Ruby on Rails site used to manage a collection of records.
- Ruby version: 2.3.7
- Rails version: 5.2.3
- User auth: Devise
- Styles: MDL
- Form help:
- Clone the repo and cd to wherever you saved it
- Install Homebrew:
- Install Mysql5.6:
brew install mysql@5.6 && brew services start mysql@5.6
- Install Rbenv:
- Install Ruby:
rbenv install
- Install Bundler:
gem install bundler
- Install other dependencies:
bundle install
- Create local database:
rake db:create
- Migrate local database:
rake db:migrate
- Run the project:
rails s
or choose a port:rails s -p 4000
- Add more info the the user model (first name, last name, etc.) with a settings page to manage that info.
- Add a search to the record index page in order to search for a specific record in the list.
- Add an "Band" model to associate albums to their bands. Artist would have attribtues like name, description, hometown? start/end dates? Bands would "have many" albums, and an album would "belong to" a band.
- Add an "Artist" model to associate artists to their bands. Bands would "have many" artists.
- Add a "Track" model to add songs to albums. Albums would "have many" tracks, and a track would "belong to" an album.
- Expand the record index page to add band or artist to the search.
- Add the ability to upload an image (album cover) and store it on the album model.
List of common commands:
- Start on develop branch, if not on it: "git checkout develop"
- Make and checkout a new branch: "git checkout -b BRANCH_NAME"
- Make code changes
- Add changes to your branch: "git add FILENAME" or "git add -p"
- Commit your changes: "git commit -m 'YOUR MESSAGE HERE'"
- Push your branch to github: "git push origin BRANCH_NAME"
- Open a pull request on github from your branch into the develop branch