terminate_main'
IF go_gos_additional IS NOT INITIAL AND g_con_info-bpdk_belnr IS NOT INITIAL.
go_gos_additional->copy_gos_link( EXPORTING iv_objkey = g_con_info-bpdk_belnr ).