This application created for local requirements.
Application development not completed!
- Documentation
- JavaDoc Documentation
- Code Cleaning
- React Listing Frontend
- Gui Application Get Server Ip with Parameter
- Multilang (turkish only now)
- Heroku Implementation
- Postman Collections
- Oshi, JNA based native connection library (used WMI on Windows)
- SpringBoot Rest Api
- Database properties stored only JSON format
- Gui Application based on JavaFX
- Maven hierarchical project structure
- Pojo based classes
- H2 Database
- Spring Profiling
curl -X POST \
http://localhost:8000/sendHardwareInfo \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"doorNo": "a101",
"os": "Microsoft Windows 10 (Home) build 17134",
"memoryTotal": 8503046144,
"memoryFree": 2065846272,
"baseboard": "HP/",
"vendor": "HP/HP Notebook",
"serialNumber": "xxxx",
"baseboardSerialNumber": "xxxxx",
"cpu": {
"model": "Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz",
"physicalCore": 2,
"logicalCore": 4,
"uptime": "4 days, 00:44:46",
"bitness": 64
"gpus": [],
"displays": [
" Manuf. ID=CMN, Product ID=14b6, Digital, Serial=00000000, ManufDate=12/2015, EDID v1.4\r\n 31 x 17 cm (12,2 x 6,7 in)\n Preferred Timing: Clock 152MHz, Active Pixels 1920x1080 \n Preferred Timing: Clock 101MHz, Active Pixels 1920x1080 \n Manufacturer Data: 000000000000000000000000000000000000\n Manufacturer Data: 00000002000C3DFF0D3C7D1312267D000000"
"soundCards": [
"SoundCard@417ebcef [kernelVersion=Intel(R) Corporation Intel(R) Ekran İçin Ses IntcDAud.sys, name=Intel(R) Corporation Intel(R) Ekran İçin Ses, codec=Intel(R) Ekran İçin Ses]",
"SoundCard@c0500f4 [kernelVersion=Realtek Semiconductor Corp. Realtek High Definition Audio RTKVHD64.sys, name=Realtek Semiconductor Corp. Realtek High Definition Audio, codec=Realtek High Definition Audio]"
"usbDevices": [
" Intel(R) USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller - 1.0 (Microsoft) (Genel USB xHCI Ana Bilgisayar Denetleyicisi)\n |-- USB Kök Hub (USB 3.0) ((Standart USB HUB'\''ları))\n |-- Realtek Bluetooth 4.0 Adapter (Realtek Semiconductor Corp.)\n |-- USB Bileşik Aygıt ((Standart USB Ana Bilgisayar Denetleyicisi))\n |-- HP TrueVision HD (Microsoft)\n |-- USB Bileşik Aygıt ((Standart USB Ana Bilgisayar Denetleyicisi))\n |-- USB Giriş Aygıtı ((Standart sistem aygıtları))\n |-- HID Klavye Aygıtı ((Standart klavyeler))\n |-- USB Giriş Aygıtı ((Standart sistem aygıtları))\n |-- HID uyumlu fare (Microsoft)\n |-- USB Giriş Aygıtı ((Standart sistem aygıtları))\n |-- HID Klavye Aygıtı ((Standart klavyeler))\n |-- HID uyumlu satıcı tarafından tanımlanan cihaz ((Standart sistem aygıtları))\n |-- HID uyumlu sistem denetleyicisi ((Standart sistem aygıtları))\n |-- HID uyumlu tüketici denetimi aygıtı (Microsoft)"
"networks": [
"name": " Name: wlan0 (Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter #6)\r\n",
"macAdress": "94:53:30:b3:18:63",
"ipAdress": "[]",
"txPacket": "?",
"rxPacket": "?"
"name": " Name: wlan1 (Realtek RTL8723BE 802.11 bgn Wi-Fi Adapter)\r\n",
"macAdress": "94:53:30:b3:18:63",
"ipAdress": "[]",
"txPacket": "527,7 KiB",
"rxPacket": "4,1 MiB"
"name": " Name: eth4 (VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter)\r\n",
"macAdress": "0a:00:27:00:00:0d",
"ipAdress": "[]",
"txPacket": "?",
"rxPacket": "?"
"name": " Name: wlan2 (Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter #5)\r\n",
"macAdress": "96:53:30:b3:18:63",
"ipAdress": "[]",
"txPacket": "?",
"rxPacket": "?"
"name": " Name: eth5 (Realtek PCIe FE Family Controller)\r\n",
"macAdress": "98:e7:f4:f3:b0:17",
"ipAdress": "[]",
"txPacket": "28,1 MiB",
"rxPacket": "520,7 MiB"
"dns": "[]",
"gateway": "",
"hostname": "pc",
"domainName": "pc"
"disks": [
"name": "\\\\.\\PHYSICALDRIVE0",
"model": "SAMSUNG MZNTY256HDHP-000H1 (Standart disk sürücüleri)",
"serial": "xxxx",
"size": 256052966400
The PC Crawler is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.