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University of Sheffield Machine Learning Tracking

Using Data Driven Artificial Intelligence to Analyse Pollinator Behaviour

Sheffield Machine Learning Tracking

Mike's website:


Please read the contribution guide.

Also see the BBSRC Project: Pesticide Induced Changes to Pollinator Behaviour board on GitHub Projects.

File Structures

The images from bee_track are stored in this file structure:

<session>/<set>/<device id>/<camera id>/<timestamp>_<photo id>.np

  • the 'session' is what calibration will work on -- it will assume all the photos from within the same session have the same alignment. If a camera gets moved, a new session folder will be needed.
  • the 'set' is for the convenience of the research -- it could be e.g. "learningflight12" or "tomato23". A special set called 'cal' is for the use of the calibration tool, and contains photos of the calibration QR code for 3d camera registration.
  • the 'device id' is a unique label for each of the "boxes".
  • the 'camera id' is the id of the camera inside the box (there are sometimes two or more internal cameras).
  • the 'timestamp' is a YYYMMDD_HHMMSS.UUUUUU string of when the photo was taken in the UTC time zone
  • the 'photo_id' is an incrementing label (000000,000001,000002,...)

Typical 3d Flight Path Inference Pipeline

  1. Copy all the separate camera systems to a single location (this should result in the file structure above). For this example we'll assume they are:
          session_20240510_092314  <-- session names could default to the datetime
              learningflight1 <-- the set
                  box1 <-- the id of the camera box
                      AF54234ASF <-- the id of one of the internal cameras
                            :               :       :
                      HRF354234D <-- the id of another of the internal cameras
                            :               :       :
                  box2 <-- the id of the camera box
                      ZZ2342341S <-- the id of one of the internal cameras
                            :               :       :
                      AA9345ASSD <-- the id of another of the internal cameras
                 <--- @Joe I assume the photoid is unique to the trigger (but the photos taken by all the internal cameras at that same moment will have the same id). Do we mind that the only distinction between the files in this folder and the other are their location (the filename doesn't contain enough info).
                            :               :       :
              cal <-- the set (this is a specially named set, that means it contains calibration photos -- with the QR code in).
                  box1 <-- the id of the camera box
                      AF54234ASF <-- the id of one of the internal cameras
                            :               :       :
                      HRF354234D <-- the id of another of the internal cameras
                            :               :       :
                  box2 <-- the id of the camera box
                      ZZ2342341S <-- the id of one of the internal cameras
                            :               :       :
                      AA9345ASSD <-- the id of another of the internal cameras
                            :               :       :                        
  1. Use the automated tag detection to find the tags in the photos (this can take a while for lots of photos, so you might want to run it on a subset). e.g. btretrodetect ~/beephotos/20240510 --from 10:30 --to 14:30 @Joe/Chris - it might make sense that this command line tool can be given any step in the directory structure: btretrodetect ~/beephotos/20240510/session_20240510_092314/learningflight1 or could it even take wildcards? btretrodetect ~/beephotos/20240510/session_20240510_092314/*/box1 This will update or create a .json file next to each .np image file (same name but for the .json).

  2. A human needs to manually click on the tags to confirm them: btviewer ~/beephotos/20240510/session_20240510_092314/learningflight1 This will either update or create a .json file next to each .np image file.

  3. Alignment of the cameras will be needed: btalignment ~/beephotos/20240510/session_20240510_092314 will run the alignment on just this session (it will look for a 'cal', the calibrate folder). The results will be put into a .json file in the session_20240510_092314 root folder. The commandline tool will also report diagnoistics. One could call btviewer ~/beephotos/20240510/session_20240510_092314/cal to view the results of the alignment (check that it has been done correctly).

  4. Once the bees have been manually labelled, and the calibration has been done, we can recompute the 3d flight path. btinference ~/beephotos/20240510/session_20240510_092314/learningflight1 --from 09:23:14 --to 09:23:17 this will create a json file: infer.json if there is a time range then this will be included in the filename: infer_092314_092317.json One option (on by default) is to include in the json the x/y coordinates projected onto each camera.

  5. Finally, you might want to see the results using btviewer: btviewer ~/beephotos/20240510/session_20240510_092314/learningflight1 this will look for an infer.json or infer__.json and pull out the projected coordinates from that for the camera.

Contents of json metadata files

Each image may have an associated set of points (generated from btretrodetect, btalignment, the btviewer or btinference). Each tool adds a directory to the folder containing the images, for example, in ~/beephotos/2024-05-10/session2/learningflight1/box3/ABC1232141/retrodectect' Then inside this folder, are json files, up to one for each image in the images-folder. Each one is the name of the image but with .np replaced with .json For example: 20240613_10+29+45.869012_0014.json`.

So the viewer needs to check what directories exist, and then look for all the json files with the same name.

Not sure if this example is currently correct.

Popular repositories Loading

  1. retrodetect_replaced retrodetect_replaced Public

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  2. bee_track bee_track Public

    Forked from lionfish0/bee_track

    Bumblebee Tracking System to run on Raspberry Pi

    Jupyter Notebook

  3. BBSRC_ohio BBSRC_ohio Public

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  4. beelabel beelabel Public archive

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    Bee retroreflector image labelling tools


  5. infield-learning-flight infield-learning-flight Public

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  • btcontrol Public

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    Python 0 GPL-3.0 0 8 0 Updated Feb 13, 2025
  • bee_track Public Forked from lionfish0/bee_track

    Bumblebee Tracking System to run on Raspberry Pi

    SheffieldMLtracking/bee_track’s past year of commit activity
    Jupyter Notebook 0 GPL-3.0 2 12 2 Updated Jan 30, 2025
  • BLETrack Public

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    SheffieldMLtracking/BLETrack’s past year of commit activity
    Jupyter Notebook 0 GPL-3.0 0 3 0 Updated Jan 27, 2025
  • btretrodetect Public Forked from lionfish0/btretrodetect

    Detect retroreflectors in images

    SheffieldMLtracking/btretrodetect’s past year of commit activity
    Jupyter Notebook 0 3 0 0 Updated Dec 19, 2024
  • btqviewer Public

    An alternative viewer for the bee tracking project

    SheffieldMLtracking/btqviewer’s past year of commit activity
    JavaScript 0 GPL-3.0 0 2 0 Updated Dec 18, 2024
  • data-pipeline Public

    Bee tracker automatic data pipeline scripts

    SheffieldMLtracking/data-pipeline’s past year of commit activity
    Shell 0 GPL-3.0 0 8 1 Updated Nov 28, 2024
  • bluetooth_experiments Public

    This is a placeholder repository for the bluetooth experiments; to allow us to assign tasks.

    SheffieldMLtracking/bluetooth_experiments’s past year of commit activity
    Jupyter Notebook 0 GPL-3.0 0 9 0 Updated Oct 1, 2024
  • btviewer Public

    This repository contains the code for a user interface for viewing bee tracking photos and human labelling of these tracking images.

    SheffieldMLtracking/btviewer’s past year of commit activity
    JavaScript 0 GPL-3.0 1 6 1 Updated Sep 17, 2024
  • btcolour Public

    Classifying the colour of tags given a set of labels

    SheffieldMLtracking/btcolour’s past year of commit activity
    Jupyter Notebook 0 0 1 0 Updated Aug 26, 2024
  • ssh-service Public

    A systemd service to maintain an SSH tunnel

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