Hi, I'm Md. Shohanur Islam Sobuj!
Hi, I'm Md. Shohanur Islam Sobuj, and I am currently employed as a Machine Learning Engineer at Business Automation Ltd. 🔧. My passion for ML lies in dreaming up ideas and making them come true with elegant interfaces. I take great care of the experience, architecture, and code quality of the things I build. I am also an open-source enthusiast and maintainer . I learned a lot from the open-source community, and I love how open-source facilitates collaboration and knowledge sharing. I'm always open to new ideas and opportunities
Talking about Personal Stuffs:
- 🔭 I’m currently working on NLP & Deep learning projects.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning more about NLP, Deep Learning, Machine Learning.
- ⚙️ I use daily:
- I enjoy working on
- 📢 Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- 📊 Machine Learning & Data Science
- 🖼 Large Language Modeling (LLM)
- 🛠 Deep Learning
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on any Data Science project which seems interesting or useful.
- ⚡ Available for Freelance projects.
- 💬 Open to questions about Machine Learning and projects I've worked on.
- 📫 How to reach me: LinkedIn - Md. Shohanur Islam Sobuj or
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him.
- 📝 Résumé
🔨 Languages and Tools: