🌱 I'm a graduate student, studying in Hubei University of Automotive Technology (HUAT).
💬 My research direction is computer vision and object detection.
NLP : Large Language Model, Prompt Engineering and more things about NLP.
Language : Python, Pytorch and Markdown.
As a memeber:
- [CodeCamp2023-488] Add new configuration files for SoftTeacher algorithm in mmdetection. (open-mmlab/mmdetection#10856)
- [MMSIG] MMDet 新 config 体验与适配(open-mmlab/mmdetection#11113)
- [MMSIG] Add the ovdet algorithm to the mmdet projects(open-mmlab/mmdetection#11217)
- [InternLM-tutorial] (InternLM/Tutorial#253)
As a manager :
- [ITCWM] (https://github.com/Shengshenlan/ITCWM-exe))