- Languages: Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python
- Cloud Services: AWS,Azure,Google
- Frameworks: Node.js, React, Flutter, Spring, FastAPI, NextJs
- Databases: MongoDB, MySQL, Firebase, PostgreSQL
- Tools: Jira, Git, GitHub, Azure, VS Code, Intellij
- Design: Figma
- PeoTV App: Improving user experience for SLT PeoTV smart TV boxes.
React Native, Android SDK
- IESL ROBO Games 2023: Official website for IESL ROBO Games 2023 event.
React, Node.js, TypeScript
- MORA UXplore: Official website for MORA UXplore 2023 event.
MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js, NginX
- Mercon 2023: Website for MERCON 2023 Research Conference.
Html, Scss, JavaScript
- EXMO Mobile App: App for EXMO 2023 Re-energize Sri Lanka program.
Firebase, React Native
- Frontend Lead with a passion for web and mobile development.
- Interested in AI, Machine Learning, Data Analysis, and more.
- Always looking to collaborate on web and Android projects, as well as Data Science initiatives.
For collaboration or if you're interested in my work, feel free to reach out!