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STL header-only string class/lib which is orientated to Java and C# string classes


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STL header-only and generic string class/lib which is inspired by Java and C# string classes


  • simplify std::string usage
  • STL only
  • header only
  • fully compatiblity to std::string
  • generic methods to avoid many method overloadings
  • inheritable
  • iterateable
  • immutable


  • nothing known


#include "String.h"
using String = str::String; // for convincence

int main() {
    String s = "Hello|World"; // can be used like std::string
    std::string std_str = s; 
    // vec includes vec[0] = "Hello", vec[1] = "World";
    std::vector<std::string> vec = s.split("|");
    s = s.toUpper(); // "HELLO|WORLD"
    s = s.addHead("  !").addTail("?  ");
    s = s.trim(); // "!HELLO|WORLD?"
    s.count("l"); // --> 3;
    std::vector<int> pos = s.find("l"); // 3, 4, 10
    s.findFirst("l"); // 3
    s = s.erase("ll"); // "!HEO|WORLD?"
    s = s.replaceFirst("!", "?") // "?HEO|WORLD?"
    s.isEmptyOrWhiteSpace(); // false
    s.swap(std_str); // s == "Hello|World"
    return 0;



Many operators and methods of String are templates. Each argument of const T<> can be used with the types char, const char*, std::string or String.

Private Members

Name Type
m_str std::string


Name Description
String() Initialize String with empty m_str
String(const char*) Loads const char* into m_str
String(std::string) Loads std::string into m_str
String(char) Loads char into m_str
String(int) Casts and loads int into m_str
String(long) Casts and loads long into m_str
String(float) Casts and loads float into m_str
String(double) Casts and loads double into m_str
String(bool) Initialize String with m_str equal "true" or "false"


~String() Desturcts String object


Operator Return Value Description
std::string() const std::string Writes m_str into std::string
= void Saves const char*, std::string or String into internal std::string
== bool Check if internal std::string is equal with const char*, std::string or String
!= bool Check if internal std::string is not equal with const char*, std::string or String
+= String& Concatenates const char*, std::string or String with internal std::string
+ String Concatenates String with const char*, std::string or String
* String Multiplies String n-times
*= String& Multiplies String n-times
/ std::vector Divides String in n pieces and saves them in vector container
[] char& Get char at the nth position
<< std::ostream& Prints a String to stdout in std::cout
>> std::istream& Writes into String from stdin with help of std::cin


Notice: all iterators are renamed iterators from std::string

Iterator Return Value
begin() iterator
end() iterator
cbegin() const_iterator
cend() const_iterator
rbegin() reverse_iterator
rend() reverse_iterator
crbegin() const_reverse_iterator
crend() const_reverse_iterator



Name Return Value Description
getStdStr(char) std::string Returns std::string from argument
getStdStr(const char*) std::string Returns std::string from argument
getStdStr(std::string) std::string Returns std::string from argument
getStdStr(String) std::string Returns std::string from argument


Name Return Value Description
addHead(const T<>) String Add substring on head of String
addTail(const T<>) String Add substring on tail of String
charAt(const int) char Get character at specific position
compare(const T<>) bool Compares String with String or std::string
concat(const T<>) String Concats String with const char*, std::string or String
contains(const T<>) bool Checks if String contains a specific substring
copyTo(String ) void Saves reference of internal std::string to other internal std::string of String
copyTo(std::string&) void Saves reference of internal std::string to other std::string
count(const T<>) int Returns number of occurences of const char*, std::string or String argument in String
endsWith(const T<>) bool Checks if a String ends with a specific substring
equals(const T<>) bool Alias to compare(const T<>)
erase(const T<>) String Erases all occurences of substring
eraseFirst(const T<>) String Erases first occurence of substring
eraseHead(int) String Erases head of String
eraseLast(const T<>) String Erases last occurence of substring
eraseTail(int) String Erases tail of String
fillHead(const int, const char) String Fill head of String with number of characters
fillTail(const int, const char) String Fill tail of String with number of characters
find(const T<>) std::vector Search all occurences of substring and saves position of them in vector container
findAll(const T<>) std::vector Alias of find(const T<>)
findFirst(const T<>) int Returns position of first occurence of substring
findLast(const T<>) int Returns position of last occurence of substring
format(const T<>1, const T<>2) String Replaces {%} with given arguments
indexOf(const T<>) int Alias of findFirst(const T<>)
isEmpty() bool Checks if String is empty string ""
isEmptyOrWhiteSpace() bool Checks if String is empty string or string with WhiteSpaces only
lastIndexOf(const T<>) int Alias of findLast(const T<>)
length() int Get length of String
padLeft(const int, const char) String Alias for fillHead(const int, const char)
padRight(const int, const char) String Alias for fillTail(const int, const char)
print() void Prints String to stdout
print(const T<>, const T<> = "") void Prints const char*, std::string or String to stdout
print(const T<> = "", const T<>, const T<>...) void Prints n const char*, std::string or String to stdout with specific separator
replace(const T<>) String Replaces all occurences of substring
replaceFirst(const T<>) String Replaces first occurence of substring
replaceHead(int, const T<>) String Replaces head of String with new substring
replaceLast(const T<>) String Replaces last occurence of substring
replaceTail(int, const T<>) String Replaces tail of String with new substring
reverse() String Reverse String
size() int Alias of length()
split(const T<>) std::vector Splits string with help of delimiter (char or string) into substrings and saves them in a container
startsWith(const T<>) bool Checks if a String starts with a specific substring
swap(std::string&) void Swaps String and std::string
swap(String &s) void Swaps String and String
toBool() bool Casts String to bool (if "0", "false", "" then "false" else "true")
toCharArr() std::vector Returns container with characters
toCStr() const char* Returns const char* from String
toStdStr() String Returns internal std::string of String
toDouble() double Returns double if String is numeric
toFloat() float Returns float if String is numeric
toInt() int Returns Integer if String is numeric
toLong() long Returns Long if String is numeric
toLower() String Formats String to lower case
toUpper() String Formats String to upper case
trim() String Trims WhiteSpaces on
trimHead() String Trims WhiteSpaces at head of String
trimTail() String Trims WhiteSpaces at tail of String


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