This is the admin part of the question-queue project.
It lets admins edit questions that will then be used by the question queue.
Future: Show reports on answers selected by users, export questions to different formats..
You'll need npm
or yarn
We are using a graphcool back-end for this project.
Install graphcool:
npm install -g graphcool
You'll have to create a graphcool account and authentify.
graphcool auth
Start a new graphcool project using the example schema:
graphcool init --schema schema.graphql
In the future, you can change your GraphQL schema by editing the generated configuration file project.graphcool
and running graphcool push
In order to use the app, you need to create an admin user. I do that by running a query in the graphcool playground. Launch the playground:
graphcool playground
Run this query - don't forget to replace the informations:
mutation {
role: "ADMIN",
authProvider: {
email: {
) {
user should have been created. Use these credentials to log into the app later.
Read Graphcool really cool documentation here.
In the src
folder, create a config.js
file with this data:
export const GRAPHCOOL_SERVER_URI = '__simple_api_endpoint__'
Now, get the endpoint url from graphcool by running:
graphcool endpoints
You want to copy the Simple API endpoint into you config.js
That's it, You should be able to run the app.
yarn start
This should open a browser with the app running on localhost:3000
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App which bring plenty of cool development features.
Build the app for prod using yarn build
I have a pre-commit hook to copy my graphcool schema into the example if there are changes to it. If you want to contribute changes to the schema and would like the same functionality, here is what I did:
touch .git/hooks/pre-commit
chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit
In the pre-commit file, copy paste this:
sed '1,10 s/\(^# \([a-z_]*\):\).*$/\1 example_\2_id/' project.graphcool > /tmp/project.graphcool.example
if ! cmp /tmp/project.graphcool.example project.graphcool.example >/dev/null 2>&1
# copy modified file to example file
echo 'regenerating project.graphcool.example'
mv /tmp/project.graphcool.example project.graphcool.example
git add project.graphcool.example